What does Sup Forums think about Juggalos?

What does Sup Forums think about Juggalos?


I think juggalos is a pretty cool guy. eh makes clowns insane and doesn't afraid of any posse

Juggalos should run for president. Seems like a decent guy.

Pretty solid guise

Juggalos>Acrabotos>Unicyclos>Lion Tamos

yo dawg ma homies... they fly and shit . Thats whats going down in chima town. Doo dad and the rad kinda guys.

A juggalo is a nigger's nigger.

kek I'm more concerned with the juggalettes

Word up to ma brothers dawg... homie what what

We don't do drive-by's in the wagon.
instead we just get out and STAB YOUR FUCKIN ASS

I don't

Would pound furiously while pouring Fargo moonmist on her tits

Fucking autocorrect acting like it knows what the fuck I wanna say

would put in shower and walk away from...

fucking bunch of smelly morons being loud and obnoxious, better than your typical leftist cunt, however almost the same.

lulz enjoy your own ban newfag.

My feeling exactly

Listened to a few of their songs

Some are alright in a since of novelty

Over all edgy larpers social outcast that created their own group to be included



ICP was the first industrial hip hop act. Fuck Death Grips

Say what you want about ICP, but they turned their merchandise into a fucking religion, ensuring a steady revenue stream. And for that, if nothing else, they have my respect

>Fan climb over each other to buy a $100 ICP hockey jeresy to prove they're "tru ryderz"

If you like retarded methhead faggot wanna-be nigger fucktarded trailer trash idiots who have extremely poor taste in music, fashion, lifestyle and world view, then you'd prolly feel a bit sorry for that pathetic crew of human garbage.

Personally, I think they should be shot on sight.

I like how they say "Ninja" instead of "Nigger"

real classy

We are and economic change we care we are united we are juggalos

I'd go to the gathering of the juggalos before I went to burning man

faggot wannabe niggers

They have absolutely NOTHING to do with my life and existence.
So I'm cool with them.

Found the 12 yr old Taylor Swift fan fellas. Jesus fuckin christ.... butthurt much? What did they ever do to you? Did they finger rape your mom or something? I mean.... she probably enjoyed it. But is it really that bad


Fucking magnets, how do they work?

Their absolutely fucking retarded.

This dude is right. ICP sucks black cocks and their fans are fagboys.


>says it all

You know a girl like that has had actual feces in her mouth.


Doesn't afraid of anything indeed.

lmao i love all you faggots talking shit on here, you wouldnt say ANY of this shit to a juggalo in person.

its a fucking family. we embrace people of all cultures, backgrounds etc here.

we dont give a fuck if youre rich or poor, ugly or not, tall or short. you may not like the music, but when times get rough and everyone else retracts their hands, we have our arms wide open. maybe you should come around and see how we get down before you dismiss us as a gang of retards

whoop whoooooooooooooooooooop


You're a white trash piece of shit.


lmao i love all you faggots talking shit on here, you wouldnt say ANY of this shit to a juggalo in person.

its a fucking family. we embrace people of all cultures, backgrounds etc here

ICP was popular with some hillbilly and midwest white trash a few years back, but the only faggots who still listen to that dreck are bottom feeding retards.

Ah, t'was a picture for ants


Fucking magnets, how do they work?


>you wouldnt say ANY of this shit to a juggalo in person.

I'd piss on a juggalo's children in person, in public.

You ignorant trailor trash humiliate yourselves far more than anyone else ever could.

they reside on the same ring of hell as jews, when those two venn diagrams intersect you get a jewggalo, the most vile creature on the planet

> you wouldn’t say ANY of this shit to a juggalo in person
Probably because as soon as I figure out that they are a juggalo I’m going to stop talking to them.

Well they look weird and listen to shit music.
Other than that they seem alright.

If Gilbert Gottfried is down with the clown then so am I.

exactly, i dont really see how anyone can hate them. sure they may seem like trailer trash but it damn sure seems like they mean well and they're a welcoming group.

fuck off munnisher

When my son told me he liked ICP I honestly would have rather he told me he was gay. I was super disappointed he identified as a Juggalo and told him that I better not see him wearing clown make-up.

Charlie, is that you?

was a avid juggarino back in '05. for those who don't know, there are numerous ranks among the juganero "cult". the juggalos you see on tv and etc are a front to hide the real juggalo cult. i spent most of my days designing new face paint designs, and other boring stuff. it takes years to get out of the first rank and i didn't have the patience. kinda like having to clean the toilets at your first job.

Whoop whoop


>2017 and still posting homestuck on Sup Forums

can someone explain wtf is that already, I see it so many times and yet have no clue

faggots, but ill tell you what you guys are better the the anime fags or the pony homos

and I know the jew nose, the real photo i'm sain'

trippy dubbers

>Muh secret white trash cult

Fuck off

The Great Milenko was their best album.

Whoop whooooop

Shout out Willie bubba
Shout out pontiac
Dog beatz
Whoop whoop

hatchet fam ftw
talkin about my homiez

The Quads have spoken

Cringy as hell, but I'm pretty indifferent to them overall. The group of weeb retards that I hung out with aren't much better, so I don't really feel like I have much ground to criticize them on.

junkie trash

nice quads fag

We need to kill anyone who ever says. "Whoop whoop!".

issa real jewnose


LOL Fargo Moonmist thanks for my new D&D character name


I think you're a fucking idiot for asking this question.

10/10 would smash

nobody gives a fuck.

Making juggalos asspained since 95 with the juggalo holocaust. However, knew this girl in high school that claimed hard and came across a nude of her in that dbb gathering picture gallery, sent it to her, and then blew her back out. Was a good time.