This actually happend to me about 2 years ago

This actually happend to me about 2 years ago.

>be me
>mexican american national sozialistische
>be in history class with a fgt teacher
>never shuts up about the LGBTQ
>we get to the ww2 section
>teacher rants on how hitler is the evilist person to live and that he hated the gays just because
>i interrupt him mid sentence to say "hitler dident hate the gays just for the shits and giggles he targeted then due to the sub human qualitys of homosexuality, he wanted a perfect race useing the german people, homosexuality is unnatural and would not continue the aryan race. Dummköpf"
I actually said this
>teacher gets über triggered and sends me to the office
>im instantly sent back because the office ladys knew the teacher was overreacting
>returns to class, everyone is calling me a savage
>rest of the period we watch allied propaganda
>when class ends the teacher keeps me in, tells me if i dont retract my statment i will get a F in the class
>i refuse to retract my statment
I actually u got a F becuase of that teacher *us education system at its finest*
>i complain to the office
>they dont do shit
>for the rest of the year i am targeted and physically and verbally harrassed by many far left retards and fgts so basically the gay rights club
>i again complain to the office seem to not do shit

Mfw next year gay rights club was disbanded by the school due to harassment of students

I'm unclear why you think anybody cares? You flew your teacher a giant middle finger and she flew one right back. Sure there's nothing they can punish you for, but... you played with fire and you're actually pissed off that you got burned? THAT'S what makes you just as stuck up as she is.

You voiced your opinion. Nothing more American than that. Fuck that teacher.

Being a Nazi is totally not cool man.

Did you just assume his teacher's gender?

As a former teacher, I feel confidant in my assumption.

Do you want us to pat you in the back? Fuck off.

Fuck that institutionalized acceptance. Good for you, OP.

Anything come of the teacher?

Similar thing happens to me with my science teacher who was our Student Venture (Christian club) moderator.

Had Metallica lyrics on my own binder (not science. Not hers) for the song Creeping Death.

All the song is about is talking about the biblical plagues of Egypt. Her own fucking cannon.

She takes my binder writes me up for 3 days OCR and some Saturday school bullshit.

When I go to the office, they side with her until she can't provide the book. Magically, a week later she comes back with a picture of the cradle of filth single 'I raped the virgin marry and hung the bastard christ" saying it was what was on there.

Flipped my shit. Proved my case. Bitch got in a ton of trouble, ended up leaving the next year.

Fuck you, Streebie

Yeah I'm a teacher too.

let me say this on behalf of all faggot, we aren't all that retarded
some are just normal people carrying out their sexuality in private, some aren't even far left libtards
also i kinda see where hitler was coming from, i feel like shit when thinking about the fact i'll never have children of my own descent

Did i say i wanted a pat on the back?


dude, its okey to say your opinion, but your speech was like a statement and that can hurt people, the thing is to say that thats what hitler said, but dude dont be that retarded

he said 'hitler didn't hate the gays for [...]' retard

Its 'Dummkopf' you fucking sandnigger. Hitler would've gassed you too.

>homosexuality is unnatural and would not continue the aryan race

It auto corrected
>thats why you dont use apple

Why would english autocorrect use a word with "ü"?? Stop trying so hard.

Throw a stick at the internet and you hit about a billion "teachers"

>german keyboard

Yeah high school's rough bro

>mexican american national sozialistische
¿Felipe Calderón? ¡Qué chingados haces por aquí?

Ay, no, ya lo capto. Eres la Margarita.

Why does a "maxican american" use a german keyboard? You are no where near being Herrenrasse. You wouldve been put to work, fagit.

Did i also forget to mention that im learning german?

Schön für dich.

Sorry, aber wir brauchen keine Möchtegern-Arier.

genau das,
auf den zug, pablo

Hör auf die Beiden, Alejandro.

Danke für dem sarkasmus. :)

"Den" du Untermensch. Sakasmus ist ein Nomen, wird groß geschrieben. Geh lieber Trumps Mauer bauen.

>Mfw next year gay rights club was disbanded by the school due to harassment of students
Sehr gut.

Es tut mir leid, dass ich eine Sprache lernen will.

du hättest subtiler vorgehen sollen

Es geht um das 'warum' du Spasti. Du willst Deutsch lernen weil du dich mit Nationalsozialisten identifizierst. Die hätten dich allerdings vergaßt weil du "sub human qualities" hast, um dich da mal zu zitieren.

You should have killed that faggot
Kill yourself faggot

Du kannst die Sprache gerne lernen, Pedro.
Dann müssen wir nicht extra Englisch können, um dir deine Befehle im Arbeitslager zu geben.

Braucht dir nicht leid tun, wir Österreicher müssen Hochdeutsch auch erst in der Schule lernen.
Was subtiler? Er hat gesagt was gesagt gehört.

I love how me humiliating myself for trying to speek german on Sup Forums began just because dummkopf was auto corrected to have a umlaut "o"


Danke mein führer für die unterstützung, du bist ein guter freund.

>Danke mein Führer für die Unterstützung, du bist ein guter Freund.
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