How many people out there know that Sup Forums is under a social engineering attack from the CIA?

How many people out there know that Sup Forums is under a social engineering attack from the CIA?

Other urls found in this thread:

To shape us into trump supporting cucks with additional weird sexual fetishes? I don’t know op.. what’s the plan?

Is this... is this going to be a sexy clown girls thread? Cause.. I’ll stay for that.

>social engineering attack
Even if the CIA were any good at that, it still wouldn't work. Trying to manipulate Sup Forums is like pissing in the ocean.

yeah, with the goal of fucking with Putin

Yeah cause Sup Forums isn't subseptible to fads and is never jumping on a random bandwagon every year or so

Yeah i have no doubt that they would try, especially on pol

More like every week. But they tell themselves they're only participating ironically, so it's okay.

Pissing into ocean of piss with icebergs made out of shit and cancerous tumors to be exact.

Nooooo... the Deep State wantssss you to be racist

I love social experiments.

everyones got a folder

The racism is by design absolutely for sure



let me add to my folder:

no it isn't faggot, it's how people truly feel and aren't under fear of consequences while being anonymous on the hacker known as Sup Forums. I was racist waaay before I ever came to Sup Forums, that's for damn sure.

Your parents are probably trash.

they want you little dumb fucks to hate each other
there are were wau fewer of you before they came along

What about girls wearing excessive amounts of makeup?

yup devide and conquer

My friend Felix Lieter says the CIA would never do anything like that



I fling my own Poo whenever I get angry





oh yeah and the cia took over modern art
... search for corbett report art cia





I prefer goth chicks. Just as much makeup but minus the whole creepy serial killer/Pennywise vibe




Me likee

is that what all the anti-Trump and pro-vegan threads are about? Not surprised I guess but why bother?


They're not doing a very good job

Nah, its just a bunch of MSNBC and HuffPuff interns trying to turn Sup Forumstards against Trump.


Which is hilarious, since pol is where they would have the most effective reach.

Still mad that some asshat mentioned pol several times on AM radio during the dorner incident back in LA and brought those 50 year olds over


>from the CIA
ahmmm, i don't think so.
there's several agencies at work here
mostly just shills though. my fuck are there ever a fuck tonne of shills.



I'm very aware. Iv'e noticed the massive influx of newfags who promote cuck porn, interracial porn, and anti-trump threads. It almost non-stop and its pathetic

Nah, Sup Forums is the domain of Breitbart interns and whatever company Milo has now. But whatever, Sup Forums is full of intelligence agency psyops and guerilla marketing from various companies.

And speaking of gorilla, the Ryzen Threadripper CPUs are BEAST MODE

>implying that's cia ops
that's chink shit meant to provoke racial tensions
the cia isn't behind that nonsense.


yup, and it's all thanks to >muh russian hacker conspiracy

why is this so fucking arousing

Well this faggot is new.

More like the Russians are shitposting all over Sup Forums

I can't even go on a goddamn ylyl thread anymore without seeing political bullshit everwhere



Or CIA doesn't give a shit about your socially awkward suicidal cringy ass, and this place is actually full of cucks and attention seeking troll shit that it's only purpose to make you react and squeeze that sweet sweet coment out of you.
Don't forget your tin foil hat. If you're convinced you're so important to monitor and experiment on, it'll be easier to microwave you to death from the van across the street, or just plain "arrest" you and make you disappear.


I’m not into this shit and yet I still recognize this shit from years ago. Internet, I’ve been here far too long.
I’ve got on problems with shilling when the product lives up to it. Replacing this 5820k with 1950X soon hopefully


>cuck porn

That shit is fucking everywhere. Half the shit on /h/ is cuck/NTR. You can't even have a vanilla thread without someone bringing up that shit. You know its bad with the threads on /d/ are more level headed.


There’s a difference between then and now. Just shows how new you are if you can’t see it.


Notice all the fucking vegan threads too?




Yeah, Intel dropped the ball and waited too long to release their mainstream hex core processors. But I'll probably be a lil' bitch and stick with Intel




This place was always very racist

once you start calling the leddit/tumblrina faggots out they tend to stop.
also how did you not include the tranny spam which is also happening 24/7..
i like the thought that it's an AI devised to shitpost and sway public opinion any way possible. through fake media and shitposting throughout the web, while also raising fake hits on porn websites so the owners of said websites cater towards those fake hits.





God damn them digits




But the real question is who the fuck came up with the fluffy threads.


mlp cucks, ofc.





>squeeze that sweet sweet coment
orrr it's google bots meant to make you shitpost because they're using your shitposts to do the heavy lifting of naming street signs for them.
luckily enough, i always fuck up the captcha words until it passes.
only 3 characters need to match, kek.


it was for the lulz, and sporadic shitposting
now it's constant and regularly intervalled spam being regurgitated.


Never found a thread where I could post this pic, so here

Always had a thing for clowns.