Should Crystal Meth be legalized?

Should Crystal Meth be legalized?

I do it and it makes me more productive. I do better at my job and can clean my apartment effectively.

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Maybe in a pill form.

>Should Crystal Meth be legalized?

Why not?

You'll also be dead in 4 years

>I need meth to "effectively" clean my own living space

lol junkies

Pure, high quality meth is something ice wanted to try for a long time now, exactly for the reasons you state. I know it would make me function much better. Though I don't trust street shit and I'm worried I couldn't keep it on a utilitarian basis.

so adderal?

Yes. The dumbasses will die out. I do a point every now and then when in need of a pickup. No addiction, no loss of teeth.

No, that would cut into the Aderal profits.

this. natural selection.

and you'll leave a very clean apartment for someone else.