It never happened Sup Forums

It never happened Sup Forums

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it did in Hollywood OP but them there fuckas at NASA one minute talk about the Moon landings and the next you'll get engineers talking about how they have to overcome the radiation problem for a manned Mars mission. Thing is it never gets mentioned but the back pack doesn't give off any vapours of any sort. Surely if you're in the temperature range the Moon is in something must be produced when keeping an astronaut cooler or warm enough to survive.

They left shit on the moon you can see from earth

Remember that the best evidence we have is Russia. Russia would be over the fucking moon if we faked it and they could be the first there instead. But they can't, because America did it.

you can't see any of the apollo mission tech left on the moon from Earth, even with a telescope


It never did. There is no wind in space for the flag

>wow these 5 grey pixels sure prove we went ot the moon

Ok youre right we didnt.

All of you are retarded

The Van Allen belt protects the moon from that radiation dumbass looks like someone doesn't have a degree in astrophysics...

>The Van Allen belt protects the moon

Harvey Weinstein directed to the moon landing in Hollywood and he raped Buzz Aldrin that's why he's so "sore" about the whole thing.

yea, actually you can. They even give you the coordinance if you want to shoot a laser at the moon and have it bounce back off one of the five mirrors that are up there.

>"The first successful tests were carried out in 1962 when a team from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology succeeded in observing laser pulses reflected from the Moon's surface using a laser with a millisecond pulse length"

They could already do that before 1969, without any mirrors, because they used the reactivity of the lunar surface. As I said, you cannot see any manmade item on the moon's surface from within the atmosphere of Earth, bouncing a laser isn't seeing.


You guys have it all wrong. Of course the landing was fake. The moon isn't real.

it's not rape if you enjoy it


Trips of truth.

You posted a link saying you can see the shit from earth... i think you may be confused

What ev-ver

Buzz was straight it was Armstrong that wanted the D. All part of the allure for Weinstein.

You are a retarded moron.
We did go.
Tons of proof.

You just wanna feel special.
Go back to sucking your brother's cock, you whiny faggot.

You think you personally would be able to see something unaided on the moons surface?

Without the need for specialist equipment?

Are you retarded?

Your burden of proof is only two beats off solipsistic so you might as well not exist.

You think that this mirror is visible from earth? You can't even see it if you were orbiting the moon. The astronomers who do this experiment cannot see any moon mirrors, they just point their lasers at specific coordinates given by NASA and wait for the results.

If you can explain why the dust they kick up in some of the footage immediately comes back down without forming clouds like it does in an atmosphere than us believers will BTFO

it could just be sand used on a movie set to simulate moon dust, if you kick up sand on a beach it just comes down. you are making the assumption they must be on the moon and that is must be fine dust

Neil Armstrong was a lizard person

No shit. Hello. Illuminati. Duh.

doesn't it rain diamonds on the moon?

That's why they brought buckets

Ahh makes sense that's what the lasers are reflecting off of, the of course had to leave the buckets of diamonds given that they would be heavy af.

It all makes sense we DID go to the moon however the diamond storm made us have to leave early before we could record so they just staged it in Hollywood as sort of remake.

This is the most believable theory I've heard.

Yhup. Case closed