Rate my Runescape account.
Also just bought membership again, what can i do to get some good gear for slaying?
Rate my Runescape account.
Also just bought membership again, what can i do to get some good gear for slaying?
>playing runescape in the current year
You should probably just "slay" yourself.
double dubs dont lie nigga
rate these
nice sings brah
buy bonds
Not bad but nothing outstanding either.
What do you currently have in your bank?
Construction has been made a very op skill, I'd suggest aiming for 75. Get your attack to 75 so you can use a BGS for bosses like Bandos, and Raids. You've got a good farming level so daily herb runs can net lots of cash. I think skeletal wyverns are unlocked at 72 slayer, and those are insane cash. Other than that, your account is average. Aim for 2k bro
I only have arround 3m in my bank
construction cost way too much atm for me
Nice stats, hacked faggot