Are you depressive, feel lonely or something like that? let's talk a little

are you depressive, feel lonely or something like that? let's talk a little

Yeah, I do.

very much. i've been lonely all day, didn't get anything i wanted to done, and now i'm in my apartment with no food waiting to get tired enough to fall asleep

I have therapy starting next month, I have been putting it off for 10 years

OP here
at least i have some food, but i have no friends and nowhere to go, i feel sad and lonely

roast my therapy list

I actually have the exact opposite problem. All I wanna do is be left alone. But people tell me how abnormal that is and force me to socialize.

yeah. I hate that i'm getting used to it.

Asked another girl out and got the polite maybe. The same maybe the last three girls gave. The same ending the last 20 have. Nothing. Politeness doesn't make it hurt less. If you don't like someone, just say no thanks. Don't tell me I'm nice. I'm a piece of shit. You know it, I know it, let's be honest adults here.

I misinterpret signs and fuck up the friendships I had. I know I have my core friends who care and are like brothers, but I see them all happy with someone to love and I sit there twiddling my thumbs like some fucking retard. I just want someone to love. I know I'm not the greatest looking but jesus christ at this point I just want someone to talk with.

Anyone else's worst time of the year December? I see happy couples shopping, families getting presents for each other, etc. and I look back wondering if it's worth trying for it anymore. Getting that pit in your stomach of having someone you cared for turn you down isn't something I enjoy, but I know it's there waiting, the moment I open my mouth about wanting to go out.

Is there some sign up form for becoming a wizard? Cause I'll be official soon and I jsut want to have my "kill myself" card validated.

just don't give a fuck. you just need to ignore. but youll regret it

i want to stop feeling alone and isolated
coming to Sup Forums again was a mistake because it just makes it feel worse

start poopsmoking butthash, i heard that it gets you high as shit nigger
and once you're high as shit nigger you just disconnect from it all

that's what the cool kids who does it told me, i thought they were racist and they explained that when you smoke weed, you get high as fuck
but when you poopsmoke butthash, ''it gets you high as shit nigger''
which is like superior than just saying that you're high as fuck

whats the deal with potheads? you've made me feel less bad about myself at least, thanks i guess

potheads are faggots and kooks, poopheads are the real deal and they cool

oh are you huffing fecal matter?

I usually just come to Sup Forums to fap because it's one of the only things that gets my mind off of my depression.
The only other thing is my boyfriend, but I'm pretty sure he's ignoring me.

ive accepted that ill be lonely for most of my young life. im 23 and i feel so disconnected from what people do nowadays (going out to clubs, bars hanging out etc.) I hope ill meet someone whos gonna love me for the boring person i am.. until then ill keep playing piano to keep the feels at bay. what about u user. what keeps you going ?

OP here
i have a job, but i hate everyone there, i hate what i do, i hate everything. idk how to explain, i just don't like a thing. everyday i think of kill a bunch of people and then kill myself but i give up everytime. i really don't know what keeds me going...

also sorry for my bad english

I laugh when I tell people "I don't have much to live for, but I'd like to stay alive." They laugh, we go about our time joking and having fun. Years of being this way have jaded me to make it all a joke to make the people around me happy. If I can't be happy, I can try to make others happy during my short interactions.

I'm good at getting people to like me as a friend. Apparently something about me is non-threatening or even likable to people, but not enough to love. I love my family and my few loyal friends, but I'm coming to terms with guaranteed forever alone status.

jenkem keeps the depression at bay

social cuck

We seem to have pretty similar attitudes. You really Wanna be roasted I don't think it'll help much.

I don't know how to talk to people. I get so frightened of saying something stupid, I just clam up.

I can't connect with anyone. I'm so agreeable at work, they pile unreasonable amounts of work on me, and I just take it because I worry if I don't over-acheive, they'll turn on me because I'm too quiet.

I am but there's sort of a light at the end of the tunnel that has come up recently. Alcoholism has been getting worse over the last 15 years and the last year of my life was particularly bleak after my ex left me. She was really my only friend. Every where I go reminds me of her now as does the place I live in. Looks like I finally have an opportunity to make something of myself in another city now and have a clean break from all my disappointments that have transpired over the years in this town. I hope I can get out alive.


God damn it shinji

man i feel you. you have put into words what i go through everyday and i thank you for that.

I have felt like I'm useless and characterized myself as some monster. I didn't think I had a point or reason. After the abortion I thought of myself as a tragic hero. Like I was meant for suffering and not so much for the hero part. Ive never been super strong. Ive never been super smart. So I don't know Im clinically depressed and feel like I fall apart waiting for someone to put me back together and Ill just do that till i eventually die. What do you want to talk about?

shinjis exactly like me