3 day adderall binge. Uppers are my vice

3 day adderall binge. Uppers are my vice.

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Hey, I can get aderall pretty easily, how many mg do you take?

Love adderall have a few hundred blues right now in my bathroom.

Empathogens and psychedelics :)

weed once a month

cigarettes, gonna quit cause i've had my fun

caffeine, drink 2 much energydrinks, love coffee

"lol caffeine ain't a drug lol" c'man man

guess world of warcraft private servers, specifically roleplaying ones. fuck i need to let that go as well, time consuming for no reason


stimulants and steroids

Also would take ambien great fun if you can get past the sleepy part.

Lethal combination. Idiot fuck face
Confirmed not gonna make it dead at 22

30's, I think around 5-10 of em. Not enough to ever wig out just a steady casual binge

I have a counter argument 20 years long

Exactly! Caffeine is a bitch. Uppers are just that perfect great time/get me through the day thing without immediately ruining your body. I've walked away from Coke, Adeline, etc for two years before but the harm is so low I go right back.

Sadly I stopped smoking weed.

Now I'm on a bunch of antipsychotics and mood stabilizers. 54mg (I think) of concerta , 1000mg of depicote a day and 2mg of resperidol.

Thinking of cooking some meth and selling it for a while until I die.

Any tips on meth cooking/sales?

>Uppers are my vice
I'm on some pretty strong Tina atm (meth)
Gonna try to get scripted addi to make it free for me to use speed
never tried cooking, but you need a good space to do it. and when you gather the materials go all over everywhere at different locations. if not, they can catch on and rat you out
As far as drug dealing... drugs sell themselves

Methbro here

I can get smurfs and things like that and can keep everything very clean and stored well. Also have a place very far away to do this so I'll be ok on that front. It's mainly what type of groups should i be around? I don't want to step on any bikers toes and I feel like the rave crowd is a great place to start. Just wondering if there's any better places.

Also ephederine is put on a list because its an important thing needed in the meth synthesis process. Honestly from what I've read the hardest part is getting the ephederine. Cause they take your info and limit how many you can buy. Need to go to different locations and get others to buy it with you.

tbh I've heard gay bars are full of speed users. find a way to befriend them, then you have a whole shit ton of clientele.
My really good friend is actually gay and happens to know where to get good speed and people who do it. kek

I'm an alcoholic so I used to frequent gay bars to get free drinks. It shouldn't be hard. I just kinda plan on doing this for a bit until I die. I just want some money and some fun before I go. I habe worsening breathing problems so it's doesn't even matter at this point.

The harm is very high i fucked up my heart from snorting addy and drinking also got erectile dysfunction

calm down Walter White
jokes aside
I've wanted to do it purely out of how realistically cheaper it is to synth it yourself. It wont be cut product, and it costs as much as the materials you bought from hardware stores
Cant remember how much it makes. But Im sure its a shit load. If I did one cook I'd be good for a year at the least.
This is all in theory though

>tbh I've heard gay bars are full of speed users. find a way to befriend them

I'm bisexual, myself. So I'd have no problem
I think the stereotype came about because two guys with a high sex drive makes for a fun, fun time


Dont do that youre just going to get robbed

Yeah I wasn't taking long term, which is incredibly concerning. Heart, lungs from chain smoking, body from lack of nutrition, and mind especially because of the long lasting changes in your behavior (more so for cocaine)

"Stealing energy from your future self"

I just want money.

I've sold weed and sold blow for like a week (had no clue what I was doing there) so that's why I came here for advice.

Trust me I'm not breaking bad perfect person over here. Just looking for tips and tricks. How much at a guess would last you a year?

have fun with that OD...
kidding. I dont like downers much, but have fun
not if I keep everything to myself. I've never had the need to sell my drugs. I enjoy using them too much
I see.
Well, Im no Pablo Escobar or anything, but ig a tip is that you need to keep your operations as secret as possible. significant others will ruin your drug peddling if given the chance. dont trust anyone apart from the ones that are in it with you. the more people involved, the more likely you get caught

Taking Molly and Viagra and playing Cock Hero with a Fleshlight for 8 hours.

another tip is, quite simply, be a good businessman. No one likes the douchebag that sells them a bunk ass bag for a fortune. Or the one that shorts them. You may get more money from one deal, but you make considerably less over time. I cant believe most dealers dont understand this. If you offer good service, people will come to you and you will build a reputation

i love cocaine, would do it more often if i could

Same. I'm prescribed 40 mg a day, feel tired as fuck when I don't take it but I need to use it less. When I go over 40mg I'm just zoned out, in a bad way.

dont get the big fuss over coke
meth is a lot stronger, lasts longer, and is much more cost effective

Coke is basically meth with an off switch for me.

aha. figured the ability to sleep when need be is what you sought after
personally idc. I just stay up until Im tired. 3 days is my cut off limit
with as much meth as I do, coke would make me go homeless
I dont even do a shit load already, but I've been hitting off a G for about a week (not all in a row, had some sleeps)

hence I wanna be scripted addi so I can abuse the healthcare system to get fucked up legally and safely
anyone have any tips on how to do so? I think I actually have some form of ADD, but I wanna be damn sure I can get my hands on it soon

I don't want it to last longer, coke is perfect for what I need.

That off switch is crucial. That and the fact that addiction is more psychological/social than physical.

already well past the point of being an addict

I'd like to think I'm not addicted to anything yet. I do crave a coke binge once a month though.

well I crave speed basically all the time now. longest I can go without caving in is 3 days. and 2 of those days are me sleeping like a brick
>like to think
dont lie to yourself when it comes to drugs; ever. I never denied my addiction to speed. its much healthier that way

Downers/euphoric high for lyfe nerd.

Never tried Meth (not prominent in new england) Great coke is just amazing. Conversations are fire where I'm not usually that talkative sober. Which is my biggest downfall, one set of close friends who I mainly do it with and it just becomes ritual, rare to have a night we hangout and don't atleast entertain the idea of a ball...

Methbro again. How much do you buy a week?

>it's much healthier that way
I used to think like you user. Believe me, thinking you're safe if you acknowledge it is the biggest lie.

Make an appointment with a psychiatrist, say you did some research and believe you may have a form of ADD, say that you feel the most comfortable trying adderall because you read that the non-amphetamine based ADD meds can cause depression.

Don't look like a degenerate at the appointment and try to get your piss clean just in case.

I'm into LSD dude, that's my vice.

ice makes me productive as fuck I love it
the first bag I got was either bunk as shit or shorted or both, so I wont count that
I bought a fire ass G around last week and I have a couple bumps left. Plan to get addi
dont think im safe per se. just that I've accepted this is what I am. no point in denying it. I do stuff for harm reduction and value the pros over the cons
alright that sounds good. I'll dress for success, if anything. Act really mannerly, etc. I am quite good at social engineering.
I hope it works out. Ironically enough I know quite a lot about drugs, but I suppose in this instance acting a little ignorant will do wonders.

Sad thread.

It's not hard, the doc wants to get paid and keep his job, as long as you aren't a huge red flag he'll want to secure you as a client to get more money. Good luck man.

yeah ik Im just a very calculated person. asking for help... obviously, helps, kek. I understand they get paid to drug people, the pharmaceutical company is home to the biggest drug dealers in the world

what do if he asks for specific examples of my behavior tho

drink more water

Just google "symptoms of adult ADD/ADHD"

"When i was a kid, I had so much energy and it sometimes was an issue, now that I'm an adult I feel cloudy and lethargic throughout the day, I'm planning on continuing my education and I don't want this to affect my future so I figured it's time to stop ignoring it"

But yeah man, use Google.

Vyvanse 70mg

makes gaming and music especially nice

how do you do this
its really bad, but; I will not drink as much water as I should on speed
alright sounds good
I have general anxiety which is why Im so worried over not fuckin up
man I hate that shit. you cant snort it and its hardly speed in my eyes
but thats just me

Hell yeah. Definitely not my favorite but bought a couple 70's/50's last month, better than I remembered

upon looking up some symptoms, these really do describe me. So I feel like I wont have a problem getting scripted

What's street meth like in comparison to adderall?

you have to make an effort to drink water > anything else, really. I used to be shitty at drinking water when I was on 60+ MG and would always go for something with taste like soda or Gatorade or some shit. started getting a shit ton of headaches and zoned the fuck out when I was on anything > 60MG, then came across some YouTube video where the dude claimed water was key to get rid of that zoned out/your brain shut off feeling.

decided to make an effort to drink only water when I was on high MGs to see if it worked and it did. I'll occasionally still zone the fuck out if I'm on like 120+ MG, but I'm good on 90 now.

its really hard to describe a feeling, but I will try
Provided the bag is good, its amazing as fuck
I was awake for a 24 hour period, feeling like straight up shit. My ice dude was taking literally all day and all night. It was to the point I was minutes away from falling asleep against my will.
He finally rolled up. Got my shit and went straight to go do it. Racked a small line and snorted. Quite the burning sensation! But it passes, and you learn to love it in a way.
So moments later I felt a sudden urge of wakefulness. I was alert. Its as if I was under deep hypnosis that whole time and SNAP! Alert and ready to move
Very euphoric too
The reason I want addi though is because
>free through insurance
>know exact dose each time
>same strength every time
>no legal trouble (though desoxyn can actually be scripted as legal meth)
>not as harmful in general
all in all I like addi enough, it will suffice. But ice is better euphoria wise, potency wise, etc
yeah I experienced a migraine the other day it was pure Hell. Really ruins your mood

Ketamine was my lover until I experienced ego death last night. I still love it but i know i cant fuck around with it too hard.

Ex Adderal user here, honestly its not worth it dude. Have your fun now but you will either get sick of it and be free or youll keep doing it and become a monster.
Good luck

coke is my primary atm, but i was really into lsd not too long ago.

DXM is my former DOC
I loved the ever living fuck out of it
Ego death is a good thing tbh
I really wanna try ket

been taking addy for 3 years now and starting to get sick of it. did you substitute the addy with anything else? if I tell my doctor I want off of the addy he'll just put me back on some anti depression shit again, and the only thing those pills were good for was being able to fuck for hours because cumming was near impossible.

you should start taking magnesium, complex b-vitamins, and 5htp if you havent already
do those daily and they help a whole Hell of a lot with the downsides to speed

Honestly dude I quit cold turkey and it was fucking shitty. I was also binging coke because I was friends with a dealer. I was becoming a total prick to people, was well on my way to fucking a lot up.
This seems like sound advice though man. I just stick to LSD these days. Occasional psychedelic trip is 100x better than uppers

not too keen on LSD I like dis-associatives more

Right now have a bottle of Rostov Vodka and 1g of cocaine,laying on my bed with no money,any thing I should while drunk and high on coke?

Methbro back.

Dxm was fucking awesome when I was in the military.
Used to always put on nice ass headphones and put my blanket over my head and listen to semperternal on repeat. In a dark room. Music just washed over you. Oh and did a lot of nitrous with it. I don't do any of it anymore. In fact completely sober now. Other than my psych meds. The meds help me now. It's not to get fucked up.

cook the coke in to crack and do it that way

Kinda scaree,it's crack the same as coke? I mean with all those anxiety peaks and shit

Weed. I have a big bottle of adderall made up of my emergency stashes. True adhd. Guess what I never take unless I have to be in public. Adderall is gross. If I didn’t annoy others with my fidgeting and such then I’d only take it with benzos during migraines.
Taking adderall for fun makes you a low rent tweaker. Try some weed and chill

Also a lot of coke over here,cheap prices,perks of living on a Latin American country

yep. DXM took me to the craziest places
I hear ket is better
>Taking adderall for fun makes you a low rent tweaker
Drugs affect everyone differently and not everyone likes weed
tbh I looked up the symptoms of ADD and it closely describes how I've acted most of my life

Nigga I'm telling you here in my country it's easy as fuck to get klonopin and xanax because its the only thing they have

Yea it's not a good idea if I do ket. I've done my drugs. I got out of it. Considered myself lucky. Although I'm a heavy alcoholic. Just recently stopped drinking. Sucks bro.

Same, only amphetamine paste from Europe instead of pharm grade stuff.

fuck benzos
not me

I'm not talking down on having fun. I wish I was you. I'm just using my remaining time differently is all. Have fun and stay happy my man.

Benzos and pretty much everything, the difference is that people doesn't know what to use,the hospital gives pure dxm and no one knows the whole thing behind it

What are benzos and I hear their popular with the drinking community.

Im just now discovering I am more than likely to actually have ADD
So no wonder life has been such a shit for me
As ironic as it is, doing more drugs is going to help me get to where Im headed in life
I avoid downers for the most part cause of physical addiction
only exceptions being weed and occasional alcohol

Does anyone else have no problems with being sober for long periods of time but still enjoy binging out on different drugs or taking them whenever?

I feel like maybe it's just a combination of lack of self discipline and boredom?

Go to a shrink and take the test. It’s a computer test and it watches your face and eyes while having you push a button repeatedly. If you’re adhd you’ll start to rage pretty fast and you’ll hit the button too soon. Your face shows it and they’ll know for certain. I was already on adderall for 10 years when I was tested by a shrink. He confirmed the diagnosis. Also found out I have dyslexia.

Happens to me with coke,dont like it to much but time to time I like to snort some even I always say I gonna quit

Benzodiazepines such as xanax, valium, lorazepam, and so on. Basically the suicide drug of choice. I was took a handful in the bath.

Fuck. I tried xanex and just kept falling asleep. I don't think I'd do them again.

I have little to no patience. I hate having to wait for the oven to cook my food and will often times pull it out like a whole 5 mins early out of frustration
then there's the idea of how Im distracted easily as all fuck. I have read books before and my thoughts will go away from that as my eyes scan the words without comprehending them. Really annoying.
Sure there are more things, but I dont want to try and find out. Which ironically is another symptom.
oh well one thing. my room is a perpetual trainwreck
worst part is that benzos are more addictive than opiates/cocaine

Impossible to kill yourself with benzos. They don't effect your cardiovascular system.

you would take them in conjunction with another downer

Dissos are my shit. Used to fuck with opioids and downers pretty heavy, but that got way outa hand and I had to quit. Used to love psychedelics too but I haven't taken any in awhile. Ever since I like went beyond breaking through on DMT I just haven't felt the need to take any.

Weed is the only thing I heavy fuck with, but I've done almost everything barring crystal and heroin

My choice too. Probably because it let's you still remain in control, tricking you into comfortablity, idk.

Most other downers are lethal by themselves. There would be no reason to take a benzos with it if you were killing yourself.

Well they’re downers...duh. It’s not like weed where in some individuals get hyper and others sleepy. If you take Xanax you’re going to fall asleep unless it’s during a panic attack or a very low dose. During a panic attack nothing makes me sleep. They had the hardest time keeping me down for surgery. Apparently I kept ripping the IV out. I had so many holes. Both arms, both hands.

Yea I mean I would maybe sell them (id sell nearly anything) but I wouldn't do them again. Didn't have fun.

Meth or pure amphetamine. You have missed out on literally the best drug ever if done responsibly.

I tend to go days, weeks or even months without anything then binge out for days, weeks or even months at a time. I think I'm self-medically treating bipolar disorder.

Off by one

ensures higher success rate
most drug OD's fail, provided they are done stand alone
add some sleeping pills to the mix and you're just about guaranteed to not wake up
I had an ativan once when I thought I OD'd
fuck that shit its dumb

I don't care how much will power you have... One drop of proponol and you are done.