Is Global Warming (or """""Climate Change""""") real?

Is Global Warming (or """""Climate Change""""") real?

Other urls found in this thread: pollution vs volcanoes

yes but its effects are highly exaggerated

Is there any proof?

Humans and industry do have an effect on the climate

it's just so fucking tiny that a average volcano eclipses and massively overtakes the entirety of all pollution made by humans ever in a single eruption

This is objectively incorrect and you would know that if you bothered to fact-check your own opinions.

Go ahead, look it up and get back to me.


Yes it's real and there is nothing we can do to stop or help it. That doesn't mean just because littering doesn't make the ice caps melt doesn't mean that you should do it. We should still want to take care of the environment regardless. pollution vs volcanoes

Google it so I can come up with even more unverifiable garbage?

Why does nobody ever post verifiable sources in these threads?

If you aren't able to find good results from a Google search and follow citations then how the fuck can you hold a meaningful opinion regardless of what I tell you? If your ability to interpret information is as bad as you seem to be claiming it is then how are you going to be able to know that I'm telling you the truth?

idk if you walked outside and the temp read 68.5 Friday but I told you is 70F, could you notice the difference?

>attacking arguments nobody made
Wow, thats brave

You wonder why they don't bother addressing specific points. It almost like there's money to be made defending fossil fuels.

thats not quite how it works

It is a political agenda. Of course it is fake.

there's also money to be made in the "green energy" sector

that's why the ultra rich are dumping tons of money into it

have to get a return on that investment

Ya it is shit for brains.

No doubt about that. The big money is still in oil however.

Sure it is. It is natural.
And we contribute to things like pollution, but what good is it to freak out and bash people that aren't out "saving the earth?"

Jews greatest ability is to play all sides against each other so they can throw everyone under the bus and end up on top

Russian scientists keep finding new invasive species that were originally living in south but are moving north due to, well, warming, i guess? shit is real.
Not that i care, warm is good for motherland. Others can fry.

Ya cause of all the ways for species to invade in the last 50 years, it's the 1.5 degrees increase pushing them and not all the other man made forces on migration and ecosystems .....