just moved into a new apartment and 2/4 roommates have autism... one of them browses Sup Forums/a all the time and watches a shit load of anime, the other doesnt understand how to end a conversation and will just keep talking until you leave the fucking room. there are plenty of other things, but i need your guys help, how do i stay sane living with these autists?
Just moved into a new apartment and 2/4 roommates have autism...
get off of my board you fucking normie
pls help me
Your retarded
clean the piss off the toilet please
>Sup Forums
your doing it wrong.
i'm sure the fine folks at tumblr, reddit, or gaia online will be able to better assist you
i need someone on the inside, use your autism for good
>Your retarded
Doesn't know for "you're."
Calls other retarded.
here's what you do:
worry about your own problems before you start trying to interfere with other people's lives
Learn proper English retard.
OP are you still here?
their autism is my problem you stupid piece of shit, if it wasnt my problem i wouldnt be asking you retarded fucks for advice
i already told you that there are hundreds of happy helpful friendly people on other websites who would be helpful and sympathetic to your plight
anyone on any website is more helpful than you, not because youre unwilling but because you are unable. youre a fucking dipshit
im actually being helpful.
i'm doing so by directing you to the places where you would more successfully recieve help. you just don't want to be helped. you just want to complain about some autistic weaboo who fucks up your chad lifestyle.
how is wanting to not hear my roommate chew his food with his mouth open for 20 minutes a chad lifestyle
well my roomate in college was a furry who fucked the hole he cut in the back of his stuffed dog and accumulated no fewer than 4 bags of rotting smelly trash in the room when i went on break to my parents for a week. quite frankly user if you are having roomate problems the best solution is to rent an apartment on your own and split the cost with some of your chad friends, like how every other college student deals with this problem.
i think he pissed in our sink too because he didn't want to go as far as the public restroom to take a piss because he'd lose 30 seconds of playing WOW and talking loudly with his internet friends. Nigger never left his room. His parents must've been paying for everything, I never seen him go to any classes though.
start raping them
Dude go fuck yourself. You're an easily baited obnoxious idiot. If you want life advice from this board, lurk more. Otherwise go to /soc/ u fucking retard.
Lol. Here is your eagerly awaited validation. The autists you live with have more meaningful lives than you do
im here buddy
i legit feel bad for them, all they do is go on imgur and Sup Forums or play video games, one time i said something about my ex and one of them said "a girlfriend... maybe some day ill know what thats like..." verbatim
so quit tormenting him you asswipe
ive never tormented him? the dude loves me
if he's not pissing in your sink then just deal with it and roll for a better roommate next year, or don't stay in the college dorms if allowed.
kill them.
the one who plays WoW clicks all his abilities and it makes me want to die