/penis inspection day/ general

/penis inspection day/ general

Well boys, another penis inspection day has come and gone in my town. Share your best/worst penis inspection day experiences ITT. I'll start:

>be me
>12 or 13 years old
>45ish cute milf neighbor is new school nurse
>kinda tall, black hair, cute milf face and thick im the right places
>known her all my life
>the big day comes and it's my turn for inspection
>it's super awkward
>I pull down my pants
>holy shit my milf neighbor is staring right at my cock

I didn't know it then but CFNM is a big fetish of mine

>she kinda smirks as she is feeling my balls and penis (small)
>I get rock hard
>things are even more awkward
>I pass the inspection
>fast forward a couple days
>milf nurses 16 year old hot daughter messages me on AIM
>she knows about my small penis
>makes fun of me to this day

She told about your penis to get daugther? I'd just make a complaint, anything that happens on there is confidential.


>be me
>16 or 17 years old
>nurse now is a 10/10 young Latina
>skinny athletic body, really dumb
>it's my turn for inspection
>go to her office
>it's right after lunch
>hot nurse is still finishing her lunch in the office
>mr goodcents
>"I'm so sorry, user, it's been a crazy busy day"
>"n-no worries"
>she sits on her stool right in front of me and looks expectantly for me to pull my pants down
>I hesitate bc I notice she hasn't put on gloves
>she doesn't seem to have noticed. >She really is dumb
>I pull down my pants
>she lifts up my cock with one bare hand and grabs my balls with another bare hand
>holy shit hot nurse is directly touching my junk
>my dick goes from 0 to 60 in a matter of seconds
> it sort of startled her by how quickly my dick got hard in her hand and she lets go of my dick
>she kinda stares at it dumbfounded while it swings in front of her face for a few seconds before she has an epiphany
>"omg my gloves! I'm so sorry!"
>she covers her mouth with a hand in embarrassment

I wonder if she smelled my balls with that hand


I'll take what never happen for 500 alex

We'll post some of your penis inspection day stories then

Why the fuck nurses need to touch your balls and penis ? Nevar happened to me in france.

Really? I dunno, it's penis inspection day, every Ameribro goes through it once a year

If you're 12-13 your penis is usually pretty small.
Also breach of confidentiality, if you live in US you could sue for MILLIONZ