So guys what should I do with my money if I decide to end my life in the next few weeks...

So guys what should I do with my money if I decide to end my life in the next few weeks? It's not that much just a few thousand or so
I was going to give it to one of my friends, but the friend who needs it most is just bad with money and generally uneducated about Healthcare, so she wouldn't use it that well. My best friend doesn't need it and my other friends would use it on drugs.

I have a mediocre job where I'm appreciated and the possibility of getting a fantastic job, but I'm just planning for the worst case scenario.
Life has been pretty empty since my ex left me
So what should I do with my money? I can max out my credit cards too and give the stuff to people first. Be creative.

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Nigga, life is full of reasons to off yourself, but a bitch ain't one.

Buy a bunch of supplies and go live in a forest until you're killed by wild animals, starve, or succumb to an infected wound. Maybe youll survive and find purpose among the trees

I know that. It's been long enough it's not just about her. I squandered my life and I'm in a bad circumstance because of my inability to see my own faults. I don't want her back anymore.

heroing because of a woman

Op here
No that's a bad plan. I like to take showers and shit in a toilet every day.
My current job sucks. Mediocre is me trying to be positive because it's not minimum wage and the people whom it services are wealthy.

My newfag detector is off the charts.

Nah obviously there are other reasons. I don't want her back or anything. Far passed crying and shit, haven't cried in months.
I'm just not what I used to be or expected to be. People treat me like I'm fantastic, but I'm just feeling like my time has passed.

>still takes showers
Come back when you mean it

If you’re set on ending it, nothing here is going to convince you not to, except maybe “think of,your parents”.
Squander the money in style, by giving out stacks of $20s to panhandlers

Op here
I said I'm not doing it right now. Everything I do now is very planned out. If I were to do it I would have anticipated it more than a week in advance.

You should buy Sup Forums and then sell it to Moot for 1 dollar

Op here
I said I might not if I get the better job and other things work out, so I'm not definite. Also no way am I going to give it to mentally ill junkies on the street.

bro dont even consider this peasant shit... giving money to crack heads is the last thing you should do.

now if i were you i would grab a few thousand and have some amazing weekends with strippers in hotels and hit up some nice clubs just buy people shots have fun ... not throw it away to some retards !!!

Give me it, im Venezuelan, my PayPal email [email protected]

Op here
This is the best idea so far.
I could get plenty of blow and hookers.
Would I have to pay the hookers if I brought a bunch of sass and blow?

yea but dont worry about the money you spending on them , compared to the other shit you could do it would be pennies!!! just had the best weekend of your life with no limits what so ever and then evaluate the situation and see how you feel!!!

Op here
I like you user, I like the way you think. BTW I just took a huge shit and I feel a bit better.
Any other ideas?

Also I'll likely be a millionaire if I live another decade.

How do you make money? Spread some knowledge to a middle income fag before you leave this earth.

Why do you deserve it for being Venezuelan? I'm American and you sold your country to the oil companies. Why would you even think there's a chance?

How do I or how should you? Those are different questions.
For you the best answer is to invest. I know it's trite and most investments seem too volatile, so stick to safe investments until you learn more. I recommend getting a financial advisor.

Pretty solid advice tbh. Worth the trips. Thanks.

Np man. Money is the easy part. Living with my thoughts is the hardest part for me.

Op here.

Getting tired about to go to bed.

Strippers and blow seems to be the winner.. Last chance submissions still being accepted...

Well you clearly have a lot figured out already. I hope you can figure out the rest. If it makes you feel better I have a vapid, unfulfilling like also. Wasted potential. The lot. Sucks but I'm hanging in there for now. I hope you can too.

Ya hanging in there just doesn't satisfy me. I've gotten in good shape and figured out my limitations, but I used to live a Rockstar lifestyle without the hard drugs of a Rockstar. Mostly just made easy money while fucking and getting baked constantly.
Now I never get high and my main hobby is working out.

Also it doesn't make me feel better to know you're struggling.

1. Don't do it. There's a chance that you get better life conditions as far as you are live.

2. If you decide to do it, you can paypal me your money to [email protected] . I will use it (at least one month after the deposit) for personal purposes and in some degree to help charity. If you change your mind I can give back your money (but only if you write me at the first month).

pls send to me i am extreme poorfag

Ya I'd never give it to someone who says personal purposes and charity. Charities are mostly corrupt. Also that you would give it back made me laugh.

Bury it in a box and leave a map full of cryptic clues with friends, like in cartoons

Ya the point wasn't for people to beg lol. I'm not going to give money away to anons no matter what.

Use the money to start the fire that you burn yourself alive in. On video.

Decent idea. Except I think hookers still wins.

If anything left over, bury.

How would it cost that much to self immolate? Do you even think before you post?

Easy. Take withdraw all your money and tape it to your body. Die in the most gruesome way possible so that all the money is soaked in your blood.

1. Nobody will take your money unless they can clean your blood off them

2. Leave the forensics scratching their heads and investigate your death as a cartel/mafia hit instead of an hero, and have them shake up some bee's nests looking for your killer.

ok so just kill yourself attention seeking pussy quit the talk and hang yourself

Op here
Will do user.

Falling asleep. Goodnight guys!

Interesting thought. I'm pretty cool with the syndicates around though.

Take your own advice faggot. This thread was about weeks of preparation for a last hurrah, so fuck off.

You must be retarded.

Thanks for the advice guys.

Will do hooker party and treasure hunt before I go if I end up deciding that.

Gift me some games on steam

Get a job motherfucker

buy a shitload of heroin for a painless suicide

I'm in college, I'm saving money still so I can have some ground to stand on after schooling.

Get on the deepweb and buy a slave, a woman obviously

hail stan

lel , anyways bro seriously just come to montreal for the weekend and have an amazing time , you are almost guaranteed to see how awesome life is and why you should live it

Donate to me for general life support. Can't work/go to school for now because of cancer recovery and mental health problems. It'll make many things a whole lot easier, thank yoouuu xxx. Pic is btc wallet