White people hate thread

white people hate thread.

cuz they're pathetic and they know it.


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She suicided, that proves the danger of fucking with niggers

> having a dad

i thought that was a pizza on the ground

ooooh finally. fuck the white people here. i gotta good collection of white people are evil folder

no please dont hate on me, omgz ima cry, i totally give fuck what you think.

>posts facebook meme

hows being a mexican

Fucking kekd

How can any ape boys even compete. BHC is what women really deserve.

how's being a little white fag

found the applefag




black woman murders kids via oven.

ima keep going with shit other races do


Things white people do

>Die without having children
>Vote for the Green party
>Become Marxists
>Pledge allegiance to Israel
>Get divorced





guess what color


Things black people do


Things niggers do

>die without knowing their own children
>Don't vote
>become criminals
>pledge allegiance to gangs
>don't even marry

Why cant whites and blacks get along like these two happy fellas?


i dont have to mention how fucked up south america is. woman charged with kidnapping children 1-12 years old for murder/torture videos.



Huh, seems you got it right, that's some spotting ability right here

Yeah niggers usually have to sell drugs for a gun because they don't have dads.

i dont even have to link anything on islam, which covers many races. yall know how fucked up they are.

Reminder that the people in here turning into racist against black are #TheIncelRight

furstrated virgins who can't get laid


So what you're telling me is that you don't want me to take you seriously.

I hate Americans so fucking much. Black, white and yellow. I don't care. You are all manipulative and dishonest Jewish puppets and I pray for another 9/11 every day. I hope they get more of you next time.

Yours sincerely,
the whole fucking world.

black again. those black people sure like killing children

Nigraz are dangerous.


We can only hope

dear whole world. you know you are more fucked up and need a scapegoat


butthurt little white boys are funny
whats the matter?
can''t get laid?


#TheincelRight is in shambles ITT

who got Sauce on girl doe



I love finding chicks like this and dicking them down. That feeling you get when you give a girl the best sex she will probably ever recieve...

I think you needa calm down boyo


>you know you are more fucked up
Because of countless American invasions, you damn parasite. Culturally or by force. I don't even have to name a specific country to make that statement true. The Soviets should have nuked your ass when they had the chance.

stop being an idiot. I can find a million articles on white people doing terrible shit too.

its called history

Glad to see boyo is catching on, it's been a long time comen

white bois don't know that feel fam. only us

Funny thing is, that racemixing and cuckoldry will ultimately be the end of racemixing, when all there will be left is one homogeneous type of humans. Shame it takes a few generations. The lulz would be epic if all this could happen overnight.



Pakistani guy here living in London. Dumb white bitches love my cock.
Sorry you retards are dying out.

someone needs to study history and real news, and pay attn to the world, vs ignorant delusions you hold.


your complaining about us dying out but you should cherish us while were here. Once were gone all your gonna have left is the Mormons

hey i will keep posting, you know islam has killed more people and enslaved more people as well... but hey who cares about factual history.


white sex dies

I'd fuck a mormon bitch too. Any white pussy on my brown cock is just fine.

not to mention some countries under islam still have African slaves

Because its not factual history. history shows white people colonizing and shitting on every country and then complaining about that shit in that country.

its okey your race will soon die out and your propganda with it too

also, i didnt even type in black woman kills.... i typed in woman kills children to the search. i just get the evidence of whats actually going on. sure white people do fucked up stuff. our whole ape species is fucked up.

nigga spain did that too


this is my facourite one. ape looking motherfuckers

Things White people do:
>Start world wars that kill millions of Europeans
>Give money to Israel
>Give money to Africa
>Have gay sex
>Invite foreigners to live right next to them
>Die of opoid addiction

That’s so fuckin sad


nigga go on pornhub and type in "black gay"



neat white people kill less of other races... maybe we should start, that way people will have facts vs things idiots say to low hanging fruit.


good point!

Really ?

Same. I've seen this pasta at least 5 times and I just now realized it was't pizza.

weirdo ass white boi

yall so cringy

says someone so delusional they do mental gymnastics to believe their own bs. keep hating hater

im so sad you would say that. im going to hold ur insult deep, and use it as fuel for racism.. lol

you know what happened.
next phase:
> ladies poontangin' on animal
> blacks become bitches
> bitchmen whtes poon blackman bitches
> full circle


white people will rule the world forever. Niggers and other colors are only allowed to enter certain countrys to cause trouble with the citizens so they fight the niggers and not the 1% who really control everything and bet on it they are all white.

I also have this theory that niggers are breeded to be dumb and aggresive so they are the best way to cause trouble in a community

black men in america are 13% of the population. commit half the murders.....

Who is responsible for destabilizing the Middle East, while also causing a massive migration flow towards Europe? What about Ukraine and your political intervention there? Yugoslavia? What about the cultural invasion of the world by your music and film industry that promotes an unethical and promiscuous lifestyle.



This thread so black that the bike I was sitting on disappeared

yeah well your stinky lol

original pic?

the imagination of children these days.

aww its mad now


that girl is pooping out of her vagina.

>white guys who fuck white chicks

sure kid

sure kid
