What percentage is there of me dying from jumping out my bedroom window upstairs I’m very tiny I feel like that...

What percentage is there of me dying from jumping out my bedroom window upstairs I’m very tiny I feel like that increases my chances of death

No. Being very tiny decreases the chance. Smaller animals can land safely from much higher up than humans can.

And in general answer to your question. Fucking miniscule.

Is there a way to increase the chances then

You have selected an inefficient method of suicide. Not only is there a good chance you will not die, it will be incredibly painful when you fail because you will pussy out mid-jump and land on your arms, shattering them.

I suggest living instead, at least until you finish high school and have a barebones understanding of physics and a good set of balls.


It's a terrible method of suicide, but your best bet is falling such that you land on your head and hope you have enough momentum going to break your neck.

It is exceedingly liking that you miss and just get bruised, i wouldn't be surprised if you didn't even break a bone.

Actually, rather than considering suicide, I recommend you become a vagrant. Abandon the life you hate and become someone new over your travels.

>I’m very tiny I feel like that increases my chances of death
The smaller you are the less likely a fall will kill you.

I kinda plan to do this when I’m old enough to move out of parents house

Yeah listen to this guy, he's obviously really smart. Only idiots don't get swindled into buying Sup Forums passes.

Why wait? If your situation is bad enough that suicide is an option, you should leave now.

As an added benefit, being under 18 will make it easier for you to garner sympathy and aid to your situation.

How do I leave and where would I go I’ll just end up being homeless

Being homeless is the point, and leaving is easy. You just... leave. Take your phone charger, your ID and social security card, and a backpack with some essentials (food, water, entertainment)

Where you go is up to you. Just decide on a town you'd love to live in, and start walking. Preferably somewhere far enough away from where you are now that nobody will recognize you. Find a place in a homeless shelter, get a job and save for an apartment. Congratulations, your old life is over and you didn't have to die.

I don’t have a phone or I’d and I’m sure what a social security card even is. I do know some people overseas willing to pay for me to go stay with them however long but I’d have to get a visa and everything and I’m pretty sure I’d need parents permission in everything

Not sure*

What country do you live in, and how old are you?

England and I can’t say or I’ll get banned

Male or female?


There are better ways to get the attention you crave than suicide.

One last question. Do you actually want to commit suicide? Or do you want to live?

I’m a little scared of hell but it’s going to be years till I can get out of here so commit suicide

You don't want to die. You just don't like how things are right now. Patience, and time are all you need. When you are 18, you can do whatever you like. I don't know just how far you are from that point, but you should teach yourself to become cold. Ignore what hurts you, mentally shut out those that do you wrong. Just watch the world pass you by, until you feel like coming back to it.

Dying is a waste, user. If you have other options, take them instead.

If you don't mind my asking, what lead to you posting this thread?

How do I mentally shut out my parents I try my hardest to not say anything to my mum and I ignore her as much as I can but it’s really difficult she’ll just continue

was extremely sad and wanted to die didn’t know hos badly I’d fall

Shoot yourself in the head as you hang out the window

Just ignore her. She may be older than you, but she is beneath you. Her words are shallow attacks on your character, to try to bring you down to her level. You are above petty arguments. It's your life, not hers. Remember that. You are always in control, and she can never take that away from you.

Ok thank you that helped I will try this

Good luck, love. Stay strong.


Where are you from?

OP is trying to scam some pedofag into giving him money to "send him overseas"
He cast the hook and here's the catch