How 10 Xanax bars fucked my life up

How 10 Xanax bars fucked my life up

Okay so imagine this.

You're working with your (at the time) girlfriend's mother at a Shipping / Recieving Oil company.

Been working there for a good month or so, easy fucking job tbh. Worked in the warehouse. I'd do some drugs on the job, whether it'd be cocaine, xanax and/or weed but I never went overboard... until one friday.

It was the same week I just got paid. Figured hey, it's friday, I'm going relax all day. What's the worst it could happen? Oh boy.

Call up my plug "need 10 bars and a gram of cola, meet me up at my job tomorrow at 7:45 AM" I get the shit and well I popped about 3 bars in the morning.

Of course I don't remember doing too much afterwards, I do remember crushing up bars during work and kept on popping them sumabitches. Along with the coke, mind you.

The entire fucking day was a haze, let alone even remembering the very next day, but all I know was that my parents were yelling at me the next day about how I got fired from my job. I'm like "what the fuck are you even talking about?" Look at my phone, and surely enough, I gotten a text from my supervisor, basically saying "Due to your slow nature and consistent mistakes, we unfortunately don't need you anymore"

Oh, and the mother of my ex-gf knew I was barred tf out, and my gf decided to break up with me. Only reason how I know cause apparently I went on a rant on my snapchat story that "this fucking bitch leaves when I lost my job, what the fuuuckkk"

tl;dr: ya boi took one too many bars and lost his job & gf of over a year

you completely deserved this

now it's up to you to fix your life or not

'Alejandro' you fucking beaner.

Gotten a better job, better girlfriend

Still do xans though. Ya think I would my lesson first time around. Oops

Learn to fucking greentext you mongrel

So, you dun goofed with choices that would make a moron blush and fucked up your life.

What the fuck do you want us to do?


the thing is she left you cause your a junkie not because you lost your job. you fucked up. admit it and move on.

>a bar and a bowl will take the edge off
>three will get you fired

this whole thing is the most cringe worthy shit I've ever seen. kill yourself OP.
>took a couple xanax and lost your job
try waking up in jail 2 and a half hours away from where you live OP. it's very obvious that you're about 17 years old. you didn't fucking anything up. that was a normal Friday night for me at your age. for fucks sake.

Seek God and swear an oath to quit. Browse Sup Forums and learn how you can stop the degeneracy and self improve.

Don't be the generic spic ruining America. Show us why you deserve a place here.


Did they drop those allegations like they're garbage?

get over it faggot no reason to have a cry on Sup Forums

You sound like a worthless socialite who contributes nothing to civilization. I mean Jesus Christ you've got the sense of a fucking retard. You're going to ruin your life and then whine for people to save you. Pathetic degenerate trash

>believe in God
>browse Sup Forums
Terrible advice 2 for 2. It's not healthy to believe in something which requires the believer to forfeit their capacity for intellectual honesty. The hebrew god memes are for morons and weaklings

Drugs are so cool man. Now you can do all the drugs you want. I hear if you suck a penis you can get all the drugs you want. Be the coolest guy ever.

You sound like a loser, sort your like out m8.

>being this much of a degenerate

Dear Alejandro,

it was xanax who fucked you up, and you deserved it.
Social beings dont indulge with that shit and pref doing weed or coke in social situation. Pills are for degenerate and you had it coming because you're a deranged idiot who fucks his shit up at 7:30 AM like a fucking crackwhore during workshift.

Eat shit and die. Also your ex gf did the right thing.


Ya this guy dont speak for Sup Forums.....
But your still retarded op

A bar is 5 whole mg. I take 2mg for my worst panic attacks.

Sup Forums is still full of degenerates. They blame others for all their problems. Wah, I took drugs because dah jooz somehow forced them on me. Even though they were illegal, not sold to me by Jews and I abused them when told not to by society. Da jooZ

this is what happens when you're a degenerate that can't separate work and private life. do drugs in your spare time, not while you're at work you fucking idiot

Storytelling, not asking for advice not what to do.
Okay, awesome my dude. Want a gold star sticker?
Fucking storytelling, I never asked for sympathy or advice so idk why you have your head so far up your ass. Better off just ending it at "retard"
Was a wise decision of hers, gotten a better gf and better job. Still poppin xans but not like before. You seem really mad at a guy that his problems doesn't affect you any way possible

>ya boi
You're not my friend, you're an idiot. Hope this taught you a lesson, dude. Taking drugs on the job? Fucking hell, blud. I'm a social degenerate and even I only work when sober.

i hope you get your ass fired again you dirty beaner faggot

& yeah, it made me learn my lesson. Surely not fucking pop xans @ work

Too good of a worker for them to fire me, try again user

i hope trump kicks faggot spics like you out of the country you junkie faggot, you say you weren't looking for sympathy but you posted for attention on /b

People like you are why society is slowly slipping into a pit. We're only a civilized fucking species when we all collectively agree certain actions aren't acceptable, regardless of how morally, right, or wrong they are. I only wish they called the cops on you.

>Doing xanax and coke at work.
Lowlife scum confirmed.

Weed, okay. But all the shit you listed? Even ONE bar is way too many you fuckwit.

But.. then again you will probably always keep working at metal plants or some shit so enjoy your shit life, fucker.

you shouldn't be doing any drugs at work you fucking idiot.
>consistent amount of mistakes
this is because of the weed and coke too, not just the xanax.

I see you need to take Xanax for your anxiety? Bro, get a prescription for it, or at least medical papers certifying that you need to take that stuff in order to cope. Otherwise you'll continuously run into trouble, because you do need to take those fuckers to maintain your sanity, most likely.

It's a story, and you're only giving the attention by replying, fucking idiot lulz
It's been slipping, what the fuck is your point?

10 bars didn't fuck your life up, son

YOU fucked your life up.

The sooner you accept that, the sooner you can try to make meaningful changes in your life.

you'll fuck up eventually, they catch you with drugs and it doesn't matter, taco gobbling faggot

we're not giving you good attention, beaner. we're telling you how your race needs to be cleansed starting with fucks like you who contribute nothing to society

Yeah man, long hours and good pay?
Don't see an issue in that.
No, it was the 10 xannys. Usually never fuck up when I'm high off of weed or coke.

Racism is only ok against niggers. This is just a sick individual and doesn't represent his race.

>gram of cola

you fucking gimp, who even talks like this?

>too good of a worker
>fired for making consistent mistakes and being high as fuck on the job
try again user

why? there's a larger amount of spics than niggers by volume who fuck up society, imo. i don't mind niggers so much as i hate spics

>Usually never fuck up when I'm high off of weed or coke

Wow what a great employee, they definitely made a mistake firing you

True true. I did accept it but instead of being all insightful, join the crowd and call me a retard, eh?
And being a racist is surely contributing to society right? Irony at it's finest

I just contacted Oceanex Services and told them my name was Alejandro and that I am going to blow them to pieces.

Enjoy the police raid, drug-addict.

Coming from someone who couldn't even remember what the fuck happened yesterday, I'd say what you have to say holds little weight to any reasonable person, but cool story, bro.

This totally wasn't you fucking up your life up, right? it's totally just those darn bars, ambushing you and forcing their way down your throat along with all that coke. lol

You're an idiot, deserve to be fired, and I'm glad it happened to you

YOU fucked your life up, OP. You belong in a garbage can


>having a cry
Great story OP you lost your fuck head job for being a stupid chode sniff
>I never asked for sympathy or advice
thats exactly what your doing

>drugs at work

This is your own fault, you know.

well, considering i do fine in my day-to-day job and don't pop xannies at my job and get fired like a stupid faggot, yeah i'd say i contribute more than you, beaner. and i'm white, so i can get away with popping xannies and drugs anyways

I don't get high at this job I work at, surely the story done showed me what would happen

then why does the message say you make consistent mistakes? if it was the 10 xanax it would have been a one time thing, but judging by the message you received you'd been fucking up a lot at work. I have coworkers like you that are always high on the job, and they think they're so fucking sneaky about it and that nobody notices. they all have the same attitude as you towards the job that it's soooo fucking easy, yet they keep making stupid fucking rookie mistakes and generally being fcking idiots. If you're not able to go to work without being high then you're a fucking addict.
this is coming from a guy who does a lot of drugs myself, I just know when it's acceptable and when it's not.


Nah, there's actual data to backup that niggers are genetically inferior. There's no such data correlating hispanics with underperformance that can't be adjusted for socioeconomic conditions. With niggers, even when adjusting for class, social status, income, and education, they under-perform every other race.

Hispanics are considered white by the US government, anyway, and there's white trash Hispanics just like there's white trash Caucasians.

>spic detected

you said before you're doing drugs at this new place, taco gobbler

fair enough. but op is still a degenerate spic. in an ideal universe there would only be whites anyways

>actual data
Oh, here we go with the race realism bullshit. That """actual data""" you're talking about is either decontextualized (socio-economic context etc.) or non-peer-reviewed, and thus applied wrongly by people with a racial bias. You don't need to falsely use numbers to validate the fact you're racist, just own up to your hatred by yourself. Pussy.

I just call them like I see them, dude. Mexicans are hard workers. You'll never see a group of niggers working like you see Mexicans. As soon as you get a big group of niggers together, the project stops and they all sit around drinking beer. You can put a team of Mexicans on a landscape job and they'll get done in half the time for half the pay.


>nigger detected

I like you.

Thought this thread would die but I guess you guys must love spitting that degenerate talk.
I'm going into work, y'all faggots have a good one.
OP Out (probs gonna hang myself)

>drug addled retard loses job
Are you trying to find someone that cares? You're an empty headed walking pile of trash who's only concern is being as fucked up as possible. You're worthless and a loser. Congrats on being a moron.

I take 1 my of etizolam daily.
I don't take more or less. I don't drink. I don't smoke. I don't do anything over the top. 1 mg helps stable me the fuck out. I just want to chill. My mind is going full blast 24 fucking 7 if I don't take something.

you got fired retard.

Wrong: West-European, genetic heritage stretching back to French royalty and the Vikings. I know this comes as a surprise, but us "Ubermenschen", don't take kindly to retardation, and that includes racial realism bullshit. Go to school, read some books, learn more about the world, because you're all fucking plebs, cucked by your own fear of "dem dere darkies". Cowards.

It's all good, dude, Don't take it personally.

Or no, I take that back, take it personally, but constructively. You just need to make better decisions. In reality, it's hard, but when you come out bragging about bad decisions, people respond badly. You have to quietly come to terms with your life in your own mind for yourself, and just start making better decisions day to day. It doesn't have to be this gigantic overhaul, but if you start doing less drugs, and focus your energy on constructive efforts that will yield greater rewards, such as starting a real family, or a career, you'll feel enriched and fullfilled.

And maybe you'll actually remember the good times. orale wey, and don't forget to call your mom and tell her you love her. She probably worries.

I know that feel Sup Forumsrother. help a guy out a tell me a few places to get etizolam? I am the exact same way.

haha not taking xans id rather be dead
keep on trucking meyedude

no, YOU fucked up your life. Retard.

it happened before, it will happen again.

>the white trash from Sup Forums comes to Sup Forums when they want their trap fix
>can't resist his inbred nature to spread his autistic "muh white pride" shit
>"we wuz nazis!" cries the closet-degenerate inbred filth, as he fondles his micropenis with one hand, and sniffs his red trump hat (which he hasn't taken off for a couple of months)

You make me sick, you disgusting scum. Please end your life, you sad, abhorrent sack of shit

Oh, please, for fuck's sake, you're so isolated, you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. Dream on. As soon as you have experience living in a majority black city, you'll be telling yourself you're a fucking dumbass.

Niggers are not just inferior, they are dangerous and impulsive. Just like pitbulls are a minority of dogs, yet account for the most dog related fatalities, niggers are genetically unsuited for modern society.

kill yourself.

>boohoo I'm scared of blacks waaaah
Poor widdle babies.


You missed the vibe. Are you scared of dogs? Because I sure as fuck am not, because I know what to expect and how to handle them.

sometimes you should fix the problem, and its not on the job site, its in the office...with a gun.

You are a fucking retard and deserve everything bad that happens to you