Did she fucking change her mind now?
Did she fucking change her mind now?
Don't be pussy, offer to hang out and relax anyway instead
Respond with "You sure you don't want me to pound some extra tips into your head?"
it's that thread again
Open ended questions always fail
tell her op is a faggot
this OP
She's getting plowed by a nigger right now. No question.
Yes, she did, but no necessarily cause of you.
Could be she got a pimple and is embarrassed about it or some other shit.
Play it off as if you had a plan B all along like hanging out with your friends, so that she knows she needs to fight for your time in the future
Never say "do you want me too".
"How about i come over and we "
Make it seem like she dosent have a choice, bitches love being told what to do and indecision will come off as awkwardness on your part
I used to be a fag and acted like that for like 4 years with a girl. Stopped talking to her. Randomly text her and told her we're going to a movie tonight. She picked me up, we went to the movies, I brought her back to my house, fucked her, never saw her again.
She even paid for my ticket.
What a fucking flake. Shit like this pisses me off so much. I cancelled plans with some friends of mine just to hang out with this cunt, this is probably the third time she's done this. Every time she was the one who "wanted to hang out" and took initiative
do a 180 next time and tell her that you need her help and she should come over to study
"Why dont we go to dinner and (movie|chill|something else) then hang out at my house we can watch *relevent current popular entertainment*
Don't talk to her like you're a pussy. Instead of asking if she wants you to come over you should have said: "I still want to come over." Speak your mind ffs. Don't give her all the control!
Just tell her "No. It's okay. I understand. I've finally got the hint"
That'll make her feel like a complete cunt
Stop talking to her. She isn't the only moist slit in the world. Not worth it at all. She doesn't want you, stop being a faggot that keeps chasing her.
If this is real, stop being such an available faggot.
Women hate men who don't have shit going on and who'll drop everything for them. Besides you shouldn't "hang out" anyway unless you know you're gonna get some.
are you a fucking idiot? How can people be this dense. No wonder why none of you ever get girls.
shut the fuck up OP. at least you got a straight answer about what she is doing instead of the "oohhhh im tired ima prolly sleep now lol x" bullshit that girls do.
>in highschool
>already living the life of a cuck
She's using you, asshole. I bet you're only there for her tits. You get what you deserve.
Ooof, third time is a bad sign tbh, OP
Girls that like you will make time for you and not cancel.
The only way you can turn this around is if you now play yourself as hard to get. Don't be that attentive anymore.
Talk to other girls and she'll get jealous and competitive and will make time for you.
>The only way you can turn this around is if you now play yourself as hard to get
wrong faggot
there is no turning this around
he was always be a stepping stone for her
Tell her "I don't mess with flakes. You've done this about 3 times now. All I ever wanted to do was see you. I've lost my patience. Bye."
Tell her this and ignore her - trust me this will give you a boost of confidence - standing up to a cunt like that, it will make you feel good about yourself, it'll show yourself you don't let people walk over you like she is doing
Send her that and you'll feel good.
post results
>third time
Do this
Don't ask questions.
Don't wait for her to decide the situation or plans.
Make statements. Make plans.
She can refuse them if she wants to, but just say them as statements.
Correct response to her message would have been "Let's study a bit more and then go for a bite to eat, I'll be round in 30 minutes"
Then she either says "nononono", to which you say "later then" and study and eat out anyway - as though you had planned to do that all along.
Or, she starts putting on makeup and checking her hair.
Lmao OP she doesn't want it.
Yeah this..
>I have this symphony
>band kid
I dont blame her for dodging you OP
Dont do tbis. Tell her to fuck off, yiu gave her chances and hse obviously has no interest.
Stop talking to her.
Minimal effort.
Respond to her if she writes to you, but with limited responses.
Focus your attention, your efforts and your energy elsewhere.
Forget this girl. Find others.
Rolling for this.
Stand up for yourself. Don't tell her any passive aggressive shit to try to make her feel bad for ditching you. GO ON THE OFFENSIVE. Tell her you're done with her. Feel like a a man
This. Shouldn't have taken till the 3rd time but better late than never.
OP should shave his anus, take a photo of it, and send it to her with the text "once your date is done fucking you, if he still wants more - i'm here ; )".
Works every time.
So i called her to tell her i got the picture and would leave her alone. She yelled at me and called me a freak and told me to fuck off. What the hell do i do now
Block her. Find someone else.
I swear...it isn't that hard.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA fucking christ. You idiot. Way to beta it up. You should have never spoken to her again after the last text. You've got a lot to learn.
You move on. She sounds like a bitch anyway, no loss.
this is the worst thing you can do lol why do so many of you vouch for this???
But i liked her. Im crying. Help me you assholes. I did what you said and it fucked it up
now make a reddit account and post in /r/incels
Leave her alone, she's a waste of your time.
>What the hell do i do now
bring a HUGE bouquet of flowers so everyone can see you walking upto school from a mile away and a box of chocolates then get on your knees and beg for her friendship back before class starts
Op just remember pic related
How did she respond?
lol stupidest advice i've ever seen
You'll like a lot of them. Doesn't mean they like you.
>But i liked her. Im crying.
what are you 12???
get the fuck off of Sup Forums
Rolling for this
Yeah, don't do this.
do you think this woild work?
doesn't matter dude.
Remember the most important thing:
Her opinion doesn't matter.
Repeat it to yourself. She is a cunt anyway, can't be bothered to meet with you, cancels plans and then has a spaz attack when you talk to her.
Forget her dude - be thankful you didn't waste anymore time with her.
You are in a learning process, keep talking to girls and keep trying out different things, it is just practice. Don't worry about it. Say fuck it, and move on.
Now you have a funny story to tell people.
It really isn't a big deal.
Rolling for this.
She said user, you are being pathetic, i have told you about how i hate patehtic people. Just lose my number, then she hung ip
Blind leading the blind
yeah, man
> asking girl advice on /b
No wonder you are still a kisless virgin. Omg
She's right. Do what she says and take it as a learning experience.
I'm OP not this fucker. As proof here is the beginning of the convo
good advice
horrible advice
dude this chick is a huge cunt. don't worry about her.
Lol nice shop. But gtfo
haha what a total cunt.
Who gives a shit man.
Your reaction and how you feel is completely within yourself. She, nor anyone else can make you happy or sad - it is inside you man.
Learn that and be good to yourself.
She's clearly a cunt, she behaves like a spoiled cunt, she isn't worth liking at all, and your friends would agree that she is a cunt.
So, you made a mistake in liking her, but it doesn't matter - she soon showed her true colours.
Good, that's one girl out of the way that you don't have to deal with again.
Speak with different girls, and make your intentions clear from the beginning. Don't want for a perfect moment. Just say "Hey, I like you, let's go for something to eat".
Yes. I tried it once and it worked. She was so overwhelmed she ran and gave me a big hug and a kiss right in public. It felt so awesome.
You all are fucking stupid. THE FAG WHO "CALLED HER" IS NOT OP
i half hope this is real.
fucking priceless.
wish you recorded and could upload the call, must've been lulzy as fuck
forgot to add: the two on the bottom makes you portray yourself as a huge fucking looser. That "ugh, friendzoned again..." type of guy.
Never admit defeat
Cause they are all a bunch or passive aggressive beta fags.
Listen OP, the best thing to do is confront the bitch.
"Look, this is the third time I've cancelled plans with someone else to make time for you and you've bailed on me every timr. What's the deal? I dont have time for games."
I've used this practically verbatum on a few chicks who were doing something similar.
Thanks for ruining my thread you fucking idiot
Fuck dude, be more assertive. Don't ask questions, you put the girl in situations for control. Women want to be taken, not carry the balls in the relationship.
Tell her things you are going to do with her, don't ask for permission like a child.
If this is real OP, have you contacted her at all? Just tell her to have fun at her dinner party and good luck on the exam. Don't pull the whole stand up for yourself bullshit if she is a friend of yours, just play by ear. If she isn't interested in you she won't bother making time for you in the future. Take it all a learning experience.
stfu bitch, he hasn't ruined it - everyone was more interested in that response, don get all butthurt over it because you didnt make the right decision
Unusual trips of truth.
Last three words especially.
Just say "good luck tomorrow then" and leave it at that.
Don't respond anymore.
Don't act like it bothers you, and act instead like for you - it was just a boring option to give a hand to someone you know.
Don't show any interest, don't start conversations with her, be polite if you see her - say "hi", then carry on walking.
So it likes you are easy-going and she's just another classmate.
Then forget about her completely. Spend time with other girls.
Chances are, if this one sees you with another girl, she'll be jealous and probably try to cling on your arm or something - but just ignore her, never let her near.
Learn to not let these things bother you OP, you just have to keep moving forward in life. All of this is practice, all of life is practice. Keep practising.
Ignore her, if she texts you at all then youre good, otherwise she can fuck off
OP here. I never replied. There's nothing to reply to, I'm just gonna ignore her in class, if she comes to me (which she will and always does) I'm just gonna play it cool and cold. There's another girl in the class who's into me, saying things like "we definitely have to talk about this after class" - referring to our similar taste in music. I'm 22 btw, this flake is 24.
As proof look at the time at the top of this screenshot
Hi, op here.
I did this - shaving was really awkward, I haven't done it before. Was a bit weird too and I had to wash my butt like twice.
Sent the picture, I had to use the flash or it didn't show anything.
Does this really work? I'm still waiting for her to respond. Maybe she's busy or something.
Completely stop responding or even looking at her texts for like two weeks. If she actually gives a fuck you should beable to tell. Just say you were hanging out with another friend, and maybe even casually drop a "she, or her" in there.
I shit test chicks by doing this and it works perfectly. They're all batty and hate other women, so it usually works.
just text her that you get the hint stop being a beta fag and make her feel bad for you
Do this Don't be cold - that is admitting defeat, that she has managed to bother you or had some kind of power over you in the first place.
See this Just be minimal effort with her, be polite like you would with any other person - but use no energy on her anymore.
Go after that other girl - and remember. Don't ask questions, make statements and she can say yes or no.
"Let's go for something to eat"
NOT "Erm, would it be alright with you if maybe we could erm, go for something to eat or anything I don't mind you choose!"
Just state your intentions clearly from the beginning. If you like this new girl, make it clear. Spend time with her, doesn't matter what you are doing. Be a bit bold, and don't wait for the perfect moment.
Also, you should be the one making the plans. Men make decisions.
dude, i went fucked my GF. shaved... showered... cleaned my place.... went played some League.... got some food... came back and you're still in the same BETA position you were before.... you should literally just fucking KYS
The most beta shit i've seen all month on this site or quad b
Jesus OP i thought you were like 15 the whole time.
Scratch all advice previously.
Forget this chick, go find some 18-19 year old freshmen, fuck the shit out of them, live your fucking life my dude
This. No contact rule.
>Also, checked.
ha ha
faggot you fucked this up, she's just doing what any woman would do.
testing your mettle
Bump cause I haven't had so many keks in months. this is OC beta material happening in real time
I'm amazed people don't understand what's happening here.
You were NEVER her first choice. She is just looking for something to do, something to occupy her time. She asks you to chill because she knows you'll always say yes, because you've got nothing better to do. Then when she has better plans come around, she flakes on you for the better plans.
What aren't you understanding? She doesn't like you. You're just the B,C, or D plan. You'll always be that to her. You let yourself always be available. Stop doing that. I'm not saying lie to her when you don't actually have other plans, I'm saying go out and be a busy, successful, confident person.
She's just someone who doesn't want you as much as you want her. Be a man and move on. Realize it's not a battle that's worth fighting. If she is this lackluster to hang out with you, even if she did end up hanging out with you, it would be boring as fuck. You wouldn't even actually want to fuck her because she would be so disinterested. Go find someone else and let this person dupe other stupid, horny, betas that will always be there for her.
Also, don't fucking do this: Only the biggest fucking losers on the planet guilt-trip someone for not liking them. Be a fucking man and realize this person just wasn't into you. She isn't a horrible person for that, and no one likes someone who guilt trips. She just doesn't like you, so move the fuck on.
op here.
I made it all up, I'm a girl anyway. Just wanted some attention lol
she never wanted to chill. she wanted to study.
if she was into you she'd still ask you to come over.
She did 1 week ago but I was with a friend
What the fuck are you doing? Are you that beta that you told her you're getting a car just to convince her to hang with you? Jesus man let this bitch go
don't woory about her anymore, as other anons said
And you're still recording her the lecture? Just go home and an hero