Why are so many girls so fucking stupid, like unbelievably retarded and annoying?

Why are so many girls so fucking stupid, like unbelievably retarded and annoying?

Because men allow them to think they only need to be pretty to be desirable

idk why arent you nude


because of the neural pathways which represent the logic that forms their understanding and conscious view of reality which interprets everything to be against them causing their negative soul to be projected onto everyone they meet

>men allow them to think
lol so its mens fault

Honestly not all girls are like that I mean some dudes can be equal stupid.

If we made them into animals you couldn't fuck them since beastiality is illegal :/

Yeah I know, that's why I specifically said "so many" as opposed to "all".

Because you're fucking stupid, retarded, and annoying, and that's (not the company that you keep, but) the company that will keep you.

This photo is completely wrong. Not one assertion in it is true.

Nigga what

Oh great, the thread is under siege by a feminist furfag.

Women can, using genetic processes pioneered by women scientists, reverse-engineer their own stem cells into sperm cells, which can then be used to impregnate their female partner. Men, I'm sorry, are becoming obsolete.

My god you are samefag cancer please go and set your furry cock on fire you trap filth.

can u even remotely prove that?

Feminist fur who is at the same time a MAN who respects women.

bitch cant handle the truth lols

So a kissless virgin fedora. Gotcha.

I mean, I can't show it to you personally. If you have a university email with access to the recent science journals, I can link you to it.

Faggot, you can't taunt me like that. I'm an actual regular dude, friends to many women, to several trans women, gender queers, men, been in relationships, broken up, made love to plenty women, and also with a modicum intelligence. Have you ever been in a college classroom? You'd get eaten ALIVE if you tried to tell those badass bitches they were less than you.

We will just treat them like animals or walking incubatiĆ³n chambers

becouse man want fuck, so they can choose.

sister thread:

This is just troll city.

No fem inventors? No fem mathematicians? No fem philosophers?

You, who have never been forced to die for your country, never had a female teacher?

The thing is the number of completely brain dead moron girls is way higher. Like they may be good with book smarts but they have no common sense or the ability explore themselves (thoughts, feelings, etc) beyond the most shallow of ways.

It's pretty accurate. Maybe it used a bit of hyperbole but overall pretty accurate.

It's too easy to pick out the faggots who've never been in a college classroom.

And, I mean, literal faggot. You hate women. That means you're necessarily getting hard to the thought of other men.

Even easier to pick out the assholes who are closet fags and as well have never had a conversation with a female. (Wait, but you're jealous of actual faggots who actually hang out with women?)

If this thread is still up when I get back, I'll respond point by point to this stupid fucking picture.

H. sapiens is a sexually dimorphic species, in which the males are 20 to 50% more strong, intelligent, and capable in practically every measure.

It takes an exceptional womb bearer to equal even average males, because all they are required to achieve to breed, is breed.


Every assertion in it is verifiably, objectively true.

You are either a liar, or a fool.

Or a woman.


She doesn't have to. Doesn't matter even if she's lying. This technology fortunately, lags behind artificial wombs, which means men will instead make bitches obsolete, first.

Liberal/leftist/fascist/oligarchs are using women, the largest voting block, to push tyranny, as they are easily manipulated, and consistently vote gibs, which demand ever more invasive government, and destroys the rights of man.

It is these men that are using women to increase their personal power that are, in fact, the greatest danger to all mankind, as all they care about is their own personal profit.

They'd rather rule in hell, than serve in heaven.

They are amoral, and incapable of freedom. They are no more capable of being rational voters than children, and need to be managed accordingly.

And, pray tell, where would you find such a "spermcell"?
Even in the 1 field you excell, you'd be useless without males

Gross. This is just gross.