Can anyone explain this meme philosopher to me? Why do millennials suck his cock so much?
Slajov Zizek
He's from my country. I absolutely don't get him.
He's great
he predicted the rise of the far right in Europe and isn't really against it (despite rhetoric)
heard about a minute of him speaking. seems smart.
*gestures wildly*
*makes a dumpster metaphor
He's basically THE figure of the "alt-left"
Leftism with a focus on theory, class, and a rejection of identity politics. Basically leftypol
I'm not a leftist, but he is really on point if a shared political frame is assumed. He had to balls to speak out against the refugee crisis for instance, and this drew some serious ire from progressives.
Hate this faggot, he is one of the largest arguments on leftypol.
Basically, in a communist society, there would be crazy people walking around counting tiles on the ceiling of a metro station, that's a direct quote of his.