Is this the perfect dick size?

Is this the perfect dick size?
Think about it:
>perfect for sucking, fits fully in mouth
>perfect for anal, doesn't hurt
>will never hurt a girl's pussy
>can fuck for several hours with some practice, the girl will never get sore
>gets and sustains erections easier
>easier to keep it healthy
>if the balls are smaller, you can sit in any way you want and don't need to "manspread"
>perfect for sports, especially for cycling
>lighter and more aerodynamic
>public erections can be easily hidden
>way less likely to touch the bowl while taking a shit
>more clothing options
>no massive bulge that looks animalistic
>it almost fully comes inside the body when it's cold enough, giving it perfect protection
>less likely to lose it in battle, hunting or tribal wars, therefore having an evolutionary advantage in reproduction
>less likely to get any sort of infection
4.5"-5" master race.
The globalist elites want to destroy men in order to enslave humanity.
The best way to destroy a man is to destroy attributes that nake him good, like masculinity, persistance, small dicks, etc.
Women have been brainwashed to think small dicks are bad, but as we all know, women don't really know what they want.
I hope at least some of you will swallow this red pill.

t. Whitebois

hmm...seems like you really thought this through, my friend.

just because it doesn't hurt doesn't mean it feels good

I don't want to make another list of why niggers are inferior.
Just fuck off.
It does feel good, with all the marathon fucking and multiple orgasms

I like it gimme gimme

I thought as I wrote. Took me about 10 minutes to post this.

>mfw I've never seen a cock this small from POV.

You are a pathetic joke

What do you like?
I'm glad I could enlighten you.