its nearly been a year.
can we celebrate?
Its nearly been a year
Lol been celebrating every time i hear lefties screeching about trump. So everyday since he won :)
No, I'm busy with work and bettering myself through learning and exercise. But your lazy ass certainly can, seeing as though you don't care about any of those things.
> I'm busy with work and bettering myself through learning and exercise
>is posting on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW
>waited a year to celebrate
fucking retard. you make trump supporters look bad.
Yes, Trump does eat shit.
Every day.
Oh god damn please tell me this isn't bullshit. I wish so hard this statistic is true.
I would bomb Agrabah too, have you seen Jafar, that dude's scary yo
who the fuck wouldnt?
we're gonna build a wall
we're gonna lower our average IQ
we're gonna suck russian cock
found the shill scum
thats not what shilling is tard.
lol bait
Sure Ivan, 3 rupees have been deposited in your account.
damn what a cuck having 2 drink other mens tears...
I'll celebrate once he builds the wall, repeals obamacare and cuts taxes...
until then i'll be waiting
Why do you want him to repeal Obamacare?
obamacare is a giant insurance scam that only ends up collapsing in the long term.
and i want him to keep his word
he hasn't done much in his first year in terms of legislation... good gains against ISIS and spotus pick was fantastic... trolling the left is hilarious... but he hasn't been the great negotiator that he claimed he was... where are the deals?? im not tired of winning yet
>hahaha look at these retards be sad
>about sad things
>that any rational human should be sad about
Do you guys not have friends or families? Were you abused as children? I don't understand this Trump meme.
>>ITT Russian bots pretending to be Americans
Mfw these are the same people paying interatial porn and cock threads. We see you Russia fucks. You will not escape.
I seriously don't get this meme. Trump is the one who always seem to be chimping out about something either stupid or trivial.
Just remember we only have to deal with 4 years of Trump instead of 8 years of Hilary. DNC gave us shit option Hilary and we said no we want Bernie. Hopefully they get the message by then and give us a Bernie like candidate in 3 years. Justice Democrats ftw.
Yes America is being scammed. Hopefully you want to replace Obamacare with a free healthcare system. So much cheaper and off course free.