"Trump is not suitable for US president" said by Jeff Bezos

so Jeff bezos(who has over 3times wealth than Trump, more successed in bussiness. actually causing innovation in e-commerce, ) is thinking Donald Trump is shit

What do you think of him? Sup Forums

Amazon is a major beneficiary of the 500bn annual trade deficit we have with China.

Amazon also has been able to skirt tax laws trump has said he will fix

I love Amazon and Bezos and this is nothing more than Bezos self interest for his company. Nothing to see here folks

>listening to rich people

Amazon operates on some very tight profit margins, whole thing could come crashing down depending on what Trump does. Can't really blame a CEO for looking out for his company.

I think Bezos gets rekt if Trump is president, so makes sense to me.

I noticed some Amazon-branded trucks near me lately. Maybe if I start popping the tires and pouring sugar in the fuel tanks it will crash Amazon?

America First, not Amazon First


I started boycotting them a while back because Bezos is a gun hating unAmerican faggot.

And now he hates Trump so fuck his shitty company.

Also: fpbp

What are you trying to say exactly?