Whats b drinking tonight. I mix this when lemon san pellegrino and vodka. I call it the medved

Whats b drinking tonight. I mix this when lemon san pellegrino and vodka. I call it the medved

Currently drinking this between swigs of cheap beer. Hoping for better times user how are you doing?

Good. Birthday was yesterday but i was working so i celebrated it tonight. Family took me to a chinese bbq joint for beers and peking duck and pork. The night before last some crazy girl i work with and barely know who is a new employee decided to ask me out out of the blue so we went to grab some beers and play pool at a local sports bar. Kind of shocked me at 28 i dont care for bdays but people.kind of actually did shit. Feels nice. Something bothering you? How are you?

I just interviewed for a job today seemed to go ok, I've just been down on myself recently been unemployed for longer than I would like. Mostly due to anxiety/depression I'm sure people on this board say that all the time but it's been in control of my life for a while. At least medication has got it somewhat under control to where I can apply and interview for jobs. Happy birthday btw man I hope you had a good time.

Well thats good! I know being unemployed for too long gets to you. I have the same issues im just too stubborn for medication. I think taking them at a young age kind of messed me up. So i just take my daily walks and bike rides, then drink a bit at night. Once i go back to university in the spring itll all be good. I know its cliche but there is always goodness. Just gotta keep your eyes open and let it happen

Yuengling my friend

That is hard to find where i live. Cause of the name i always thought it was a chinese import. I heard its underrated as hell old school beer

I've been getting into jogging/running as much as I can recently, hoping to be able to get off of medication eventually and use exercise as my therapy instead. I wish I was able to consistently keep a positive mind set, I've had periods where I can keep myself happy and positive it just never stays. I always seem to see the negatives in the world before the positives.

It's not a chinese import, but Tsingtao is pretty good, you ever try that? Its a german style pilsner that is delightfully cheap (in china)

yuengling is from pennsylvania and is a solid lager, if you are in the area and ask a bartender for a lager theyll pour you a yuengling its one of the few old time brews that hasnt sold out, gone gay IPA, or gone to swill