Born with a're a MALE.
Born with a're a FEMALE
Whatever you do later in life, is up to you.
You wanna ACT like a have my tolerance.
You wanna ACT like a have my permission.
You wanna call yourself a "trans-something"...FUCK OFF.
I'll support the idea that you can dress whatever way you want and act whatever way you like.
But what you are at birth, is what you'll alway be.
Don't ask me to call you something different, or treat you deifferently.
I will not.
There are two and only two genders...male and female.
A few minor medical variations, but thats it.
Stop fucking pandering to these wusses and dykes...
Born with a're a MALE
Jace Long
Julian Torres
Go back to Sup Forums, you cis faggot.
Elijah Rivera
if you want these people to shut up, stop calling people a cis faggot.
it makes people want to gas you like Hitler did.
Logan Butler
I agree with you 100%. Today, OP was NOT a faggot.
Luis Butler
yo fag, isn't it a bit redundant to be calling other people faggots?
Jackson Perez
is this supposed to be attractive?
Ines Rau...first playboy "transtesticle" playmate
Liam Richardson
Go back to sucking your Dad's cock, you degenerate scumbag.
Jordan Bailey
Maybe I wouldn't use it so much if you all didn't act like such faggots.
Adam Rogers
I'll suck your dad's cock, user.
Lincoln Wood
Theres no such thing as bi-sexual.
You either suck cock or you don't suck cock.