Who is ugiler, polacks or niggers?

who is ugiler, polacks or niggers?

Because 80% of everything polish is actually German.



somalis are definitly the ugliest

>Because 80% of everything polish is actually German
the fuck?

Looks like a cool guy. Fuck off self hating cuck.

You're retarded as fuck, it's actually the other way around part of Germany has slav dna

you wrote niggers two times

maybe hes cool, the pic related is totally random

They might have 80% of our cars and live in lots of towns that were german. But other than that, your statement is retarded.

Ok maybe 80% of polish industry is german owned. Maybe also 80% of polish media... but other than that?

Now I´m really out of "80%" things.

On topic: Obviously niggers are uglier. Basically everything looks better than niggers.

Niggers. Honestly, niggers are by far the ugliest race except maybe abos.

Clay eaters (Whites)

>Anglo education.

Some germans can have some slav blood, but it's not pole.

Pomeranians have blood of the glorious wends for example

Niggers. Some Polish women are attractive, there's not attractive niggers.


looks like a hard working person showing off for a laugh.
> As opposed to a counter-productive person showing off to intimidate other gangs.

see the difference user?

polish women are the hottest girls on this earth


nah they are number 2, first place is Ukraine

Abo's are living Neanderthals. They literally are stuck 800,000 years behind The White man.

People who hit a variable number of branches on the fall down form the ugly tree

>1. Abbo cunts
>2.The eternal nigger
>3. The eternal jew
>4. Arab cunts
>5. Slavic males I mean what the shit your face would make the Mona Lisa frown
>6. Anglo cunts


I love polish people, I really do.I lived in Poland so I am not random guy from pol who likes polacks because pol loves them.But their woman are ugly.I havent seen any 8/10 girl in Silesia.I used to tell this story so someone may recognize me.
I was a student in Katowice and went to Silesia city plaza.When I came to the cash machine and withdrawed like 400 dollars and there is quite nice looking girl(7/10) behind me, she comes to me and instantly says hi how are you whatcha doing?I banged her the same day and we never met again.That's how I lost my virginity

The difference will be readily evident when the Porchmonkeys riot in Balto tonight now that the cop was acquitted.