I know I'll never see that red hair again. I know I won't ever hear your stories or visit the house you grew up in...

I know I'll never see that red hair again. I know I won't ever hear your stories or visit the house you grew up in. I'm drinking again, like you told me not to. But its okay, I told you not to leave and you did anyway.

I try to call, my number is still blocked. What would I even say? I'm hated by you.

Did someone die (besides George Soros)?

I even tried to move on like you did! It took me 5 months not 1 day like you, but we never where exactly a mirror of each other. Funny thing is? She probably hates me too.

I don't talk to those old people in my life either. The one's who made me sad back when we met. So i guess you would be proud. How's grandpa? Hell how's your sisters baby? She would have just had him or her right? Gosh you will be the best aunt.

Got a new job. But I won't tell you where. Don't want to ruin your families day. Got a promotion too, so I can afford that place we looked at. Won't be the same without you there, a little Corgi running at our feet, reminding us that we would make great parents.

Two faggot perspectives.

No one cares.

Fuck off.

I even stop leaving voicemails. Sorry about that one a few weeks ago, I was a little too drunk and saw your old pictures. Speaking of old things. You know I still have all your letters from when you where in the hospital? And I look at that snowglobe every night.

What ever happened to my flannel? I couldn't imagine you still sleeping in it. Should I ever mail your birthday present? Christmas is soon. Mackies bday too, but I know you would kill me for remembering. Didnt end up going to Washington, didn't feel right without you there.

Here’s some titties I got on Snapchat last night.

Even if I had you, I'd want something else. I don't know me so how could you or anyone else. I'm not like most people but i fake it ok. You deserved the real thing not this strange cliche

I get to see my Aunt be wed tomorrow. Seeing your name X'd off the seating arrangement was heavy. But I bought some Everclear so guess I'm happy now huh baby? Baby, havent said that in a while. Guess you say it everyday though.

My dogs are doing well. Zeus has a bunch of tumors but he'll be fine. Think they remember your smell? I still find your hair in my car. Makes me smile but then makes me sad. I havent been to that side of town in a while either. Panic attacks and such.

Our friend texted me today. I didn't respond. Its not that I think she will tell you, it's just I dont have the heart to risk you hearing my name.

I've been trying so hard to forget you. To move on like you prayed I would. But I guess after things failing with Kaley the memories just flooded back. It's this fucking wedding I swear. I'm not as angry as I used to be, but my temper is still here.

Put on weight too. Too much liquer I think. Maybe stress, I dunno. I never feel much anymore, just living somehow. I don't want to bring you down though. Where are my manners? Tell me something happy about you Cori. I miss your stories.

Remember when we got into that gummi bear war in my car? And you had them stuck to you when you went into the pool?

this right here is the reason she left you in the first place. holy shit op, life is a game dont let it play you.

Your sister still doing bad in school? I wish she wasn't so wild. Hope she doesn't go back to the hospital. It broke my heart too you know. How about your meds? Back on them? Hopefully you still arnt on the drugs he put you on.

I'm sorry I never did anything about the guy who hurt you either. I wanted us to put that behind in the past. You even said we would get through this. I belived a lot of the things you told me then. Hell, I still do now.

It's all an uphill battle. Look overlook my sad talk okay? Is your hair long now? How are your students. Still work there?

I guess I'll leave you be. Let you go back to living life. Miss you Cori. Bye

At first I didn't care, now I'm a tiger.