Characters that remind you of yourself

Characters that remind you of yourself

Degree in science, math, engineering, biology or chemistry? Otherwise it's at best a delusion.

Even then. This is bait though, made to piss us off user.

OMG me too bro I'm an atheist and no one in my family undersrands haha go b fuck the haters

MC from Oregairu

In order to be most equitable, one must have a considerable degree of intelligence to comprehend Richard and Mortimer. The comical aspect is superlative in its subtlety, and absent a firm understanding of quantum neutrino fields, much of the aforementioned comedy would be lost upon the common stock consumer of television. Furthermore, whereas Richard's nihilistic personal philosophy - being so inconspicuously threaded into his own being - is so evocative of thoughts contemporary to the Narodnaya Volya political movement, is but another exemplification of this thesis. True fanatics are capable of this astute understanding; they alone being blessed and cursed with the tragic realization: this is not mere humorism, but a much deeper statement on the FUNDAMENTAL TRUTHS of human existence. Perhaps inevitably, those not fanatically engaged in the contemplation of Richard and Mortimer ARE UNEQUIVOCALLY AND OBJECTIVELY buffoons - it should come as a surprise to none that they cannot grasp the irony in Richard's ubiquitous existentialism "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," a literary subterfuge referencing Turgenev's opus, Fathers and Sons. I simper at the thought of such an addlepated simpleton (sic) struggling like a fool as Daniel Harmon exposes his intelligence and strokes it furiously in their presence through the medium of television. Would that they were simply aware of their deficiency... They have naught but my condolences.

Yeah pretty much. I like to troll the trolls into anger though. All you gotta do is double down.

>remind you of yourself
It's not a "characters that you share qualifications and skills with" thread. Jack Sparrow reminds me of a dude I went to high school with, but the kid wasn't a fucking pirate, he was just brainfucked and randomly clever.

No you need to understand real science to claim to get rick in any way. Otherwise you have no idea what its like to go through life surrounded by people who dont know shit about how things actually work.

Elliot alderson

Dude, I have a degree in engineering and I can't even tell you how a car works.

inb4 microverse

I love rick just because he exposes who has the dunning krueger effect

Iq 220 taken by Virginia tech


I can relate to Rick too. I'm a cynical drunk who sees through most of life's bullshit and I don't bother getting involved in the discussions idiots who are misinformed on both sides are having. Like, today at work, a biblical Flat-Earther and a fringe Hallow-Earther were arguing. THey wanted me to weigh in. I just told them "You are both leaking industrial grade stupid. I don't want to get contaminated by it. Talk to someone else."

Pretty much



To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

people who think they're Rick are 100% Jerry's.

Fucking faggot


notice me senpai

perro caca

LOL SAM, I feel bad for you user...
The only character I can think of that I relate most to is Raven or maybe Roger from American Dad when I'm in a good mood.


Aww geez

None, I am, unique

lol bro

dis me

fuck man. the troll got me. somewhere deep in my shriveled heart, a rage storm brewed.

Im more smarter than all the ricks but i still evil and hold grunge against them cuz they hurt us morties.

just that pic is cringey af

Forgot pic

the collective will not tolerate such dissidence

you also forgot to shut the fuck up

I suspect that Morty is the newly elected leader of the Citadel of Ricks.

I bet you're so sUp3r 1337

LMAo an iq test




Did you just f-word me? Im telling mom

Too true



she's busy being my sock puppet


No she is not. And sock puppets are for little kids. What are you 8?


>have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty.

and yet it is one of the most popular cartoons on television. you do that math on that one genius

you've got a point. sock puppets only go on one hand and I'm two fists deep with a foot working its way in so I guess she isn't my sock puppet. I redact my previous post

I'm an old fat schlub but I get pussy.

>got pussy that one time I raped a drunk girl


Kek. I was right and you were wrong. I just CUCKED you. And you admited

jesus dude its a fucking copypasta. newfag


Jesus crist that 2014 9gag meme. I dont even know who is trolling who amymore

Rick and morty is bullshit. I was made to watch 2 episodes and had to explain the jokes to the superfan that insisted i would love it.
It's a thrown together pile of shit like the big bang theory.


Klim Nick was a whole new level of relatable for me.

oh god, you're still on 9gag? fuck man, grow up already

a-user i...

Still would've been a better finale than Rickchurian Mortydate.

>I am highly arrogant
>I fuck with people
>I scheme
>tranny so I forever look like a teenage boy
>age player
>age play daddy has a lot of money and power
>ageplay community love-fears me

I don't want to hear your excuses

>It's a thrown together pile of shit

Thats the joke.


soooooooooo gay


It's kind of a tie between this...

You wish faggot

...and this.

>self deprecating humor is funny

no its cringey just like how seth mcfartlane does it. CRINGE

With a splash of Edmund Kemper. I'm not even joking. I fear for whoever reads my journal. It will probably end up being someone at work. I leave it at my work station during my breaks. I'd probably get fired after.
I might be high and misinterpreting the rules of this thread.

I won't deny it.

I don't know who that is, but I'm pretty sure OP is a faggot. So the character in the pic must also be a raging faggot.

>I am unaware of how much language changes with time

I didn't say that it's funny; just that's just the point of the cartoon.

got em

That's the chagrin falls popcorn shop. I love going there during the summer

Isn't this shit just the old Big Bang Theory copy pasta from like 2006?

Hang on. Let me strap my sides in.
I could fire better crafted comedy from my flaccid dick.



I would be a cartoon draft horse. I'm happy to pull the plow because the farmer gives me carrots. Also, not good looking, not speedy, calm personality, not getting laid because I'm the only horse on the farm.

I should rethink my life choices




"I may be a piece of shit, but at least I know I'm a piece of shit. That makes me better than the pieces of shit who don't know they're pieces of shit. Or is it worse?"


Literally me

I'm horribly introverted, have really long legs and like to be around nice things



But gay

Actually; it's one of the most popular shows because of how fucking simple it is to understand, dirty hippies watch it, and video game fags. Not Alphas

ebin maymay faggot

I also feel a strong connection to Roger.

Again: buy gay
