Why is this country so shit?

Why is this country so shit?

Too many niggers

Because its socialist as fuck. Basically a poor version of any EU state


basically Canada

They really tried to be USA but the elite was too hispanic (as part of Spain's influence) and couldn't apply the same formulas USA did with the same success. It was a problem of execution. It got its 15 min of fame for Europe going full retarded but everyone did at some point and Argentina didn't know what to do with it

it's full of argentines

Imagine a people 5 IQ smarter than Mexicans but with the work ethic of French Mullatoes

that's the average Argenlatrine

It's your sun.

A fucking nigger making a duckface, you can't expect anything good from a country with that in its flag.

All problems a country experiences are the fault of it's leaders.

>But banks are squeezing our economy
poor fiscal policies, blame your leaders
>But we were invaded by another country
then you had a weak military, blame your leades
>America is keeping us down with trade embargoes
Then your leaders failed at diplomacy
>but we have no resources in this country
Neither does Switzerland but they're one of the most stable countries on earth

Whatever the problem, you can trace it back to the people who rule over you. They have total control over the shape of the country.


It's fully of shitskins that pretend to be white.

Stay cool Uruguay

A huge problem with the latino leaders is that they don't see as part of the nation, they see themselves as something else. Every dominant group see itself as inherently better than the peasants but Latin America was founded by conquistadores wishing to rule as feudal lords and treat the indians as basically slaves. The English colonies were founded by pilgrims with the idea of creating riches with the land, Spanish colonies were created with the idea of exploiting the riches of the land. Pilgrims wanted the right to work, conquistadores wanted the right to rule, they were the remains of the war against the muslims.

The poor is cholo and ignorant, the rich is white and pretty much ignorant even if he doesn't admit it but he has a fancy title bought with daddy money. The curious case is that the cholos that actually receive education and improve their economical situation repeat the same cycle of abuse and discrimination of the elite, they don't see themselves as cholos anymore but as something else with the right to exploit the lesser beings.

Argentina should solve the problem after exterminating the indians and bringing Europeans migrants to improve the race but the old blood discriminated the migrants even if they look whiter than them. The elite wanted to preserve their rights over the peasants, they wanted to be lords. The workers eventually go against the system and the left began but that didn't stop the insanity. It's a fucking cancer.

9 point difference actually, putting us in line with other Western countries and a whole standard deviation away from Mexico.

OP is just a butthurt proxyfag, he makes this thread every day.

They have literally zero white people.

>Spanish influence
>Trying to be their eternal enemies, the anglos

You are wrong, they have Italian and Jewish influence not Spanish. They always tried to be an European nation, but their intellectuals driven to the left among their homosexual military coups turned it into another south american second world nation.

Resentido de mierda, hablas sandeces.

Las Malvinas son Argentinas

Get fucked right wingers.

All this you're saying is completely true. I agree 100%.

They inexplicably still can't let go of the Falkland Islands issue.

Full of Argentinians

Anglo influence made us rich.
Italian influence made us corrupt.
Spanish influence made us unstable.
German influence made us nationalistic.
French influence made us cultured and snobby.

Macri will Make us Great Again.

>Why is this country so shit?

>British influence made us cower

too many argies


I'm talking about the steam era and Anglo investment / immigration.
1880 - 1950s.

>le WE R RPEANS AND SHIED trus me imma white