>interested in why people think holocaust didn't happen
> please tell me talking points
Holocaust redpill
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I simply don't care if it did or didn't. I'm not Jewish so I don't care.
There are still jews, right?
No holocaust.
I believe that most people who are I tot he conspiracy just think the numbers are inflated
*into the
There are currently 2.22 million people incarcerated in the United States.
You're telling me that Germany, a nation at war, was capable of incarcerating 6 trillion jews?
It isn't talking points.
The real center of Jewish and modern evil is nominalism, the tabula rasa, the idea that there is no objective truth and everything is just what we want it to be.
Everyone can see the laughable contradictions and obvious lies, but, in the world of nominalism, that doesn't matter. Power matters. The Jews have power, so, if they say there were holocausters, then sure, whatever El Patrone Wants.
You must first care about truth.
Freedom is not doing whatever you want, it is the freedom to recognize objective truth while every terrestrial force is trying to hide it.
Logistically impossible for a nation the size of germany to kill and dispose of the bodies of 6 million.
Nowhere did Hitler ever say or write that he wanted to kill jews, just get them out of germany.
There is literally zero forensic evidence of it happening. It's all "eyewitness" and "survivor" testimony, many of which were found to be lying decades later.
Bonus fun fact: Anne Frank never wrote a diary and was never in a camp, her uncle wrote her diary after the war as a story and sold it to a publisher as a first hand account of the Holocaust.
The final solution covered a span of about 33 months. They would have had to kill 3000 Jews a day 24/7 in order to make that happen. Even with NAZI efficiency, that's not possible. And that doesn't even cover the 5million "others" which were holocausted.
this. The fact that Jews were deported and some of them died is inarguable. How many of them ACTUALLY died and the degree of malice and complicity the camp guards and administrators showed is where people get lost
>Bonus fun fact: Anne Frank never wrote a diary and was never in a camp, her uncle wrote her diary after the war as a story and sold it to a publisher as a first hand account of the Holocaust.
where are the facts bro
The most prominent historian on the Holocaust subject, Raul Hilberg:
>Have you ever visited Bergen-Belsen?
>Have you visited Buchenwald?
>Have you visited Dachau?
how can you believe this kind of shit? they literally invented the numbers
>How can you say that? They gassed Jews in Auschwitz and if they didn't they gassed them in Birkenau. Believe me, I've been to both places.
Literally can't make this shit up.
Nominalism doesn't mean what you say it does. Nominalism is the position that universals are abstracted from particulars and do not a have an objective existence.
This is not the same as saying "there is no truth". It is saying truth is something that makes sense to human minds and it's not as "real" as a ball rolling down a hill. Ideas live in the mind. That's probably the most common nominalist position.
hahaha now 20 million
I'm pretty sure that the jewish worldwide population at the time was around 15kk.
google bro her father wrote it , because it was writen with a pen only made after the war
Did you even read the text? It says 15-20 million people. It also says the currently accepted figure is 12 million, of which 6 were Jews.
Also, no modern historian claims that 6 million Jews were murdered. It is known that the number of people gassed is only a part of the 6 million figure.
This isn't "redpill", it's official history. Yet internet buffs still go "they couldn't have gassed 6 million". Nobody said they did!
That plaque with 4 million just shows people need to take better care when they commission plaques. Not that the history was rewritten by the Jews because the ever vigilant revisionists were on to them.
It happened, but numbers is the debate. I don't think exact numbers are even that important. I get how it ends up like this. I just consider if myself would be willing to gas all muslims in Europe right now. I would not even think twice.
Auschwitz, the worst of all the camps, killer of the most jews, only has a few single coffin crematorium ovens. They had to occasionally burn bodies because people die, old people die, people die of diseases.
Thousands of jewish students are flown to poland each year from israel to learn holocaust propaganda.
They're shown dioramas of enormous factory size production line crematoriums.
At every stage of the trip they are hardcore brainwashed about how much death there was and how bad it was.
There's no going back once you delve into this stuff OP, you've been warned.
Latest interview with Germar Rudolf about his latest book
Curated Lies: The Auschwitz Museum's Misrepresentations, Distortions and Deceptions
If you have studied muliple publications by Germar Rudolf about Auschwitz, and still believe jews where gassed in Auschwitz, you need to get your head examined.
The professionals `auschwitz experts` and other gate keepers like deborah lipstadt, Robert Jan van Pelt, Michael Shermer...
...don't need their head examined btw, they all know they're selling you a pack of lies.
What Is History?
The Rise and Fall of the Holocaust Industry
David Cole and Mark Weber - What is holocaust revisionism?
Sylvia Stolz - Lawyer Who Was Jailed for Presenting Evidence in the Zundel Trial
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The Nazis didn't like the Jews we all know that.
But The Jewish community is certainly exaggerating what actually happened and it makes us focus only what happened to the Jews and forget what happened to any other minorities under Nazi rule.
And some of the stories of what happened in the camps are completely farfetched and downright comedic.
You forget the conditions our dear friends lived in, the 6 quadrillion were shoved in tall crates, shoulder to shoulder, about 80 of them each in a 10'x10' area, and each day they set one of the boxes on fire. It was a real horrorshow
I agree
Having enough emotional and mental probems already.
Delving into holocaust revisionism totally traumatized me even more then i already was. It took me another 3 years or so to get over the horror and eventually be able to connect with the normies again.
What you say would mean somethin g if we were taught history and not myth in schools.
It happened, not to the extent that people claim nowadays, the jews were really only a fraction of the internees. However, the main reason it happened was because hitler was a jewish agent and committed this "genocide" to enable a creation of a zionist state, discredit any movement/party potentially harmful for the jews and ensure global zionist domination.
tldr; numbers are inflated, hitler was a jewish agent
The belief that workcamps were design with extermination in mind, is absurd.
you've probably heard of the famous quote from churchill that ordered photografers to take plenty pictures of the camps, "because one day none will believe this".
the only problem wit this quote is the fact that the west never found any designated deathcamps.
They were all found by the well so trustworthy USSR.
also, there were only around 6 million jews in the hole of europe at this time to, and with so many survivors.
jews looking thin and malnourished is the result of allied bombing raids on civilian cities, which would leave the workcamps under-managed, to prioritize more important matters like fighting huge fires, helping the wounded, putting an end to the misery that the allied caused these occupied territories.
who's this seman demon?
Na mate
This video made by a Jewish kid explains it pretty well.
if you ever start to question the hollocaust, let this smart goy educate you.
Himmler was the insurgent. Not Hitler
that video made everyone in this thread kill themselves.
just gas us already kikes, whats taking you so long.
This made me kill myself, I'm now finally free.
That guy is a massive sociopath.
He makes those videos, not because he believes it or even cares about it, but simply because he knows that normies do.
I'll bet everything I have that he'll get done for murder at some point.
Watch some of these. There is no proof of gas chambers.
it happened but it was by the Russians that killed the Jews when they "liberated" the camps
Because you can't fucking gas or burn 6 million jews in the middle or war time. It's physically impossible and all the actual evidence shows that.
It is mathematically impossible for the 6 million to have been systematically executed from 1936 - 1945.
When we add the number of non Jews who were supposedly killed, it is plain to see that it did not happen as it is claimed.
Its more likely that only a million or so people, both Jews and non Jews, died in the camps. These deaths would have taken place towards the end of the war and would have been caused by allied bombing of supply routes to the camps leading to starvation and lack of medical supplies.
Wow a polish holocaust revisionist.
nice brave man.
I guess you didn't realize that the Poles hate the Russians for creating the Holocaust myth. Any Pole who disagrees is a Jew, and therefore, not a real pollack.
TIL I've been to more concentration camps than the best historian they could muster.
Dachau was also conveniently torn down completely, with only touched up buildings left for "show" which I have no doubt were modified.
They then tell you stories about the buildings that aren't there like "you never wanted to go into the medic building, most people would be TORTURED there! The Nazis were great at giving them hope AND THEN TAKING IT AWAY!"
I shit you not thats told as 1000% fact, like Nazis wanted a bunch of sick people to stay sick and infect the camp, we have medicine but nah you don't get to use it because we ARE EVIL!
I just don't see why it was needed to obliterate the actual camp while withholding the fact that the ovens there at Dachau were never actually used.... but they display them like they were.
Look up the European Jewish population of the 1930s. Consider how many "fled" (more like economic migrants) after Nazis came into power and how many went to Israel before the final solution. The numbers are just unbelievable.
I imagine they make a lot of money just from tourism to the camps. It's common for schools to be given discounts to go there for a trip and receive the full indoctrination tour.
Of all the fantastic historic sites to visit across Europe, somehow Auschwitz seems to be one of the most common.
this has been proven wrong several times,fuck off
I'm still undecided on the holocaust.
But what's leans me to the denial side is just how much people fight against questioning the idea.
>laws against denial
>people getting angry if you dispute the history and shaming you for the idea instead of just trying to debunk you with the evidence
When people aren't open to debate on a subject I'm instantly suspicious of them.
Holocaust was another Soviet lie
Honestly, most Poles I see hate Germans. I was literally just thinking about this. I guess you can't blame them considering that Poland got invaded and part of our history doesn't necessarily make us the best friends.
mathematically impossible for germany (or any other nation in peace or wartimes) to get rid of 6 MILLION corpses by burning them to ashes.
the number of alleged ovens and the time for a corpse to degrade into fatty ashes can NOT work for such high number in such little time.
Oh you want to know about the communist jew? :)
>in the male
This story seems to be deliberately designed to have maximum psychological effect with ultimately trying to stimulate the mindset:
"never lose hope in racemixing no matter what happens."
Their psy-ops work very well. Making it as sick and evil as had the these events against the jews actually happened.
Thereby exterminating an entire ethnicity (western europeans) as a dirtect result of this psychological operation.
>in the male
you realize homosexuality was banned in nazi germany, right?
picture describing Germar Rudolf's struggle after scientifically debunking the holocaust gas chamber's existence.
Why do you support the ethic cleansing of Palestinians?
>mathematically impossible for germany (or any other nation in peace or wartimes) to get rid of 6 MILLION corpses by burning them to ashes.
Actually a large number were killed in the invasion of poland. troops would round up jews and shoot them as they went. Only about 2-3 million died in camps and/or were burned.
This is what I'm talking about
>deniers provide infographs
>believers spam meme strawmen
>worship hitler for killing jews
correction: worship hitler for kicking out jews and trying to restore germany for germans
well how the hell are german's going to balance the cost of housing 6 quintillion jews with the cost of waging war on two fronts, I think the answer is that they didn't have to
>implying infrographs are more valid than actual historical documents.
Anyone seen Hitler's 16 point peace plan? :)
Isreal builds border walls that are not even along its own borders but gos into Palestinian territory itself wrapping around racial Jewish only settlements
Why can i not expose the lies of the holocaust and not be allowed to give attention to actual war crimes in current events?
Believing that systematic extermination of jews with the goal of killing them all did happen, but in much smaller scale than claimed, is the ultimate redpill and neither good goys nor stormcucks can accept it.
What if the Holocaust did happen, but the death estimates are grossly exaggerated?
They're more valid than memespam and lazily altered Wyatt Man cartoons.
see Soviets have 50'000 microfilmed pages of german documents, nothing in those pages document the plan to exterminate the jews.
Also this is the red cross death tally.
It's not like there's any point in trying to convince of the truth. You people are so ignorant you're going to believe what you want no matter what.
I'm just here to make fun of you.
nedernikker at it again
What happened was that the Allied forces blew up the Nazi's supply lines, which caused the concentration camp populations to starve by the end. What happened when people starved is that they got typhus, and to combat typhus they get sprayed with Zyklon-B.
Did you know? there were almost the same number of non-jews in the concentration camps as there were jews.
>I got offended by these ideas and am incapable of debating because I don't actually know much so I just shitpost instead
Okay user, carry on.
post some of those documents conclusively proving the holocaust
by conclusively I mean, not some paper where "special treatment" of jews is mentioned without any way to make sense of it
protip: you can't