Why are so many boys so fucking stupid, like unbelievably retarded and annoying?
Why are so many boys so fucking stupid, like unbelievably retarded and annoying?
Jeremiah Sullivan
Jason Wright
I think you meant to say women. Why are women so stupid.
Kevin Cruz
Cause you're a dude on Sup Forums who hates women. That's why women hate you.
Aiden Bell
No, I meant to say boys. Male humans aged 4-18.
Jordan Johnson
Nice screencap hunting, fuckhead
Ian Ortiz
Becouse red shit called today "left" wants stupid mans.
Anthony Reyes
>be in school
>typical dumb boy wants to flirt me up
>I tell him to fuck off
>comes to Sup Forums to cry
Mason Kelly
>Why are so many boys so fucking stupid, like unbelievably retarded and annoying?
If they were any other way, you'd still find some reason to bitch and moan all day...
Nolan Roberts
tits or GTFO.
Charles Sullivan