Why haven't you made a change for the better yet user?

Why haven't you made a change for the better yet user?

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i have, and it has done me only good!

Good for you user.
inb4 'muh bacon'


meat your doom

Alright everyone knows what to do.




cough cough....Im someone is to behave condescendingly toward them, and to condescend is to behave in an arrogant manner by patronising



>Get Vegicucked

The moment I noticed the graphics said something else, I realized:
a) I'm too often on this board
b) it feels good to be omnivore

How's that jewdick taste?

>He fell for the bacon marketing

Beans make me gasy, I like plants

I would still breed rabbits for food :()


Sadly when you live under extreme conditions. Meat does bring more than grass. Under extreme conditions grain will starve you slowly.

Read up on Chinese food crisis.

Yes I'll be doing that. There are more proper ways to put an animal down.

84% of vegans are gay.

Too costly. Even more so now that stores realize they can charge even more for less with Organic foods.

veganism is cheaper than non-veganism. The cheapest common food sources, such as rice and lentils, are all vegan. The most expensive are all animal products.

>being this insecure

Obviously you don't live in Canada. Vegetables are more expensive than meat here.

Nobody here eats or has eaten tree bark before. I loved tree juice

The longest I went without food was so long, I don't even remember but I remember passing out. Then came the spring and it was alright again. Spring and summer was one season. Lasted 2-3 months then it's cold again. So cold that power was always out and running water was too frozen.

Thank God for birds.

Haven't tried that one.
Otherwise my stomach has met many different animals. You could consider it as a modern Noah's Ark.

Been eating vegetarian for a year now. Used to get sick all the time. Haven't gotten sick at all recently

Meat is just too good. I mean those vegetarian recipes tastes like paper, lets be honest.


In Canada, calories per dollar, almost all vegetables are cheaper than meat. Try again.

Logically it makes zero sense to assume plants cost less than meat, as you have to feed livestock the plants to create the meat. Let alone ship them, slaughter them, handle them, etc. Pulling a plant out of the ground and brushing dirt off it and then shipping it in bulk rather than transport is much more efficient.

But isn't it more efficient to transport concentrated vegetables?

Meat under proper conditions lasts forever.

Why do you think that is?

Because I discovered that while building cryogenics equipment :)

The plant will deteriorate, flesh won't :)

there's a difference between cooking for yourself and eating shitty fast food, faggot

The plant is great and amazing but living off just that will cost a lot of money. I think it has to do with digestion.

vegetable protein isn't the same as animal protein, fuck, there's differences between different animal proteins

cholesterol is good for you, your brain needs it

hormones is a good point, but that only means that CAFO's are evil, eating meat is not

idc about water use, it's there to be used

idc about land use, everything that's alive is using land, let alone animals raised to be eaten

most ppl in america are ominvorous


here's a reason to not believe vegan shit

worship einstein more you disgusting secular humanist

>protein differences
Sure, but you can sustain from any type
Your body produces enough cholesterol without consumption
Soy phytoestrogens do not negatively impact testosterone

meat's more expensive than beans, what a surprise

what does that have to do with anything?

The claim was that veganism was expensive.



anecdotal evidence

maybe you stopped getting std's from ppl on grindr

maybe you switched your job to one less hazardous to your health

we'll never know, but thanks for the evidence you provided, now i'm convinced

good job beating the shit out of a strawman argument

whoever put forth that stupid argument doesn't represent anyone but himself

see Nice try though.

Run and be healthy

i was talking about animal hormones and giving vegans some points for making a good argument

but if you want to talk about soy, just look at all the tiny men in china to see about soy diets

it was literally made above. Follow the chain back. Retard.


also, the amount of soy being subversively shoved into everything we eat by evil ppl like monsanto tells you everything you need to know about soy

So make a chicken coop and enjoy eggs without cruelty if you think soy is of the jew.

Eat maca and fuck like a bull ;)

oh i did follow the chain back, faggot, and whoever said that vegetables were more expensive than meat in canada doesn't represent anyone but his stupid retarded self

so don't feel some sort of triumph over omnivores you dumb vegan, you just beat up a stupid idiot, that's all


>Being this much of a cocksucking fag

that's one of my goals

good job beating the shit out of a strawman argument

Same images. Same faggot.

Going to go out of my way to torture an animal in your name.

It's pretty easy. You change there shit-tray every 2-3 days and feed them once per day. 5 minutes of work per day. Playing with them is also a perk. 2-3 eggs per day with 3 chickens. Each costed like $3 for the hen chick.

i'm a 6'8", 265lb giant who would curb stomp you effortlessly, vegan scum

idk who that fat bitch is in your picture, but she probably doesn't move very much

"this is what your average fat lazy person looks like, oh and she's eating out tonight (whatever that has to do with anything)"

Do you know what cholesterol is OP? Yes, i'm sure you do. A highly negative stigma is associated with cholesterol and many people think of it as a universally bad substance in food.
Well let me enlighten you a bit.
Cholesterol is building block and necessary substance for the production of sex hormones in a persons body. Yes you read that correctly. Cholesterol is necessary for men to produce testosterone and women produce estrogen. Have you ever wondered why vegans look like somethings wrong with them. You can't quite tell but something is off right? You may have thought this about a person and then later learned that they were vegan. To pin point what that strange thing is. They look.. androgenous. They lack the necessary cholesterol in their diet to make them develop into a distinctually seprate sex from another sex. Sure they still have a dick or pussy. But their sexual parts are likely small as fuck (unless its a fat woman, who would then just have proportionately small boobs)
Cholesterol is found strictly in animal products. Yes thats right. And it is a necessary part of ALL cellular structure and communication between cells in a persons body.
One may claim that a persons own body produces its own cholesterol but we were NOT genetically designed to produce ALL of our own cholesterol because in fact our ancestors did eat meat and eggs and obtained much of thier cholestrol through that process. Our bodies developed in a fashion that expected needed cholesterol from our diet.
Are there are excessive amounts of cholesterol? for sure, but many studies actually show that a healthy amount of cholesterol from animal products INCREASES your blood profiles health.

TLDR? You are obstaining from healthy nutrients that allow your body to function more properly and attract members of the opposite sex as well as properly regulate your sexual libido.

no wonder so many gay, ugly, sexually confused people are vegan. And they all want you to be the same way.

Why do meat eaters get so angry whenever they're proven wrong? Does a hormone in the meat cause brain inflammation?

Except that isn't remotely true. 1lb beef. $3.50.
Two heads of Broccoli, $5.00. 450 grams of Mushrooms $4.00. Then you have the prices of shit like Tofu and the like. I couldn't possibly afford to switch to an all Vegan diet. It's just too costly, especially when I just do not find vegetables as filling.

But the audience we are trying to reach isn't someone who lives in extreme conditions. You have a phone tablet or comphter. You probably have the resources to purchase your own food. Even if money is an issues it's still cheaper to eat vegan than to include meat in your diet

I quit most of meat two weeks ago. I still eat fish, but I'm planning on quitting that too. Eventually it'll be nice to be vegan, but I'm going step by step.

not too long, did read

Grass makes cummies better :)

I made a change for the better when I stopped eating completely defenseless oxygen factories and stated eating greenhouse gas producers that could run away if they wanted to.

>overweight BMI
you'd probably get tired after one haymaker fatshit
go eat a salad 29.1

nice fake news

you must live really far north where it's easier to kill a moose with a shotgun than to grow brocoli in the ground

you might as well say that it's cheaper to eat penguin in antarctica than to import vegetables

Pineapple makes it sweet

No I don't.


There are also countless vegetarian forums that bitch about the exorbitant cost of fruits and vegetables in Canada.

Ay ;)


can't live without bacon, don't give a fuck how horrible they are treated or die....... cause fuckin bacon

One pound carrot = 1 dollar
One pound beef = 38 cents

265lb overweight for 6 foot 8?

according to whom? some dumbshit gov't nutrition scale? they want to make womyn of us.

you'd probably die after one punch


They are raised to be food, by chosing to not eat the food, their entire lives are in vain.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

You didn't realize the dude was a moron by his usage of the horribly fucking flawed BMI scale?


And if you want more reasons, all the cooking recipes who use meat that you can find in France.

This isn't CNN. Stay mad faggot.

Because steak is fucking delicious.

When demand decreases less is manufactured.

you're a loser just because you pictures saved


Two reasons.

Cost: The shitty CDN dollar makes for costly vegetables since a lot is imported where our meat is homegrown. You know there is a problem when you can get two chocolate bars for 1$ but would only get 1 apple for that price.

Flavour: I've had vegan meals and if prepared by good cooks they taste great. I however am not a good cook, but want my food to taste flavourful. Meat products are simple and require very little extra spices to add to the taste. To get Vegan food to taste like their meat counterparts requires some effort.

i know what bmi is, i also know that whether you are overweight is a matter of interpretation with respect to that number

i'm sure the gov't tells everybody what bmi means because we're too stupid to know how to be healthy ourselves

Stay uninformed.

so it is because you're too far north, so i'm right

How about a link to said study?

All I can say to that is

If you consider Canada too far north then sure.

you can tell cholesterol is good for you because of all the pharmaceutical ads on tv telling you to reduce your cholesterol

i don't need to see anything else


"You better do it asshole" - veggies
"I'm not doing it asshole" - normal people
"I guess if everyone else did it first" - everyone else.

too far north to grow its own vegetables

are you happy now?


Studies older than 2 years are outdated and not reliable