The global age of consent should be 12 years old

The global age of consent should be 12 years old.

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No doubt.

12 is a bit young I’d say 14 or 15

Would you be happy if your 12 year old daughter was legally fucking another grown man and there was nothing you could do about it?

what ever age she is, should be legal. btw do you have more? I need it for research

If OPs pic was my daughter, I;d be the grown man fucking her


>Allows their daughter to dress like a slut
>Gets angry when men are attracted to them
Parents are idiots who don't have the right to have children.

If that was my daughter she would be home schooled, and she would be an expert at sexual education

well its her choice. she has rights. and if you dont want her living in your house because of it you just call CPS and put her in foster care

It doesn't matter what the age is, no woman would ever consent to sex with a basement-dwelling neckbeard like you, loser.

Not if she left me watch.


16 at youngest. Id be really uncomfortable if I knew that Teen Mom would be even more prevalent of a show.

You'd still need consent. You'd still have no gf.

Jokes aside, who the fuck dresses a 12 year old in that


So in your society the only parents who keep their kids are those that let them fuck adults from 12 years old? Am I misunderstanding?

except when parent's 12 year old kids are getting pregnant, they are stuck raising the grandchild for about 6 years

Will you just fuck off op

Agrees, but like 15 or 16 meh

The 12 year old????

>The global age of consent should be 12 years old.

It's 16 in the UK and I don't see 40yo men with 16yo girls so it's pretty much a non-issue. Lower it to 12 and it won't change things much. It just means those few who do will not be facing jail time which is silly anyhow.

jokes on you, i already fuck 12 year olds. just want to be able to post it online

i purposely did not lose my virginity untill age 21, I am not a virgin anymore as of this year, If anything the age should go up, I am very unfortunate that Pedophilia will be taken into LGBT in the netherlands in a span of 10 years ( mark my words) so saying anything bad about them will be a "hate crime"

Age of Consent should be 21+

there is no "letting" them
you cant stop them. its their choice.
the parents can have the 12 year old removed from the house if the parent doesnt like the 12 yr olds choices

she's cute as fuck but that is such an unnatural pose that it's a turn off

>Long sleeve shirt
>virtually no skin shown save for hands/head
What a fucking slut.

Are you really this fucking retarded, or is this bait?

So parents aren't allowed to parent?


>It's OK to allow your child to dress like a slut for fashion/TV/film because there is financial gain involved.

Basically parents will whore their kids for money. May as well allow pedos to pay for it.

It already is

Sarcasm. You might want to read up about it.

A 12 year age of consistent would mean parents would only be responsible until the children were 12 and married.

It would encourage people to have girl babies and marry them off.

The divorce rate would go down.

serious though, that ass. Am I right?

Wow, can you hear that in the wind? It's a wild retard. You're on fucking Sup Forums, the only place what everyone's "sarcastic" about everything when called out for being a retard.

the ass is thick indeed

no amount of "parenting" can stop their kid from having sex if thats what they want to do. sure you can try to teach them what the right thing to do is, but there is no way to physically monitor them 24/7 and prevent them from having sex

>feminism would debilitate quite a bit or change radically for the better.

>consent at 12
>parents no longer required by law to be responsible of them


yeah why is it not

I don't it should be global.

Do you not realize that children are not functional as independent actors in society without parenting or guardianship until reaching adulthood, as an innate, evolutionary characteristic?

How can full sexual rights from age 12 end up as good for society? Explain how unrestricted children can be achieved pragmatically from today?

I feel as though you are critically retarded.

I'd love to see them having orgasms.

in some mexico states you can legally marry a 12 year old if parents give you approval. but its changing slowly because mexicans love american everything.... except the people. which is weird.....

humans are weird.

a parent will still be responsible for their kids until they are about 16 because a 12 year old cannot get a job and take care of themselves or their child. changing the age of consent would not automatically change child labor laws

That's not true, most 14 yr old girls Fuck 30 yr olds, they just don't advertise it.

I Fuck woman half my age most of (40 now engaged to.a 22 yr old), when I was 30 I'd Fuck 18-21.

I'd ask, truth is most hot girls lose it 13-14, then start Fucking 22+ on the down low. Shit only gets crazy when guys try to take it to far or girls get caught.

Honestly it's a male which hunt.

Girls are whores. I have yet to meet a girl who didn't Fuck a guy that was at least 10 years older.


no it shouldnt Pedo

>The global age of consent should be 12 years old.

This would only work if parents did not treat their children like they are children well into their 20s. Most people consider a 12 year old to be like a toddler, but in past eras they were adults. They were getting married. They were starting families. They were active and valuable participants in a household. In 2017 your average 12 year old is still mentally a child.

do you not get that 12 year olds have sex like all the fucking time?

Fuck it. Let's do it!

i think we all know OP made this thread hoping somebody would post cp

>OP being a fucking retard trying to legitimize his pedophilia
>Others joining in and giving convincing arguments of many 12 year olds just having wild fucking orgies daily behind their parents back
>People who say 12 is to much, and 16 is fine.

Right now we have a crisis in which white race births are lower than they have ever been. In only a few years the white race shall be in danger of extinction. The white race needs to have more children in order to survive. The only way to do this is to lower the age of concent.

No user it's not normal what your daddy did to you.

That being said, back in those days you had men and women dying in wars or from disease. Now that times have changed we don't need to marry off our daughters because we're worried no man will want her when she's older or has lost her virginity.

Provided you're healthy you can live to a ripe old age but back then, you had very little chance of doing that unless you were rich, royal or very careful.

I want you to explain how letting a 12 year old fuck, say, a 50 year old man, with no legal way to stop it from happening, regardless of context, would be sustainable in our society.



Asians are gonna take over anyways regardless of how many men get their hands on little girls

You are a spineless faggot

Such a good idea! Wow!

Make it happen!

She would consent to it you fucktard

crying faggots itt

>would be sustainable in our society.

That's just retarded. What the fuck are these magical 50 year olds doing? Fucking the 12 year old and then tossing them into the trash can? Jesus fuck your attempts at reason suck massive dick.

Tracking chip, surveillance cameras, people keeping tabs on them, forbidding them to leave house, requiring them to check in with video/photo evidence of their location at 15 minute intervals or wearing a body cam

I think the laws governing consent in the US (16-18 last I checked) are decent enough, they acknowledge the scope of the mental aspect of sex and therefore give the mind an amount of time to develop before making decisions that can greatly impact one for the rest of one's life.

Will there always be child molester's? As far as we can see. Same thing go's for full blown psychopath's. The best thing to do is not to get mad at these people but to try to understand the root causes (brain chemistry/upbringing) that explain these things so we can address the issue at the cause.

birth control. so shes fucking someone. big deal. sustainability.

Because the majority of these idiots posting are pedos

thank doge im not a kid these days!

Are you retarded?

Hope everyone in this thread gets some serious fucking help.

Hebe, not pedo

a rational and wll thought out response to a complicated question.

cheers user.

How are you people so out of touch? There is no one in American society who would be okay with it.

A 50yo man will mosst likely look after them a lot better than a 13yo boy who just wants to fuck them and fuck off with no comebacks. A 50yo male would also most likely take precautions and even if not they would have financial wealth enough to take care of them.

>how to identify yourself as a child fucker



Gave me a good kek user.

she's perfect

And yet kids are still fucking. So what's the purpose other than increasing the number of people who are under some sort of government supervision? It's the same problem as drug prohibition.

you cant make your child wear a body cam in the school bathroom... thats illegal.

this is not true necessarily. thats why you cant allow 50 year olds to fuck 12 year olds. stop projecting your own preferences onto this argument.

Fucking faggot, I just said his entire question was retarded. What the fuck does 12 year olds having consenting sex have to do with sustainability?

Damn it OP, stay away from you neighbors 12 year old daughter.

They know what sex is. Most people have sex in their early to mid teens.

cant wait until shes washed out and there are other pretty young girls taking her roles and accuses hollywood of rape.

Look at this girl and tell me you don't want to fuck her

Anti-pedos, faggots, SJW's and feminisists are going to be the #1 cause of the white race vanishing from planet earth. We will be overrun by muzzies with their 10 kids birthing from the age of 12.

sick fuck

By the time a young woman reaches legal adulthood, chances are that she has had multiple sexual partners and been dumped by at least one of them.

>I have no proof therefore I will just procrastinate

because it's a law, an integral part of society
Use your fucking brain and stop talking nonsense like the 12 year olds you're trying to fuck

How much money do I realistically need to get approval?

not even close you piece of shit.
children can't have jobs, how the fuck are they supposed to buy protection? by having them rely on worthless pieces of shit who are older and incapable of finder lovers of their own age?
most people don't have sex until their mid to late teens, so your very premise is bullshit.
do you really believe people should be in relationships with someone as underdeveloped and incapable of controlling themselves? are you really so desperate that you need to rely on weak little kids to convince or manipulate into having sex with you?