Does drinking milk really give you stronger bones?

Does drinking milk really give you stronger bones?

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No, not at all. That was a myth made by the government to keep the dairy market afloat.

right here, jimmy.
this spot right here is the spot where we fought the Bone Wars.
I know you youngsters drink your milk nowadays like it was nothing, and enjoy the benefits of good strong bones.
things were different before the bone wars though.
the Standtford Oil Company wanted to produce a drink that would make young boys grow to have strong boys, and make women be more fertile.
they developed a drink called "marmite" which you mixed with water.
people said it was salty and tasted like death, but this didn't stop the Standtford Oil Company from publicly executing these people and blaming it on the cow farmers.
you see, the whole time the SOC was making their marmite, the farmers were making ads in the paper reminding people of the benefits of milk and the dairy industry.
people referred to these farmers as the Dairy Benefits Board, later the "dBB", the Dee Double Bee, and later, just B.
SOC hated B, and B hated SOC.
SOC had done a successful rally campaign down in Australia and the country Mumford and Sons came from, so everyone swore by Marmite, while us good god fearing american folk took a liking to our milk.
the Stralians started the bone wars when they invented Michael Phelps and sold him to the americans for use in the olympics.
little did they know, he was 50% marmite.
when he first dived into that swimming pool... I won't recount the tragedy that took place that day...
the US responded by bombarding Australia with skimmer missiles and offshore 2% whole rockets.
the Australians held up until the day the US dropped the Chocolate Napalm.
many say that this is the point Australia surrendered, but lest we not forget the marmite tsunami that took half a million from the west coast.

>Does drinking milk really give you stronger bones?

not even close
actually depletes it

Dubs of truth. Dairy is really not good for you at all, and any benefit is outweighed by the fat and hormones.

You should get all the calcium from leafy greens anyway.

heating (pasteurization) of milk above 122° fahrenheit destroys enzymes - those biochemical transformers that trigger the thousands of chemical processes going on in our bodies all the time.

one of the functions of enzymes is to release nutrients in the foods we eat. the heat of pasteurization destroys the enzyme phosphatase, which is necessary for the assimilation of calcium.

some researchers have found that as much as 50 percent of the calcium in pasteurized milk is not utilized by the body.

Calcium and Osteoporosis - Is Dairy Really Good For Your Bones? Dairy products are the best sources of calcium in the diet and calcium is the main mineral in bones. For this reason, the health authorities recommend that we consume three glasses of milk per day.

I sense osteoperosis in your future.

the problem isn't that it breaks down enzymes, your body makes it's own enzymes so you don't require another animal's enzymes to be healthy.

the problem is that it kills probiotics along with harmful bacteria (such as e-coli) which may have gotten into the milk.

HOWEVER, there is NO proof that probiotics are actually beneficial.

You only really need milk when your a kid.