Haven't showered in a week. How long have you gone without a shower

Haven't showered in a week. How long have you gone without a shower

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1 month, but I was living in the woods.

How'd your balls smell?

2 days

Idk. A few months. I don't care anymore.

Creeping up on 3 months, I only wash a few times a year. Was actually thinking about having a bath today and making some gross soup

lemme slurp up some of your chest hair soup then daddy yum

Three months, but I'd wash my hair and balls at least once every two weeks

Pic not related... Though funnily enough that guys named Dirty Dev

y'all don't go out anymore or what? how can ya live liek dis?

Like I said, I don't care anymore. I have no friends or family and I'm on disability so fuck it.

but what about the smell? and everything you use/touch becomes dirty doesn't it?

share a pic of your room

Yup don't go out, don't work or do social. I shower for my GP and if certain people come to visit, but I generally don't let people visit. I bathed 3 times last year, I don't smell bad or feel dirty or I probably would wash more. My poop doesn't even smell of poop so my ass smells of nothing even if I cratch two knuckles deep

There isn't much of a smell. I have hormone and thyroid problems so I've never had much of an odor. I do wash my hands and mouth.

don't you sweat at night?

pic of room

Nah no pic.

Couple of times a month, I actually soaked my bed and all my pillows last night because I started a course of steroids yesterday and they kicked the shit out of me when I tried to sleep. Everything is dry now and just smells like fabric softener. I wash my hands 20-30 times a day though

don't be a snowflake, show us your dirty cave, you basement dweller

>I don't smell bad or feel dirty or I probably would wash more. My poop doesn't even smell...
This is proof that you reek of shit and are too conditioned to your own putrid funk to notice. Disgusting. It should be legal to euthanize people like you who offend our nasal passages with your presence in public.

that fucking hole in the bed
you a whale or what?
homer much?

oh you wash your hands, you must be soooo clean

I don't live in a basement, asshole. I have a one bedroom apartment on the fourth floor in a walk-up.

Yeah, some people actually don't produce body odor.

I wash everything except my dick, since I have become addicted to the smell. (I am up to a month and a half now, and to my utmost surprise still no smegma).

or you just stopped smelling yourself

i don't believe you

3 days

I havnt had a shower since 2014, when my depression/anxiety kicked in and I just didn't give any fucks about myself anymore, still dont

>depression since 2014
>3 years

why didn't you kill yourself by now, faggot?

Hahaha I've actually got the edges of my duvet folded under to keep them off the floor. It's that and a broken slat/ fat fuck combo. My mattress is hooped from me sitting in it 23 hours a day

Mum says she's shocked I don't smell since she knows how little I wash. She would be the first to tell me and I'm in the car with her every day

yeah Im sure your mom would say that you stink, fucking likely

Probably jerk a ton, I never hav any cause I wank 5-10 times a day.

she got used to it

god I just wish you could send scents digitally, I'd like to try yours

I've tried twice, 1st time my mate caught me and took the rope away, never told anyone, kept it to ourselfs, 2nd time I was caught by my mother with a noose around my neck so I got sent to a mental ward for a while, never really tried again but still think about it

you're an attention whore that's all

do it for real

Clearly your mother isn't a critical bitch, but it also seems like you don't know that type of cunt exists. Some mothers tare you down any chance you give them. Why are you so agro about this issue?

I'd rather not right now, I've made a few friends since then and I don't really want to end it yet, if everything goes to shit, I might but its going okay right now

Can you rub your bare taint with your fingers and tell us how they smell?

it will go to shit because of your disgusting smell and appearance

Yeah most likely,

The only reason I shower is because I have scalp-psoriasis, so my head, and head/hair gets greasy as fuck, and I hate having greasy hair
My body itself is very clean, and doesn't smell or afraid of anything if I don't shower
I also have to buzzcut my hair because scalp-psoriasis too, but I love having a buzzcut, so I'd of had it either way; if I don't have a buzzcut I'm a total grease factory
My scalp-psoriasis isn't bad, and I forget it mostly, it even heals my scalp really fast if I get cuts/scraps; but at the end of the day, its still there
I've defiantly won the lottery on it though, compared to how bad it can get for others

no, everyone does, it's how the body expunges waste that it can't shit out.

you gross as fuck.

Found the nigger

>tare you down
Doesn't shower.
Mom is only social reference point.
Can't spell "tear."

Just end it now.

Haven't gone out for months. Except to a bar last month.

nigga how can you spell psoriasis correctly and not know when to use "have" instead of "of?"

>could have
>would have
>should have


>should of
>could of
>would of

now let's think. which of these two phrases is most correct?

>I'd of had it any other way
>I would of had it any other way


>I'd have had it any other way
>I would have had it any other way

no I just type like that cuz it's easier to drive home a point.

I wrote "tear" first then changed it, but that's probably worse

nothing is wrong with the sentence except drunkenness
The "so I'd of had it either way" has nothing wrong with it, and you're cherry picking an area that isn't even bad
Also, go back to r*ddit

spoken like a true uneducated retard.

you, and people like you, are the reason technical writing gets done by Indians now.

I can't tell whether that's bait, or retardation
Either way, just go fuck yourself


You should have finished your homework by now. This common mistake is likely caused by the similar pronunciation of the words of and have, especially when have is contracted, as in should've. This mistake also happens with the negations of modal verbs: Stella couldn't of known she was going to win the lottery.

Why is their Yanks still on at this time?? That's where all the salty posts in the thread are coming from. Can't stand those Klowns

You're workin' yourself up a bit; chew off, and play a game or something

it's 8:48 in the morning on the eastern pacific coast, retard.

probably because its a word he looked up and pasted

America has almost 4 timezones

I edit english for a living, making people like you mad at me is my hobby.

trust me, the only one who is mad here is you.

that's why you can't accept that you are wrong.

I'm just fugged in the head, 'tis all

But I'm not mad; I'm actually bretty chill, drinkin' rum&pepsi

then it should be relatively easy for you to say "oops, my bad. learned something new."

oops, my bad. learned something new.

two days

>I edit english for a living, making people like you mad at me is my hobby.
whadda faggot

I've gone two or three months without showering, the only thing that really starts to stink on me is my balls. Otherwise I don't stink, it's just my clothes smell dirty since I work outside as a gardener and I always wear the same clothes as well as never showering.

I've even ask people if I smell and I don't think everyone is lying to me. I obviously don't let them smell my balls.

4 or 5 days I think. I can't stand going anymore than 2 days without a shower though.

When I do shower though the water is usually brown or grey haha.

Well can you at least try to keep quiet for a few hours a day? Your history goes back like 300 years and you think that's a lot. Theirs a grave in my town from 1066 and other parts of our history are thousands of years older. You're just some disgruntled English men that tooled off and stole a country. Then you changed a bunch of words to try and cultivate identity. Your a joke to the world douchedong

Shiggy diggy
Go eat dick some other place

Nobody asked for your opinion