Day of the Rope - Would you kill her Sup Forums? Be honest
The race war between the White people against the Nigger+Spic+Italian alliance is in full swing and then as your militia is busy mopping up it's operations in the city of Compton, Los Angeles, California, you enter a supposedly empty room to secure it; And then you see this mulatto negress cowering in the corner shaking in fear..
Will you kill her Sup Forums? Will you, please be honest
Sebastian Thomas
yep. and anyone like her.
i mean i wouldn't be cruel. but yep no more nog.
Julian Allen
u are a horrible human being. please neck urself. go now.
Jason James
What? No! Stop thinking stupid things. Your are poisoning the Internet with your racism and stupidity. Be better than this.
Joseph Reyes
Shoot her 10 times then bash her face in with my electrified baton.
Jacob Rivera
No dumbass, I'd make a baby with her and have the baby kill you. You inbred piece of shit.
Caleb Fisher
are you fucking retarded OP? go choke on a fucking knife
Eli Evans
Probably but she looks pretty white so it's kinda like traps, they can kinda pass until you look closer
Gavin Martinez
Why kill her when she can go in my rape dungeon? Well I don't have a rape dungeon yet, but I'd build one for her. Hope she has a daughter to also live in the rape dungeon. Son's will be disposed of.