Kek works in mysterious ways. Maybe he didn't gave us Hofer victory in Austria, but maybe he will give us Deutsche Bank crashing down
>BCE will save it
Yes, and we all will pay for it, so prepare yourselves for a new buttfuck, now with millions of muslims inside of our countries to help us to go through this situation.
Every 7 years, the prophesy takes place. We are now on the shemitah, the 49th year, the jubilee year. Prepare yourself for the washing away of debt
Wyatt Green
Germany is the arab greece
Joshua Edwards
>Germany could be the new Greece
Greece was killed by austerity
Germany would never austerity themselves they run the EU
If Germany ever gets in debt it's jubilee time.
If anyone else gets in debt it's austerity time.
Ethan Martin
This is not a good thing. Unlike Greece, Germany has very deep economic and financial ties in most Europe. It will fuck both Italy and Spain hard
Ian Cooper
Are you preparing yourself for the imminent chaos?
Bentley Myers
I pray for that jubilee time, because if Germany blows up, the entire EU blows up, and it eventually it's gonna happen one way or another, so let's make it brutal.
Jayden Hughes
Germany will cancel it's debt
they run the EU they will never go into austerity
Austerity is for the peasants (Greece, Baltics)
Jack Butler
>tfw you will, like your ancestors, also witness germany collapse >feels gud
Ryder Moore
Merrill Lynch was too big to fail, Deustche Bank is to big to bail out