
why did that dog do that

Any more to this? What do you even do after that?


This is now an animals reking animals thread

How to get banned 101

Step 1: This thread

that's the worst thing to see him rattled in misery still alive ;////

because you are a sick kid? reported!


Bait aside
You put a dog 3x the size of that small white dog in the same room it's not gonna end well.
That husky should be put down though. Imagine in that was a baby.

why did the husky attack that poor small dog?

>just put it down
Why? It just killed that fag dog. The husky should did good.
>Imagine in that was a baby.
Well. It wasnt

You're abit of a sociopath aren't you? I think you need to put yourself out there and start meeting other sociopaths. I really think it would be the best thing for you.

It's a dog cafe. That poodle was was extremely out matched
I bet you actually think pitbulls are safe too huh?

That dog cafe be fucked now. People pay thousands for little shits like that.

>It's a dog cafe
lol I didn't even know such a think exist, had to google it, why would you go to a restaurant where there are dogs?

damn no mercy

>why would you go to a restaurant where there are dogs?
Why wouldn't you?

ahhaahah the way it moves its head after it neck got broken ahahahahah

Here you are Someone you should hang out with. I wish you both the best of luck in your relationship! :)

And this is why I hate dogs. Fuck dog owners that say their dog doesn't bite or whatever. Dogs are ticking fucking timebombs. Cats may be antisocial but they don't do shit like this.

Dunno man. But it would have to be better than a restaurant full of kids any day.

yeah ok hahahah that sounds cool

Actually, they kinda do... alot more common than dogs actually...

I've been chased and attacked by multiple dogs, even some owned by family members. I've literally NEVER been attacked by a cat. Besides, cats are small, I'm pretty sure I could take one on if I had to.

You will live with a stroke for the next 100 years, where you will be stuck in a wheelchair, outside in the cold. Little children will hit you and piss on you, and your hands will freeze off in urine.

Because it's a ill trained working dog that belongs outside hanging out inside with toy dogs.

and you couldn't take on a fucking dog? just punch it in the nose or stab at its eyes or something, fucking pussy


dude it's funny as fuck the way the dog moves it's head, and then it sounds shaking like crazy when it heard the mans voice . I mean it's sad it happened, but it's still funny as fuck

My cat brings the remains of mice, birds, and god knows what else to my doorstep daily....often just their organs. Just because your nigger-ass spoiled house cat serves no purpose aside from eating and shitting doesn't mean they're all that way.

Cats freak out way more and for the smallest fucking reasons.

Dogs were domesticated for their hunting abilities. No, I couldn't take on a fucking dog and neither could you without training or a weapon so don't fucking lie. I shouldn't have to be in danger of needing to, either.

Your fault for getting a shitty cat. An indoor cat would serve as stress relief whenever you feel like petting it. Anyway, I don't have any pets, but thanks for assuming.

Fuck you, a cat freaking out (which I've never seen happen anyway so I'm not entirely sure that isn't made up) is a lot less dangerous than a dog doing so.

In the video it's not a human it's attacking. It's another dog. Cats, attack other cats all the time. And you're right, you would have a much better chance of fending off a cat than a dog. Cats however, are known to attack children and infants. Not really any deaths, it's true. However the attack is alot more vicious and the intent to kill is there. It's a shame that you have apparently been attacked by dogs on multiple occasions. Me, who has always had pet dogs and have had friends and family with pet dogs, barring my grandparents as they were cat breeders and competed in cat shows, I always grew up around dogs and not once have I ever been attacked. Multiple different breeds aswell. Usually dogs attack if they are threatened by a stranger, have been abused in their raising or are trained as attack or hunting dogs.

Your dumb as shit.

Are you suggesting that cats don't hunt..?

All I want is for people who own dogs to keep their shit in a leash. I've seen too many people walk their dogs around my apartment building without any sort of leash. I could sue them once their dog snaps, but that's not going to save me from a rabies shot or something.

I'm suggesting their hunting abilities and habits are not why we keep them as pets.

Yes, an indoor cat would be a lot more domesticated and less vicious than an outdoor cat. You are so right. Same holds true for dogs. ;)

You should Google cats freaking out and attacking. You will see the truth.

And have their dogs snapped yet? After the huge amount of unleashed dogs being walked around your apartment building you're saying is happening? Because if not, your argument is void. And is only born of an irrational fear like being afraid of the dark. And in that case, any sort of rational argument will have no effect on your irrational fear.


Only because they aren't as obedient as dogs to be trained. They are the better hunters and would make great hunting pets if they could be trained. And only a very small percentage of dogs are actually kept to be hunting dogs.

I don't go outside, especially when I hear they are walking dogs in the grass area. I've been attacked by dogs behind fences while walking down the street before, too (the dog was able to jump over the fence) and crossing a busy street (and almost getting run over) saved me. Besides, it only takes their dogs snapping once. Just like a gun, it only ever needs to fire one bullet in its entire existence in order to kill an innocent person.

I'm lazy so I won't but I'll take your word for it.

I'm not saying most dogs are used for hunting today, I'm saying that's why they were kept in the first place. Just because you aren't hunting with them doesn't stop them being dangerous animals.

Not shocked, put a huge dog in with a bunch of random little ones especially without constant human supervision, no wonder this shit happens. People forget they're animals not perfect little trained creatures.

I leave Sup Forums for a year and now theres sesitive cucks everywhere. The fuck happened.

all of you

and you in particular


Most people are just responding to the video, how's that bait?

that is the bait

It was me

Majority of dogs are completely harmless to humans, unless they have been mistreated. And I put training them to hunt down prey in the category of veing mistreated aswell. Your irrational fear is getting the better of you. Unless you're living in an area where people are training their dogs to attack strangers, you are living in fear of nothing. And guns have a higher likelihood of killing than a dog bite by the way. Death by dog attack is extremely rare. Worst case scenario, you would have some new scars on your arm, if, and only if, you came across a dog that attacked. Cats on the other hand, especially indoor ones, are commonly known to send their owners to hospital from poisining. Disgusting little creatures have their urine and foeces all over their fur and jump up on every surface.

>posts vid
>gets responses discussing the vid
>people actually talking not calling OP a faggot for posting animal rekt


Oh shit nice get

That edge... Don't cut yourself. 2 3dgy 4 m3

Haha, actually I'd say most people on here have totally forgotten about the video and the bait and are having their own debates.

Dub trips checked

Fucking check'd

and the debates are about dog and their training thanks to the vid

So again where's the bait?

I own a massive German Shepherd, and a tiny Chihuahua who get along extremely well. Size means nothing

Not reading the probably as equally dumb post you're replying to, but.
>guns are more dangerous
A sword is more dangerous than a rock but they can both kill you retard.
>Worst case scenario, you would have some new scars on your arm, if, and only if, you came across a dog that attacked.
That's your worst case? Not loss of life? Not permanent nerve damage and loss of motor function of the limb? The "damage" inflicted is entirely dependent on the breed. It's not like they use police dogs just for show.

If you dumped a larger dog in with a smaller dog and neither of them are well trained or used to one another then it's a whole nother story

this video is here every day flippin the shit and tears out from you fags.
this thread is 100% intended bait.

how did /b turned from fapping to dead chick to crying for a puppy?

Some dogs just attack other dogs for no known reason, also humans especially children so never leave your child along with a dog. Here in Liverpool UK 2 children have been killed by dogs in recent years. My dog attached another in the park last week for no reason, it's owner was going to kick my head in but didn't because my dog would then have attacked him too.

I'm not even remotely phased by that video user. We see humans do this shit to each other why would I care if an animal did that let alone one that was trying to show dominance to another and there's barely any blood?

Not everyone who comes here see's everything, most rekt animal vids I've seen but I actually haven't seen this one so probably the majority haven't seen it either and want to discuss why the dog did it.

You're absolutely right! They can both kill you! And Yes, you're right again! Loss of life would be thecwirst thing that can happen to you! Wow! I even stated that someone could die from a dog attack! Good job picking that up! You're wonderful!!!
However, and this is where your brain will fry you retard, we were talking about his current circumstance of dog owners having their dogs unleashed around his apartment building and the chances of things that would happen to him there... I mean, like, when it comes to dogs, worst case scenario would be thrown into and locked in a room naked and full of starving dogs bred to attack and then be torn to pieces and devoured. But we weren't exactly talking about extreme circumstances... So i feel that you're either a complete dumbass, or decided to make an invalid point out of boredom.

I call bullshit on your park story. And if your dog has been conditioned to attack, then your responsible and should both be put down.

I can't even fucking post. Reddit killed this site.

>But we weren't exactly talking about extreme circumstances... So i feel that you're either a complete dumbass
>state I didn't read the retard you were replying to
>can't comprehend what didn't read means
>Loss of life would be thecwirst thing that can happen to you!
>immediately after claiming a dog can kill you state the worst thing that could happen is some scarring
>even though hundreds of people a year in the US suffer permanent disfigurement and disabilities due to attacks
What's it like being illiterate?

That was my point retard, it's not conditioned to attack you can't trust them that's what I'm saying, and why is my park story bullshit, have you ever been to Liverpool fag ,it's now classed as more dangerous than New York !

Oh wow, you're jealousy of my superior intellect is showing. I explained to you the circumstance for your own benefit, because you told me you didn't know the circumstance. And then you berate me on having to explain it to you, and go on to re-iterate that you didn't know the circumstance. (And you call me illiterate?) Then, I explain to you that yes I did mention that a dog cam kill, but the worst thing that could happen to him in HIS circumstance would probably be some fresh scars. And yet you still try to berate me for stating that fact, even after I explain the difference in circumstances to you, which you berate me for explaining to you.
I get it. You ARE a retard. You should do yourself a favour and close your web browser. Go watch some Dora or whatever show the rest of the special people in your institution are watching.

Ok conditioned to attack may have been inaccurate. Mistreated would be more so. As evidenced by the feral nature of your neighbourhood. Don't even bother trying to explain to me that you aren't feral and Liverpool isn't feral. By your own admission of it being more dangerous than New York, it obviously is.

>have issues properly conveying what you're trying to say
>get upset that people don't understand your superior intellect
Psssh, nothin' personnel Rick and Morty fan...

oh boi... get help


the world doesmt need sick shit like you

I actually had to dumb it down quite alot for you. Only got upset with the sheer arrogance of berating someone when you're clearly wrong. Abd side note, have never seen an episode of rick and morty. Watched about 5 minutes of an episode, and got bored. The humour seemed akin to Ren and Stimpy from the 90's. Very low brow.

mine usually brings the whole thing then after i see it then noms it

Because huskies kill the weak

My 2 cats (who are both dead now) never brought me anything, I busted one with a turkey chick in its mouth and the other with a lizard nearly half its size in her mouth.

Somehow I don't think a chink would be to awfully upset about violence against dogs

lol there are lots of factors that directly influence what will actually happen, not just size and familiarity.

If a cat brings you some of its kill, it means it thinks you're fucking retarded and can't hunt on your own

Sure, but the latters could also just as easily influence the situation

Oh user... That's a really sweet thing to say to me

this shit fucks me up, i watched saint bernard do this shit to my small dog when i was like 8. i fucking hate big dogs bc they could always flip a switch; could have been a baby.

Post some content fuck head

I have 3 cats, 1 old and 2 younger sisters. they are mostly indoors but i usually let them out into the front yard for a couple hours a day. during the summer they hunt lots of grasshoppers, they usually bring them inside and play with them for a while then kill/eat them, so there are quite a few dead ones laying around inside the house. this summer there were a lot more lizards as well

Cats FUCK eachother up you retard

I thought this was a rekt bread

yes but it is definitely not usually the 1 main variable

did you feel sad now? how to be part of your own rekt... go jump from a building and film it

I got two indoor cats who still consider themselves legit hunters. Often I would come home and find three to six dead flies on my bed almost in a neat little pile. I setup a motion camera with a raspberry Pi to see what was going on and it was one of the cats catching them and leaving them for me.

Who the fuck are you, a keyboard Perry Mason, get a life wanker. My dog has never been mistreated, you just can't trust them pussy.

I just never had this, they were inside cats but we lived out in the wilds, so they also roamed in most of the day and came in at night. I legit never got 1 'gift'

Well yeah, we simply don't know, are those random dogs not used to each other? Have they spent years together? Did it have a factor? Was it just their training?

We don't know

Could anyone who is not a complete retard and understands dogs more than the average person explain what the fuck happened in the video? Is the husky unstable or was that normal?

I have been around dogs my entire life, and they snap at each other all the time. But usually they first bark and growl at each other before they go for bites. I have never seen a dog go 0-100 to kill another dog without any provocation whatsoever like that husky did to that poodle (only pitbulls and the like, but they are unstable shit breeds that are bought by owners that like to act 'tough' and encourage aggressive behaviour).

that poodle snapped at the husky. stupid poodles are aggressive like niggers and don't think about the consequences of their actions.

>been around dogs
>doesn't know that that's not a poodle

Could be training, new to each other, simply didn't get along and chink owner didn't understand that. It didn't kill it, went full dominance and since a husky's blow is 100% stronger then a toilet brush froo froo dog, it properly injured it.

lol at the other dog comically trying to run away like in loony tunes/ scooby doo

Neck's broken or fractures/it's in shock so yeah it's gonna look retarded

>around dogs as an owner
>never claimed expertise in dogs or dog behaviour
>hence the question

Yea but asserting dominance isn't bitting the little dogs neck, pinning it down and trying to rip it to shreds. A bite or two (that were assertive but hurt the white shit due to size difference) I would get, but that looked like an attack-to-kill from the get go.