Why do you hate Sup Forums so much Sup Forums?

Why do you hate Sup Forums so much Sup Forums?
They make the best OCs.

It's become a meme to hate Sup Forums and so like the 12 years old we are on this board we meme!!!!!1

only unfunny faggots hate Sup Forums, they are what Sup Forums used to be like before it got invaded by people with leftist opinions

These comics are fun af


faggot rightists from Methfront

...said the newfag...

No they don't. That's total bullshit.

We made our own manga? How come I haven't heard of this?

I like 8ch Sup Forums
Cuckoo/pol/ is nothing but shitpost and shills

it's odd since most of Sup Forums came from Sup Forums

Even in 2015 the newfag problem wasn't like it was today, thats why.

Buddy boy don't say such things you will ruin what little we have left.


No U!!

>american history x ref
lel I miss old Sup Forums

Worse than tumblr and bronies combined

OMG XD!!!!1

U must not be a newfag then

Oldfags of the world unite for teh lulz


>jews turning to rats
ok Sup Forums this one's funny I give you that.

Sup Forums doesn't hate Sup Forums. look around, it's the same people.

Sup Forums is pretty lefty like Sup Forums tbqh

Is Sup Forums cucked now?

I remember it was very much like Sup Forums when Anita the jew realeased her dumb feminist video.

after nu pol go full sperg on wolfenstein everyone went bluepill

Hi newfriend
I wish you could have experienced the habbo raids with us bud

sure because making a nazi simbol on habbo was not for the lulz but because all Sup Forums had hitler as his waifu and acted like an edgy 12yo talking about red pills all the time

i think thay lack immagination
>pic related

the fuck was that all about btw? i thought pol dont get triggered.