I need hentai face crops. Mega bonus points for hentai+vaporwave while still being sans-nudity

I need hentai face crops. Mega bonus points for hentai+vaporwave while still being sans-nudity.
See attached image for inspiration.

Out of curiosity, what's that?



Glitched stuff etc. Probably a shitty description, sorry.


>Mfw I'm still not getting it, lol
Sorry bro... care to specify?
(English is not my native language and though I speak it fairly well I'm not familiar with that particular anime or hentai related use of the word glitched...)



It's okay bud, i'm awful at explaining.

What do you need them for? Or is it just because reasons?
I'll post what I have. Would like to get more anime/hentai reaction faces...















>posting regular anime reactions


You're soulless

Yeah, I still have no idea what it precisely is that OP wants. As no one else was posting anyways, I've just dumped all anime reaction pics I have, starting with those that looked as if they might be snipped from hentai. Anyhow that's all I got for now. Care to contribute?

op wants shit like this. Not just general anime faces


Sexually outrageous