What is the worst religion? And why is it atheism?

What is the worst religion? And why is it atheism?

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See, it's easier without all the bullshit

Are you retarded?

Obvious bait

Sage all fields

That whole neo-nazi version of Christianity, seriously what the fuck?

Sciemmolology ??


No, honestly. Atheists are willfully ignorant. Tbh agnostics is the safest and smartest option. You can't deny that God or something like that may exist. It's always possible. People who claim to be atheist act like their so smart and that science is by their side and other bs. When in reality they haven't exhausted all possibilities and just claiming God doesnt exist right off the bat


Atheism is not a religion.

Atheism is opposed to the very concept of religion.

You say that but its not true. The only ones opposed to the concept of religion is agnostics.

That's not how this works. If you make an extraordinary claim, then you need to provide extraordinary evidence.

In other words: you're the one claiming to have an all-powerful invisible friend who lives in the sky. The burden of proof is on you.

Just because you don't believe in a concept of God doesnt mean you arent religious. A belief system constitutes a religion. There are atheist 'religions'(in your sense of the word) as well. Explain to me how atheism isnt actually a religion. (Protip: you cant)

Wong. Agnostics are open to the possibility. Atheists are not.


No I'm not. I say there may be. You're claiming that there isn't without a doubt. The burden is 100% on you my friend. And stop quoting James Randi that statement is 100% false. You don't need extroardinary proof for an extraordinary claim. If I say there are unicorns all I have to do is show you one to prove myself right. You claiming there isnt has to search the entire world to not find anything to know your;e right

Worship of evil is the worst religion.

The only extraordinary claim is there is 1000000% certain there is no god or anything. I only say theres no way to know for certain abot anything, just like how I can't prove Last Tuesdayism isnt wrong. Im not saying you CANT be wrong or right, Im saying You can't claim to know for certain while also claiming to be someone who cherishes the scientific method. Youre simply stating a theory as fact and that doesnt fly

No. I don't have to prove anything. You're the one assuming that God exists without anything resembling evidence. YOU are making an extraordinary claim, not me.

For the about third time this thread I never assumed god exists. I made no such claim. Search my posts and prove me wrong

While at the same time you said with complete certainty that there is no possible way for a God to exist, which you claim to know without providing any proof at all

Samefag. See, to me, the entire concept of God is unnecessary. We're perfectly capable of explaining the universe without him, so why posit his existence in the first place?

No. I am NOT saying that there is no possibility that God exists. I'm saying there is no reason to think so.

Why claim to know for sure? Do you know every secret of the Universe? Can you explain everything without God? You can't know that yet because we don't know everything there is to know yet. We don't know what happened before the Big Bang, if that really happened. Again only the Big Bang is only a theory built on the evidnce around us, but can't be 100% proven yet. It couldve been something else we never dreamed to think about that made all the same side effects as the BIg Bang

What is the worst religion? And why is it islam?


Christianity is the worst religion. This is because the very existence of it as a religion defeats the very teaching it claims to uphold.

Christianity was supposed to be a relationship with God through faith and imitation of his son, yet most Christians would rather live the American dream as "good people" who simply want to save up and retire rather than risk everything to model the life of Christ.

Most Christians would rather complain about non-believers and other faiths while holding a desk job doing next to nothing and distracting themselves with apps on their newest phone rather than give a damn about the hard working people who are unable to take care of themselves with the meager pay they receive for their slave labor.

The greatest faith should have been the Christian faith: caring for the poor and hungry, caring for the voiceless and unheard, defending justice rather than perpetuating it; but it is not the greatest faith because the Christian religion has hijacked it into a selfish pipe-dream.

Why not? If there is some underlying conciousness to how the universe works, why wouldn't we want to know that and to find it?

There are a lot of things the human race could have explained without digging further, and with your attitude we would probably be somewhere in the 1600s still. You just don't think it's a worthwhile subject of study, and for that, anyone that wants to study it just says fuck you, it's none of your damn business, keep to yourself asshole. Which is why we aren't still in the 1600s.


Imagine this. What if our universe is a giant computer simulation from a super advanced species. There is certainly no way of knowing that that isnt true because these beings can plant and alter whatever 'proof' we find. And of course theres no reason to think so but you can't say you'll ever know for sure. So why pretend to be all knowing>

Just because scientists cannot yet explain every tiny detail doesn't mean science is invalid. Science is an ongoing process that constantly builds on the work of those who came before. The fact that the scientific picture has some gaps is not a reason to throw away the whole enterprise and replace it with the legends of 2000-year-old herders.

I never said science is invalid. Quite the contrary I believe science is the most imporatn thing of all. but science can't tell me 100%% it's impossible for there to be a highger being. So I can't make claims quite yet, now can I?

That there might be some order in the universe guided by an intelligence higher than ours is only an extraordinary claim if your a narcissist and an idiot.

You sound like an ant in a terrarium giving a rousing speech to the drones about how you guys have control of the whole known universe, and that it's an undisputed fact!

Smarter and/or more powerful organisms use their brain power to change the worlds of lower organisms constantly, but according to you, we can't be one of them, and it's just crazy to think it's possible.

What a clueless twat you are! If only you understood logic half as well as you do narcissistic pretension!

And, I might add, the only reason anyone would feel that way, IMHO, is that they simply don't want to think for themselves.

You just want to turn off your brain and say, God did it.

You are completely incoherent to me. Seriously. I can't read that as anything but gibberish.

I'm done. Not because I'm not enjoying this, but because I need to get to sleep.

More pretension and narcissism. If no ones positive opinions about God mean anything, neither do your negative opinions dickwad.

aaaaye my nigga

Yeah, so you can work on your reading comprehension, moron.

Just read the parable of the blind men and the elephant and then move on to the shadows on the cave wall.

I can tell you aren't educated enough to have a serious conversation about a subject like this.

We can't claim to know everything. but I never said we just explain away thegaps with God did it. That's why science is perfect, because we can build logically on proof. But science never said there is no higher being, and so atheists claim there isnt, 'say science is on my side with this one' and accepts no other argument, when in actuallity there is no such proof. it's ironic, typing shows me the parallel in some of the arguments atheists make against Christians and other religions, where they stand behind their bible or scripture and wont accept anything dissenting, and make claims that isnt represented

I wear a Star of David bracelelt, not because Im jewish(im not), but because an Israeli maan gave it to me, a man who didnt try to preach to me, but a man who talks with his palestinian neighours and live in peace with them. I wear it as a symbol of friendship and peace, which I thnk all religions should strive for

When religious fags can prove god then maybe Athiests will be proven wrong. Go back to believing in turning water into wine and parting seas.