le conservashits are le fiscally responsible ones

> le conservashits are le fiscally responsible ones

>What are business cycles


>Implying half of those private sector jobs under Obama aren't part-time.


>Bush finishes his term in a recession
>Obama starts his term in recession
>most job growth is from part time jobs
>Minneapolis Fed states that this is the worst recovery on record

Why does an Australian know more about your economy than you do?

Much as I despised Bush just as much as Obongo, the Jews are already enshrining this bullshit for the legacy of "muh first nigger president."

If things are so great economically, why are both parties literally being torn apart for the first time in 100+ years?

Wow, kind of makes think that Sup Forums is BTFO for all time and will never recover.

Oh and literally nobody on this board likes Bush, if you do you need to got back to Fox News forums or freerepublic.


>+ 7,560,000
That's a shitton of part time bar tenders, wew