What is the solution?? I say 15.. some people say 52 or even anything different

what is the solution?? I say 15.. some people say 52 or even anything different.

1 drink = 10
1 burger = 5
1 bag of fries = 1

5 + 2 + 10
17, my dude.

its 4 dollars for 4 bags of fries

last row only has one bag of fries, its 16

great great.

I missed that there was an x between the fries and drink

15 is my answer


Burger + 1/2fries * soda = 60

Is Sup Forums getting younger? WHY the fuck can you not solve it on your own you retard?

but the last line has an X (multiplicity):

5+(1*10) = 15
seems simple but I am not sure anymore.

drink = 10
burg= 5
fries = 2

5 + 2 x 10 = 25


10 x 1 + 5 = 15

I solved it.. and my solution is 15.. now there is a fight on different website where everyone tells a different solution xD


It's 70 faggots that's a mutiplication symbol 1 soda is 10 one burger is 5 fries is 2

Fries is 2 not 1.

Order of operations homie


just like here... thats seems to be a job for Alberi Einstein.

Winner, winner, trump raped his daughter

look at the image again. 2 bags of fries are 2 dollars. the last row only has one bag of fries though, not 2

yes, in 3rd line fries are 2 because there are 2 packages of fries (2 packages + 2 packages)


Oh shit I'm fucking autistic it's 60

These are correct. Everthing else is bullshit.


Old switcharoo trick with the fries.......

At least somebody knows their shit

The answer is 15, just look at fries (only one bag) and at multiplication symbol.

How do we even know that one bag of fries costs half the price of two bags?

How 5+1*10=60


you shouldn't be eating this, the solution is to go vegan.

Checked. That is a thing. Got 15 boss

The fries are tricking you, It's two packs of fries for a two, and in the last one there's only one.

So 5+1*10 = 15

Melatoninly advantaged human

Multiply first then add


its 60 yoy fucking autismos

Fucks sake, it's 15 5+(1x10)

How do you not know about Order of Operations?

You learn that shit when your 5

How can you fall for this bait...


I c wot u did there

We got taught this at school and I got the answer 15. But to be honest I’ve alwyas been curious as to why we do it this way? I mean why isn’t the answer 25. If you write it, in that order into a calculator it will be 25. So why do we have an order of operations, why not write it the other way around.

Good job, you are the only one who found the correct answer.

it's fucking 17

that's a menu. it will be cheaper than its parts combined.


Who larps as a math retard? Shit, you people need hobbies.


1 soda = 10
1 Burger = 5
1 bag of fries = 2

How do you not know what a variable is? 1 bag of fries is undefined. It's an assumption that 1 bag of fries = 1/2 of 2 bags. Since it's a variable in can represent anything including entire other equations.

As every line is showing the mathematical symbol to be used, including multiplication, it's most likely that 2 bags of fries DOES NOT equal 2 times 1 bag and 1 bag is unrelated to 2 bags.

5+x*10= is as close as you can get to an answer.

30 = 3 Sodas
3/3 = 10
1 Soda = 10

Soda + 2 Burg = 20
20-10 = 10
10/2 = 5
1 Burg = 5

Burg + 2 Fries = 9
9-5 = 4
4/2 = 2
1 Fries = 2

5+2x10 = 5+20 = 25

This is what you get when you watch Rick and Morty kiddos.

I would like to thank this well-cultured individual for setting me on the right path. Your compassion is laudable.

10 + 5 nerds.

>This is what you get when you watch Rick and Morty kiddos.

What, a retard who can't figure out a simple math problem?

You would be reinforcing ricks assessment of humanity by providing the wrong answer.

Is this a meme? The answer is the one number nobodies saying and it's fucking

60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60


Its fucking 15 or 10*x+5 dipshits

It is 25

solution is undefined. we don't know one thing about their meal pricing.

Coca-Cola = 10
Burger = 5
Fries = 2
Burger + fries x Coca-Cola = 5 + 2 x 10 =5 + 20=25

Look closer at the picture, genius.


Go back to school if you don't understand math


30/3 = 10 per drink

(20-10)/2 = 5 per burger

(9-5)/2 = 2 per bag of fries

5+(2x10) = 25

yall are literal retards

1 burger [5] + 1 fries [1] × 1 drink [10]
= 5 + 1 × 10
= 5 + 10
= 15

What? Trying to sat that the X is a variable instead of a multiplication symbol?

25 idiots

70 you fucking mongoloids

No, tard. The third row has four bags of fries, while the fourth row has one.

Wow such ebbic troll. :^DD

It's 15

the fries are 1 because the 3rd line has 4 bags of fries.

so it's 10x1+5=15

yeah maybe there is a sale like buy 1 get one free

or 2 for $1.50

idiots u have to check the menu

Lul at all you autistic kids


It's impossible to solve because the bottomw row introduces a new variable.

10x2 = 20
20+5 = 25

People are autistic

fuck it, it's a fucking field goal


But what does Fry equal. Answer me this, tough guy.

Are you dumb ?

10+10+10 = 30
10+5+5 = 20
5+2+2 = 9
5+2+10 = 17

Y'all stupid.
There's a 2 for 1 discount.
4 fries is $4, as already established, but normal price is $1.50. READ THE DAMN MENU

Incomplete data.

You actually don't know what the single fry is. It might be 1/2 the 2 fries. But it might be completely unrelated.

So, null set.

It's fry


If the 1 bag of fries is 1 since 2 bags is 2, then it’s 60, otherwise it is (5a)10.


for the knuckle-draggers: PEMDAS

It is 16
Fries(single pack)=1


Order of operations, moron

multiply first, then add

it's 15


drink = X

burger = y

fries = z

3x = 30 -> x = 10

x + 2y = 20 -> 10 + 2y = 20 -> 2y = 10 -> y = 5

y + 2z = 9 -> 5 + 2z = 9 -> 2z = 4 -> z = 2

x + y + z = 10 + 5 + 2 = 17

The fries are worth two.
The burger is worth five.
The coke is worth ten.

5 + (2 × 10)
5 + 20

You’re a dumbass who shouldn’t breed.
He got it slightly wrong, it’s actually 5(10a) since no one knows what the fuck 1 bag of chips means.

Its x + y × z
you missed the times symbol
The answer then is
x + y × z = 5 + (2 × 10) = 5 + 20 = 25

What is order of operations?

there are no chips, retard