Be honest Sup Forums

Be honest Sup Forums
You see a guy with the same exact hairstyle and beard while out in public. You are minding your own business and so is he. What is your first thought when you see this individual?

Unoriginal tooty-fruity boy wants everyone to know he's a free spirit but he's really emulating people who were free sprits before it was cool

That hes a faggot, loser and a tool also looks like shit

Looks like my haircut 10 years ago. I guess I was ahead of the curve. Glad I don't have that hipster BS anymore

Nothing, unless he's one of those sandals weaning hippie faggots.

You seem jealous. You have a receding hairline or something user?
You get that vibe from a style that requires the lowest amount of effort to maintain? Feels like projection or suppressed homosexuality is strong from your end.
Shaved head easier to maintain or you just got tired of having the extra weight of hair protruding through your skull?
Now that's some faggotry. Sandals and/or short shorts are the only two accessories that alter appearance that can truly show homosexuality through the expression of femininity. But ya know, not implying every feminine guy is gay or every masculine guy is straight.

Fucking Kaffir

Fun thing about hipsters is that so many go for it that they actually are the real mainstream fucktards. The fucking amount of manbuns is ridicilous.

Generally speaking, and I frequent a LOT of people due to my job, people who wear this kind of hairstyle are both very popular with girls (~18-25) and chill. They seem fun to hang around.

That's hair, not wool.

Respect. I see him as superior to me, because I think people respect men with beards than without.

You're not wrong at all but why would anyone choose a style to either fit in or stand out? It's about comfort and confidence. You have to learn to be yourself and not let any person or concept influence your personal choices.
You're definitely not wrong. Of course you can't judge any one based on appearance and there are tons of douchebags and even criminals/lazy individuals who share the style but plenty of women these days prefer men who aren't afraid to be different despite the irony
depicts. Kinda like how plenty of men prefer alternative/goth women as a quick bang or fwb sort of scenario while not taking them seriously because you know it's ironic but a bit different despite them being everywhere.

im only a 12 year old girl but i would want his steaming cock in me >.

at least you have something in common with him
he also wants a steaming cock inside him


I know you're a grown man roleplaying on an image board but I'll play along and tell you to get off of this website and go read a book. Make better choices.

How much I want to suck his dick.

Trust me i want a grown man

Nothing because I've spent years ascending to zen status and now no longer judge people by their appearance alone.

I live in Portland OR, and see this stupid man bun on a daily basis. I've learned to shrug it off, and be thankful that I'm not a tool

Fuck that manbun

Bandwagon jumping faggot without an original bone in his body.

Nah you just lack parents who care so you're visiting a website to try and sharpen your edge. You'll be banned soon enough if the mods aren't drooling over traps and andy sixx's logs of protein chocolate. Seriously go read a book and stop browsing this website before you become a single mom to a mixed baby by age 16. You're way too young to be thinking about anything of a serious nature. Go outside or read a book. Become something great and stay off the internet for as long as you can.

Depends on whether or not there's a hole in the center