Hey Sup Forums. Long story short I want to fuck this dude's life up, but have instead decided to just fuck with his car out of the goodness of my heart. So, what're the best ways to fuck up a car but in a very inconspicuous way? No keying, slashing tires, etc. Preferably something simple because I know nothing of automobiles. Make it evil. Make this dirty. Pic of the victim.
Hey Sup Forums. Long story short I want to fuck this dude's life up...
Why u wanna do ddis? Dont just he fucked around blah blah give us a back story
Sell it :)
Put a gallon of water in the gas tank.
You're welcome.
You want to really fuck his shit? Put some sugar water or just straight sugar in the gas tank.
You could fuck him in the ass that'd show him haha
Go to Asian market. Get bottle of durian extract and some fish sauce. Pour it down his air intakes by the windshield.
Honestly figured nobody would want to hear it, but here you go as req'd.
Basically he met this girl 4 months ago, dropped all of his best friends he's known for 10 years (that'd be me and many others), and has decided he's going to move in with her. He kicked out his roommate, threw all of his shit on the curb randomly one day, then left. His move in date to the new place is tomorrow.
Extra bs back story: His parents are extremely wealthy people, very upper crust, drive the best of the best cars, and they pay for literally everything that he does (he also works for them). He's 20. He also attempted to give my dog away without my knowledge and I was able to get her back. Nobody fucks with Penelope...
hide like shrimp or some shit deep in the car hidden somewhere and just leave it
just a few to get you started
take his wiper blades off
disconnect fuel line under his car
tie cable ties around his drive shaft so it clicks when he drives everywhere
shit in a bag then take it to his car, squish it all under the door handles