This is Donald Trump. Say something nice to him

This is Donald Trump. Say something nice to him.

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He's not the dumbest ameritard.

I always do, Donald Trump is our glorious president.

you're not a clinton

Hi, Donald.
Your wife is pretty hot and Ivanka is an absolute fuck puppet.
I like wiping my dick off on Jared Kushner's pillow after I fuck her up the ass.

go fuck yourself asshole.

Hey Donald, we might disagree on anything. You might not understand Science, Literature or literally anything above third grade.
But you showed us that the Republican Party will support any senile retarded lunatic as long as they get their tax cut for the rich through congress. And for that at least, i want to thank you.

Why so triggered?


Do you need a tissue?


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Trump. His politics are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of things you don't know about, most of the 12d chess will go over a typical voters head. Theres also Trump's 80s style outlook, which is deftly woven into his personality- his personal philosophy draws heavily from self help literature and fox news, for instance. His supporters understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these views, to realize that they're not just great - they say something deep about stuff. As a consequence people who dislike Donald Trump truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the brilliance in Tumps favorite catchphrase "I guarantee you", which itself is a clever reference to Trumps Art of the Deal. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated communists scratching their heads in confusion as Donald Trumps genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a MAGApede tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that theyre within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid..

Hello Mr. President. Thank you for being a good President and pissing off so many liberal fuckwads. :)

something nice to him

Yes thanks. It needs to be big enough to strangle you though.

Looking forward to your reelection.

Don't even consider myself a Trump supporter. I just think he was the lesser of two evils just like the past couple elections. You just proved your stupidity though, that's all I was looking for. You guys love to criticize him based on his erratic behavior but you get triggered by the smallest comment and hint at the fact that you want to murder anyone who disagrees. Seek help.

He will be glorious when he actually builds the fucking wall

He is making America great again

who's a good boy? who's a good boy? YOU! You're a good boy! You're a good boy!

You Da man sir.
Thanks for the tax cuts especially doing away with the death tax.

>: donald trump.png (81 KB, 242x257)

dank meme material. danks.

your hair is impressively cantilevered

>especially doing away with the death tax.

because you and your wife are worth more than $11M? or your parents are?

protip: they are not. death tax repeal does NOTHING for you faggot.

you ignorant trumptards disgust me

Yes, I voted for him and you bet your ass I still support him. The man is a gift from God. He’s keeping his promises and doing what is best for this country. You can think we’re a joke, those who supported him, but in case you haven’t figured it out we jokes hold the power in this country. We put him in the White House to do exactly what he’s now doing. You can kick and scream and piss yourself laughing like a toddler all you want, but the adults took this country back this election and President Trump is making US proud. America is greater at this moment than it’s been in a very long time. Just because you see the appearance of a farce in your simplistic little mind doesn’t mean he’s not doing a damn fine job. Every leader of every other country and every citizen of every foreign land--they can all think we’re a joke, it doesn’t matter. President Trump is doing what’s best for America and we are getting stronger because of it. Trust me kid, you’ll see, very soon

Donald Trump is always right. About everything.

You have done more to get people involved and interested in politics than any other president, albeit against you, but still.

Like how ISIS have united the world in hating them. I mean America and Russia, the Saudis and the Iranians, the Kurds and Iraqis, Assad and the Syrian opposition, it's impressive really.

He was good in Home Alone 2

Yes, I voted for him and you bet your ass I still support him. The man is a gift from God. He’s keeping his promises and doing what is best for this country. You can think we’re a joke, those who supported him, but in case you haven’t figured it out we jokes hold the power in this country. We put him in the White House to do exactly what he’s now doing. You can kick and scream and piss yourself laughing like a toddler all you want, but the adults took this country back this election and President Trump is making US proud. America is greater at this moment than it’s been in a very long time. Just because you see the appearance of a farce in your simplistic little mind doesn’t mean he’s not doing a damn fine job. Every leader of every other country and every citizen of every foreign land--they can all think we’re a joke, it doesn’t matter. President Trump is doing what’s best for America and we are getting stronger because of it. Trust me kid, you’ll see, very soon

Yes, I voted for him and you bet your ass I still support him. The man is a gift from God. He’s keeping his promises and doing what is best for this country. You can think we’re a joke, those who supported him, but in case you haven’t figured it out we jokes hold the power in this country. We put him in the White House to do exactly what he’s now doing. You can kick and scream and piss yourself laughing like a toddler all you want, but the adults took this country back this election and President Trump is making US proud. America is greater at this moment than it’s been in a very long time. Just because you see the appearance of a farce in your simplistic little mind doesn’t mean he’s not doing a damn fine job. Every leader of every other country and every citizen of every foreign land--they can all think we’re a joke, it doesn’t matter. President Trump is doing what’s best for America and we are getting stronger because of it. Trust me kid, you’ll see, very soon

I said it first phaggot. fuck out of here, nigger

>keeping his promises a

he isn't doing shit. he hasn't gotten one single promise passed by Congress into law. Not one. he's incompetent as fuck.

You need to get woke.

you probably think he is already building the wall. (NOT)

you probably think he already lowered your taxes (DIDN"T)

you probably think he fixed your healthcare (NOPE)

don't be such a gullible faggot, faggot

He already delivered on the only promise I wanted.

what's that, faggot?

Hey Trump u may be an arrogant bastard but i love how much u trigger all the crybaby snowflakes.
Did not vote in 2016,but u will have my vote come 2020. seven more years of buttblasted morons i cannot wait!


Yep, but stupid people aren't paying attention.
I wish he would give me the Power Ball numbers sometime!



Oh, you!

America is already great. You say America isn't great and you call yourself a "patriot"? You disgust me.

hail trump

this, hillaryfags are mad


Nigger uprisings are not new to the US. They happen about once a generation. This is a simple reminder that they can never be trusted due to their deep hatred of whites, and that their tribal instincts can only be held back for a finite amount of time. That is to say, the chip on their collective shoulder never goes away. They are still killing whites for slavery. This is all the proof required to see the truth.




Hillary Clinton said ,if he wins we're all going to hang" she was referring to the uranium one deal that the FBI is now investigating.

She's a worthless piece of shit, and the niggars are all going down with her

Good night left wing

Fuck you Donald Trump go fuck yourself and die

no. i hope his heart gets clogged by all the cheese he eats.
