Why arent you pussies doing coke?

Why arent you pussies doing coke?

I get high on life.

Because I'm not a retard.

because i ran out

eightball a day, always got it

So I can afford to fix my phone.

(I'm not an nigger that breaks his phone tho.)

It's not the 80s anymore?

because op is a fag

because my high is jacking of to silent footage of danny devitos career

because coke doesn't make my junk withdrawals go away.

Me bet you yes get

because it's literally the same thing as crack (plus baking soda) and crack is for niggers and stupid people.

Cause I don't lack confidence. lol Faggot.

Because I'm not a coke junkie

Dont wanna shell out for it

Money is dirty as fuck. Use a glass plate....

Because good opioids and d-amphetamine are objectively superior.

cuz I only fuck with scale and not that stepped on little half gram youre flaunting like you rock lines or some shit. Fuck outta here team fuck boy

Because I have money to fix my own goddamn phone.

Lol you call that coke? Looks like some trash baking soda you bought off some nigger at college bar.

because weed is legal and im not a dumb fucking nigger

Our parents used to hug us every now and then

Because it's too expensive.

Having to do more every 20 minutes, deteriorating effects, instantly addictive, expensive for mediocre experience. What reason is there to do coke? It’s a child’s party game, if you actually want to enjoy yourself I’d try MDMA once every 2-3 weeks and meth in between.

Because speed is my drug. Vroom vroom.

>Why aren't you doing the most overpriced, inefficient, outdated drug that's been cut several times by sketchy people?

Coke is a drug for edgy faggots, do you feel cool sniffing dirty baby laxatives?

Because I grew up in the '80's with McGruff the Crime Dog and arcade machines telling me "Winners Don't Use Drugs", thank you very much.

Hai Sahnic

I did too much over the weekend and my nose started bleeding hella much so I am taking a bit of time off.

Don't fuck with drugs that alter your fundamental brain chemistry user. E dumps your serotonin. You know, doctors have studied depression in humans, and the best they got is an SSRI that regulates your serotonin levels? Same advice for huffers of nitrous and starting fluid.

This guy gets it.

True this

Honestly, it makes me an asshole and its almost impossible to cum when you're high on it.

Coke is no fun and way too expensive. It makes me into an asshole

iPhone fag doing cocaine

You are nigger

because I don't know where to get it :(