Thanks Sup Forums

thanks Sup Forums
i was a californian liberal and now thanks to you fags im right winged af
lost all my friends and my family thinks im crazy but thanks to you lads im a proud conservative.
cancer liberals die

congratulations, you let this shitty website change all of your core beliefs.

this site didnt change my core beliefs. i was brainwashed by the liberal media and this website encouraged me to learn about conservative points of view. at this point i started to recognize that my views align with the right and i instantly felt regret for ever labeling myself a liberal.

no, you just got brainwashed by crazies instead

Welcome to the winning side. I hope you'll join us in the glorious purge in the coming days.

The fact that you're referring to conservatism and liberalism in the abstract, and talking about conversion so generally tells me that you don't have any specific beliefs based on facts in the first place and likely either changed poltical parties because some of your friends did, or that you're trolling and it's terrible

Personally I think it's wrong to be forced to split down the middle with politics. Some of my views would be considered liberal while mostly I'd considered conservative, mixed in with a bit of anararchism cause I believe there's alot things the government should not control in people's lives. Everyone has to have a label or fit into a category now and days. Your friends and family alienated you when you turned to conservative which is stupid and narrowminded. Now I just want a fair system that rewards the hardworkers and punishes the ones taking advantage of the system for a free ride. And trust me both the higher class and lower class seem to riding off the working middle class now and days..

its a troll


If Sup Forums moved you politically, you don't deserve to vote. I would say that no matter where you landed.

The media is incapable of brainwashing. You should know what you're believing when you're believing it. Basically, what you just admitted is, you're fucking stupid, didn't know what you believed in, and still don't.

sure thing

hy' lioe l'' iuiominie ?

du' bhavate hyure'' sudo po' ne' na??

welcome friend. it will get better the further down the road you get from liberalism. conservatives are good people and look out for their own.

Even if op is just trolling, some people are actually this stupid.

>alienates his family
>thinks he's conservative
the nuclear family is the beating heart of conservatism. Congratulations, you're a special snowflake liberal now.

Who could be behind this thread??


of course you are trolling.

Being conservative doesn't mean you put low information/emotional thinking family (liberals) before what's right.

>people still falling for the conservative/liberal dichotomy
>while those in power are pulling the strings
>in 2017
it's a good thing I'm dropping red pills behind 7 proxies, asshole

I disagree with my father. That doesn't mean I'm going to distance myself from him, because I would never disrespect him. That being said, I will live my life according to my ideals, I will try my best to inculcate a sense of family in my children. Family is unconditional love, that's why you only marry once. If you distanced youself from your family because "hurrr libtards", then you should be ashamed.

Neat. The fact that you used the word lads I'm gonna go ahead and assume you're a eurocuck and not even from burgerland.
Troll harder nigger..


couldn't have said it better myself

Now it's time to leave that shit-hole state. The best of us already have.

>>The media is incapable of brainwashing.
Oh you'd be surprised.