I am a security guard ask me anything. Stuck working today till 1400 central...

I am a security guard ask me anything. Stuck working today till 1400 central. Just came off a full shift slept two hours and went right back to work. Help entertain me and keep me awake. I will answer most questions if they are reasonable.

How much do you make? Do you get to carry a sidearm, if so what kind.

Do you ever sleep on the job?

What do you guard

If you could have anything there for the rest of this shift, what would it be?

How hard is it to work as a security guard?

Are there any specific shitty life choices that you've made to lead you here, or do you think it's just the result of an entire life of missed/failed opportunities?

I make 12 an hour and carry a .357.


Currently working on a solar pannel site.

A hooker and a free bar.

The job is easy but there is occasional violance and no respect.

Nope I work two jobs, have a degree and did eight years in the military. Just never seem to get a good job.

apply for corrections. You'll make about 7/hr more

has anything paranormal happened to you on the job?

I'm a security guard, make 14.50/hr and don't carry a gun and don't do jack shit but watch cameras and browse Sup Forums on my phone 0700-1500

I’m a school campus monitor which is the same thing...I’m not armed and I make $18.47 for doing jack shit

I would but frankly I would outright kill the convicts if given the chance.

Nope but last Halloween some asshole dressed as a clow was fucking with me so I beat his ass with a mag light.

Sounds about right. Sure beats making $0 an hour sitting home doing nothing. Keeps me in ammo and guns.

Sounds like a aweet gig but I live in a small area where the pay is poor.

Heres a pic of the site if anyone cares. Currently dealing with a civilian car that is broke down at the gate sorry for the delay in responding.

Clown sorry for the typo.