Your buddies sneak into your locker and put a brand of super heat balm in your undies

Your buddies sneak into your locker and put a brand of super heat balm in your undies.

Guaranteed to leave you hopping around with your privates on fire, as they howl in laughter and smack your rear end with a towel.

Would you get a boner?

this is pretty gay





you got tits?






















I would get even, by beating their asses

Wrong! I have you, spider fag.

It's true love!



>I would get even, by beating their asses
Where's your sense of humor?



It's when

You ever get icy hot or anything similar on your cock? I have twice. It is quite irritating. So no, no boner.

One of the worst feelings I've felt is when I took an icy hot patch off my neck during a migraine and then took a shower to try to relieve the pounding in my head (nerve injury). Immediate and immense seating pain. Do not recommend.