Just pre-ordered Cod WWII. Do you guys think it’s gonna be good?

Just pre-ordered Cod WWII. Do you guys think it’s gonna be good?

It will be fun, cod is a chill game. Idgaf what the fags on this site say. Enjoy it bro.

It will be shit. Black ops 1 was the last good COD. The other black ops games and mw3 are decent.

But only treyarch makes decent cod games now

Enjoy your microtransactions

No and yes

No cause it will most likely be SJW pandering and some other BS.

Yes because you can shoot things and if it's done well it will be fun.

it'll be decent, i'm more worried about not enjoying wolfenstein. pls pls don't fuck it up. :|

The open beta was really fun, but the game is not worth the money.

not for the xbone lol

Kill yourself OP. COD is trash stop supporting a franchise that is the same thing every year with some small tweaks.

anyone who pre-orders a game is a cuck faggot and deserves the shitty game they are bound to receive.

Honest Opinion from someone who used to play CoD quite a bit:
It will be shit, it has microtransactions, the maps are worse, engine is still the goddamn same (and worse than Black Ops 3, like wtf?!), worse graphics than previous titles, nothing original, nothing fun.
Your best shot would probably be getting Black Ops 2, there's cross-over for Xbox 360 and Xbox One, so it has quite a few players

Every sports game ever

Kids at work are going nuts over it but I heard it was going to flop.

I’ve been playing bo2 for 5 years, kinda gave up with all the new releases. I’m hoping WWII will have similar gameplay to WAW so that’s the only reason I’m buying it

I've not played a COD game since Advanced Warfare, which was such an annoying game.
Not really tempted by this game because I hate FPS games that are set way in the past (shit uninteresting weapons).

It won't be better than this lucky fucker
gfycat com /QuarterlyHonestGalapagosmockingbird

it does not feel like it, played WaW originally (though not much, anti-cheat was terrible) and the new WW2 does not have those feels.
I played the beta and well, it was pretty shitty.
Also stuck with bo2 for quite some time and honestly, i'd rather keep playing that than getting the new one. Ever known those weird matches where you get a terrible host in bo2 and your shots don't connect that well? for me ww2 was like that in almost every single match

I've given up on cod and I'm not going back. Battlefield is ok, but I don't like the slow-paced games

Now I play games like rust and PUBG because they're actually fun

Know what would be a decent solution? Don't pre-order games EVER and just wait for the release and look what the game's actually like and whether you like it.

It probably won't tbh

i'm a bit of oldfag retard on vidya so can someone explain what the anger is about pre-ordering game these days is? people just fed up with getting half-assed shit or..?

It promotes really bad decisions by higher ups in most cases, and rarely is it worth it.

I remember buying Ark: Survival evolved while it was in early access on steam, and that went downhill quick the closer they got to actually launching it. That alone was a small investment at the time (20$) but it taught me never to buy early access games, and if I really want to play it, torrent it first and check shit for a few hours. If it is decent, then I buy it, if not I just toss it and move on.



Like anybody needed to see a receipt to believe you

To be honest its going to be another shitty COD... Zombies multiplayer and shitty gamers and tons of DLCs... Battlefield 1 was great, I'm still hoping for a BF1942 remake or a BF Vietnam

>Doesn't like slow paced games so doesn't play battlefield
>Plays Rust and PUBG
Where is your logic?

thanks bro

To be fair, the zombie mode looks decent. Especially when you have David Tennant, Elodie Yung and Katheryn Winnick as the voice actors

Here to getting to kill female nazi niggers... Or play as one, I dunno, nor do I give all that much of a shit.

I still don't understand why people want this