Singer isn't a vegan

>singer isn't a vegan

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you are like a little baby
watch this

>this but unironically

If you're still eating meat and animal products just cut the planet's losses and kill yourself

You sure he's a vegan?

sugar gets you fat mostly in this modern age friend.

both r fine
(as long as u don't act on being pedo)

>modern age
So previously sugar doesn't get you fat at all?

Except being a pedo without acting on it doesn't have any victims, where as eating meat does

i hope he gets diabetes

Oreos, Fries, Potato Chips, Sodie Pop, bread are vegan

he's not fat at all. in fact, he's pretty buff which makes him appear a bit thick. but believe me, the only thing thick about the melon man is his vegan smoothies!

I'm going to keep eating meat and there's literally nothing you spineless cucks can do about it.

Molon labe, bitch.


Carnism is a literally indefensible position my dude. Have fun living a life of being wrong.

>being a vegan with tattoos made of ink manufactured form animal byproducts

I turned vegan partly because of Fantano, how much of a faggot am I?

100 %

>vegans calling anyone else cringe
lmao at you are lyfe

>assuming im a vegan because no one else could possible find your ancient history fetish and unironic use of the word cuck embarrassing

hard cringe

>look at how much of a modernist faggot I am look at me I'm signalling!

>getting this angry
You should calm down and eat some chickpeas user. Maybe a better diet will help you get over your angst.

>everyone who disagrees with me on Sup Forums must be a maddy! Haha haters amirite xD
Vegans in a nutshell, go listen to your numale nigrap

>band is unironically socialist

remember that meat is the ultimate pleb food that tons of poor black people eat. if you want to bask in your whiteness you should try being more elitist,

you two are so cute together

why he got weird teeth

To more easily chew the plant based food sources our ancestors primarily evolved to consume

High Fructose Corn Syrup

lmao what happened to "did you just assume I'm vegan?!?!?"

God damn your type is so cookie cutter and disposable.


>album is produced so I can hear the instruments

>what are vegan tattoos?

you're a dietary normfag

actually three people

literally not i just love getting a rise out of brainlets



>implying Jack White doesn't bang all the women artists he collabs with.

>Song isn't vegan.

is he looking at us?